Rating hoods for the kitchen: popular manufacturers

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Estimation of the necessary kitchen appliances such as hoods conducted taking into account the multiple indicators, based on their popularity among buyers. Statistical data analysis allows us to understand that a common approach to such record-keeping is not It exists, but a careful study of the various sources can be made sufficiently concrete conclusions as builds rating and on what criteria when buying hoods should pay attention.

Comparing the degree of popularity of extracts known in the world market reputable manufacturers should be noted that their products for kitchen, featuring some technical parameters, a set of options is mainly qualitative and user-friendly operation. The following rating may testify only about the extent of consumer demand, noting that the first character the most demanded brand.


  1. Manufacturers of home appliances - a comparative analysis
  2. Selection of hoods - what to look for
  3. Assessing the appearance and the way of functioning

Manufacturers of home appliances - a comparative analysis

  1. Elikor, being reputable by a Russian company, has been recognized, thanks to the original design of high quality, equipped with modern options models.
  2. Kronasteel only offers excellent performance products, being constantly in the search for technical improvements.
  3. Cata use on production lines only high quality material that ensures durability and the reliability of the extracts of the old company.
  4. Gorenje has attracted the attention of the typological variety of hoods with an exclusive design.
  5. Bosch offers a compact, feature-rich products with of durable and stylish stainless steel body. Production is famous for the excellent work wear.
  6. Maunfeld quickly gaining popularity, thanks to the orientation to different social strata, offering decent tools for cleaning the kitchen atmosphere at low prices.
  7. Gefest offers easy-to-use, reliable products with a beautiful exterior design.
  8. Asko is specialized in the production of fairly expensive and powerful models with exquisite concise design.
  9. Best won a well-deserved tribute, thanks to the creative approach to the external design of the unusual air pollution control equipment.
  10. Ardesia prefer to produce high-quality, modern equipment at reasonable prices.
  11. Shindo attracts rich technical equipment and original exterior design of the proposed models.
  12. Hansa is different from other manufacturers guideline to create an inexpensive air pollution control technology with good performance.
  13. Jet Air is known for expensive, having a sophisticated design and a simple control system.
  14. Lex makes it possible to buy a stylish, compact hood at a reasonable price.
  15. Akro finds admirers among lovers of small appliances, well-functioning and does not cause excessive noise disturbance.
Extractor hood with touch controls

A careful analysis allows us to understand that all manufacturers take into account the needs of different social categories, allowing you to make a decent choice.

Selection of hoods - what to look for

A decision on the preferred brand is not decisive, since in the range of every reputable manufacturer presented different types of air cleaning products for the kitchen. When choosing a model, it is advisable to carefully study the rating, built on key indicators.

Depending on the dimensions of the hood are most buys width of 0.6 m, the following steps are products with an exponent of 0.5 and 0.9 m, respectively. Analyzing the demand for performance modifications, it is possible to provide the following sequence ranges from the most popular (in m3):

  1. 300,1 ÷ 500,0;
  2. 500,1 ÷ 700,0;
  3. 700,1 ÷ 900,0;
  4. > 900,1;
  5. ≤ 300,0.

We must not forget that the performance is directly proportional to the size of the kitchen. To avoid mistakes in the selection, it is necessary to calculate its volume, multiply by 10 and the result multiplied by another coefficient equal to 1.3.

To keep silence in the open spaces of the kitchen, you need to pay attention to the technical specifications, where manufacturers specify these values. The figure of 36 dB and below is considered to be the most comfortable. Dimensions of the device are selected according Square hob.

If we take into account the type of control, the devices for reducing the degree of popularity are located in the following sequence:

  1. Touch, offering the possibility of remote control modes.
  2. Push-button, remains the most familiar and reliable.
  3. Slide.

Assessing the appearance and the way of functioning

Considering such an important criterion for the kitchen as a design, you can make a rating, which allows to understand which models are the most attractive:

  1. Polnovstraivaemye modifications are attractive in small kitchens, as visually cluttering them. The most popular among them are recognized by the device with a sliding panel.
  2. Dome hood has a high performance and stylish looks at an affordable cost.
  3. Suspended items hit the possibility of convenient placing them on the bottom surface of the kitchen cupboard.
  4. Visor kinds of extracts have a classic shape, compact dimensions. They do not have much power, so operate silently.
  5. Island species become relevant if you want to fix the hood to the ceiling, equipped kitchen, central studio island with hob.

According to the method a priority operation has recently enjoyed variety extracts performing purification of air masses with a filter. They are more compact, which is located anywhere in the kitchen, available for installation than similar devices, require special pulling hose to drain the cleaned air flows through the ventilation mine. The second position if the amount of this parameter rating occupy a combined drawing, connected to the ventilation channel, but capable of functioning autonomously.

Recirculation hood manufacturer Miele

There are other criteria to which attention is drawn. Material - plastic, metal, glass serves as an indicator of operational durability. Beautiful lights play a role, if the kitchen is a place for a long intimate gatherings. Color solution makes it possible to solve different problems. If you create a low-key interior, from color to avoid dissonance. In the case of the landmark on looser contemporary solutions can be identified hood, picking up her unusual coloring, contrast to the rest of the interior and supported by several decorative touches, for example, the same saturated napkins on the table.

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