The lock on the refrigerator: select the appropriate option

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"I do remember that yesterday bought butter, sausage, yogurt and put in the fridge. I open - empty! ". Familiar situation for many families. No matter for what reason was not in the right products. Someone created this problem neighbors, someone the younger generation. A slimming ladies on a rigid diet and themselves can not remember what the unconscious ate at night. They even own photos and ominous warnings on the mini-magnets do not stop. And in almost every family, this problem arises in anticipation of the holidays - the sight of so many delicious foods, which are intended for feast and wants now. All these troubles have a simple solution - the lock on the fridge.


  1. Forms and possibilities
  2. "Baby" latch
  3. The magnetic fastener
  4. Latch
  5. locking locks
  6. To help losing weight
  7. Safe storage of medicines
  8. Remote control

Forms and possibilities

Such a method insulate household refrigerators against unauthorized access has long been known. He is often ridiculed in video and photo-jokes, but over time many appreciated the benefit of these locks. After all, they are reminded of the dangers of a mini-night snack, help prevent minor problems, and sometimes openly tragic cases. Wide range of locks: with timer, magnetic, on the remote control and others.

"Baby" latch

Application of domestic locks in the first place is dictated by concern for the safety of children. Besides the fact that almost grown up kids like everything to taste and scatter, they also strive to leave the door open. Such treatment does not like either to the refrigerator or electric meter. And the consequences of broken bottles or heavy container falls from a height normal parents even imagine scary. It fits the easiest mini-castle to avoid it in the fridge, securely locking the door in the closed position.

The magnetic fastener

It is a flexible tape with adhering disks at the ends, it can be easily attached to the wall and the refrigerator door, and then the child will not have enough strength to open it. The main thing that Velcro was for him at an unattainable height. Stand magnetic locks 150 to 450 rubles and can be used not only for protection of the refrigerator, but also on the oven door, washing machine or dishwasher (see photo - Multi-Purpose Safety 1St).

The lock on the fridge Safety 1St


This home castle with mini-lever a little more powerful, but it works on the same principle: the child with his hands to unfasten it can not. Designs a lot of protective mechanisms, and each manufacturer offers its know-how. They have almost any store products for children. The average value of the catches ranges from 200-550 rubles. In the photo - a neat castle from DreamBaby for 350 rubles.

The lock on the fridge DreamBaby

locking locks

In the hostel or a communal apartment refrigerator should be protected not from children, but from unscrupulous neighbors, otherwise the next morning you will have nothing to eat. The easiest way to fasten to the door and the wall of the metal eyelets and hang them on a mini-representative granary locks. To mount a neater look, it can be painted in the color of the refrigerator.

Working carefully, otherwise the screws can damage the insulating layer in the housing. Drill holes in advance, making them slightly smaller in diameter than the hardware thread.

Combination lock on the refrigerator performs the same function as the other castles and, judging by the photos, did not spoil the appearance of the equipment. In the market there are lots of different models, but they all work the same pattern. After entering the access code combination products will be opened. Electronic model (see. photo), as a rule, have a backlight, so that night mini obstacle to foreign food neighbors see and understand a hint.

Combination lock on the fridge

To provide your own refrigerator combination lock have to work a little. On the body will need to fasten the bar on what equipment still suffer slightly. But the capture of the castle can be adjusted to be installed on the door of any configuration. The price of these models is above average, but nothing complicated installation. The only thing - do not forget the correct code.

Household mini-refrigerators, performing the function of the bars can be initially purchased in a set with a combination lock or a simplified version of the keys.

To help losing weight

Behavior "diet" locks are much more intelligent. They do not prohibit members of the household to look into the home refrigerator, but limit the intensity and number of raids. For example, do not allow impunity there at night, by resorting to various tricks:

  • Alarm timer notifies the loud sound of the door opening in a prescribed period. You do not want to wake up the family at night - without suffering a sandwich until the morning.
  • Quiz - such an original lock on the fridge as there is only one form. But creativity Fridgelock (pictured) does not allow to pass by this wonderful idea.
The lock on the fridge Fridgelock

Before the magnetic mini-guard will open the refrigerator door, you have to "communicate" with a lock and answer his question correctly. Riddles are offered from many different areas of knowledge and with the help of literature in the house or the Internet is easy to solve. Grown-up children who like snacks, this way you can even encourage to study. But you yourself each time will have to decide whether to unplanned sandwich in order to look for the right information at night.

Safe storage of medicines

For safe storage of medicines in the sales area pharmacies, laboratories, diagnostic centers and other health care facilities are used pharmaceutical refrigerator with a lock. They usually represent cabinet with glass or opaque door. From well-known manufacturers of such equipment can be noted company Pozis with its series Paracels pharmaceutical refrigerators.

Pharmaceutical refrigerator with a lock

Remote control

Such locks are found on virtually all refrigerators in major retail outlets. However, you can buy a suitable home option on the remote control to everyone in the family to remember who's in charge.

The advantage of remote-controlled locks over other types - setting them inside the chamber, and not outside. The remote control operates within 50-70 meters, but constipation can be put only on one door.

Electronic lock on the refrigerator does not require prodelyvat technique extra holes. So the risk of insulation damage or provoke a thin metal corrosion is not. But also reliable protection it does not provide - rather establishes a psychological barrier when you want to eat at night or just after school snack pulls.

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