Finishing the apartment in a new building

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  1. Types of decoration of the apartment
  2. Smart choice
  3. Acceptance of apartments with a finishing finish
  4. Summary

With shared construction or the purchase of an apartment in a new building, future residents are faced with different types of finishes that are significantly different from each other. If the finish involves the presence of already completed repairs, then in the case of a draft, the future owner lays on the shoulders implementation of all its stages. The choice will depend on whether you are ready to spend additional money and time on further reconstruction of the apartment. In order to make the right decision, you need to figure out what the rough finish of the apartment, final and final, how do they differ and which of the options will be more beneficial for you in a particular situation.

Finishing the apartment

Types of decoration of the apartment

When buying a home in a new building, the following finishing options are usually offered:

  • fair;
  • prefinishing;
  • rough.

Fine finish

It includes a complete list of finishing work necessary for a comfortable stay. The quality and cost of materials, as well as some types of work, vary depending on the class of housing. After the acquisition, the owner receives an apartment that is completely ready to move in, the price of which already includes all the costs of the arrangement.

Finishing in a new building

Finishing is called turnkey repair. It will not differ in originality, but it allows you to immediately enter the apartment or rent it out.


Most of the repair work was carried out on the premises, with the exception of the finish. However, the apartment is almost ready for living. The buyer has the opportunity to change the interior of his own free will or just finish the repair. This option is cheaper than a turnkey finish and allows you to minimize the funds and labor required for repairs.

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Includes the required minimum required for putting the house into operation:

  • in the apartment screed;
  • installed heating batteries;
  • there are water supply and sewage;
  • power supply was partially carried out, without designing connection points and detailed wiring;
  • there are windows, but usually without window sills and slopes, front door.
Rough finish

Roughing does not include plumbing and interior doors.

Despite the fact that when choosing an apartment with a rough finish you will have to invest a decent amount in the repair and wait a few months before moving in, this option has its advantages:

  • you can implement any ideas, create a unique design;
  • there is no need to get rid of the unsettling low-quality finish from the developer.

Smart choice

If you want to independently choose materials for repair, the most attractive will be the purchase of an apartment that has a pre-finished finish. A similar option is often found in housing economy and business class. In these apartments, the necessary minimum conditions for living are created and opportunities are provided for self-completion of repairs.

Preliminary finishing differs from the final one in a lesser degree of readiness of an apartment for occupying tenants in it and should include:

  • Carrying out the installation of the electric network and checking its readiness for operation.
  • Installation of window blocks and installation of window sills, slopes and ebbs.
  • Work on the installation of partitions and installation of interior doors.
  • Installation of the heating system, including all necessary devices for heating the room.
  • Bringing water and sewage to the plumbing connection points.
  • Leveling the surface of walls and floors, preparing the ceiling.
The smart choice of finishes

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The apartment with preliminary decoration can be occupied with parallel repairs, which, if necessary, it can be carried out in stages or in time with financial difficulties. The biggest plus in this type of work carried out by the builder will be the ability to independently select materials for the finish, which will create a design in the desired style.

Acceptance of apartments with a finishing finish

In the process of inspection of the apartment with a finishing finish before acceptance you need to know what work should be done and what you should pay closer attention to.

Floor screed

Typically, the roughness of the rough surface of the base is covered with a concrete screed, on which the desired floor covering is subsequently laid. The screed should be strong and of high quality, without cracks and bumps. Minor irregularities are allowed, but within the established norm. At the joints of the walls and the floor, all joints must be glued with soundproof tape.

Floor screed in a new building

Arrangement of ceilings

The surface should be flat and not have noticeable marks at the joints of the plates. The ceilings, as with the fine finish, should be evenly whitewashed and have a finished look. Finishing work is carried out in such a way that, if necessary, it was possible to install a stretch or drywall construction, and in their absence, the ceiling would not spoil the appearance of the room.

Wall alignment

Walls over the entire area should be plastered and putty-finished, have a smooth vertical surface without sagging and mowing corners. In some areas, an error of not more than 1-2 mm is allowed. On the walls there should be no cracks and chips, peeling of material, traces of a spatula.

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Heating system

It is installed in accordance with all regulatory documents. Elements of the heating system must fit symmetrically into the space allotted for them. Radiators are installed at the same height relative to the floor. Batteries must have all the necessary brackets for reliable fixation, as well as Mayevsky cranes that allow air to be released.

Heating system in a new apartment

Windows installation

At installing windows No gaps between the window unit and the wall are allowed. The fittings should function properly, and the surface of the glass should not have cracks or scratches. All window sills are installed at the same level, their size and configuration should not impede the flow of air rising from the batteries.


Full plumbing installation only provides for finishing, and in the case of pre-installed water supply and sewerage system, which is jammed at the connection points plumbers. The water supply must be in good condition and have the taps necessary for the functioning.



The final wiring device is regulated by the project, which may not include the installation of switches and sockets. But wiring work is a prerequisite and must be performed throughout the apartment, after which the owner decides whether to leave the network elements in the same place or move them.

Elements of electrical wiring of the apartment


Possessing even an approximate knowledge of building codes will make it easy to understand various offers on the housing market and choose the most profitable financially and suitable for individual needs option.

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