Drywall on walls without frame: on plaster and foam


  1. Advantages of leveling GKL walls without a frame
  2. The essence of the frameless method of fastening GKL sheet
  3. Preparing walls for gluing drywall sheets
  4. Additional wall treatment
  5. Technology for frameless installation of drywall sheets
  6. Glue sheet
  7. Fixing a sheet to a wall on a mounting foam
  8. A few words about safety

I want to align the partitions in the apartment with drywall, but it is a pity to lose precious centimeters, which are already lacking? Install drywall on walls without a frame. This method is even simpler - you do not have to bother with installing the profile. It will save space and create no less perfect surfaces. Even without a wealth of experience in repair, this task can be dealt with on your own.

Installation of drywall on walls without frame

Advantages of leveling GKL walls without a frame

This method of mounting a GKL sheet:

  1. Economical in materials.
  2. Takes less time.
  3. Produces less trash and dirt.
  4. Installation and decoration are completely done with your own hands, so you can feel like a pro.

Via Gypsum plasterboard any wall can be leveled: brick, concrete, wooden.

Procedure for leveling walls with drywall frameless method

For the installation of GKL sheets on the wall, it is necessary to purchase special adhesives. The most popular of these are Knauf and Volma mixtures. You can also mix gypsum putty with a small amount of PVA glue.

The essence of the frameless method of fastening GKL sheet

Drywall installation on walls without a frame is carried out using a special composition. They glue the sheet on the base surface. The joints are putty and reinforced with tape. After the primer, the wall is ready for finishing - wallpaper, decorative boards are glued to it, or painting is done at your discretion.

Glue application on drywall sheet in frameless installation

Since the sheets themselves are small in thickness, the total area of ​​the room is almost unaffected. They are convenient to use when leveling the walls of small rooms: a bathroom, pantry, loggia, and in other places where every centimeter of space is important.

Preparing walls for gluing drywall sheets

HELPFUL INFORMATION:Where and how to use moisture resistant putty

Before you begin installing drywall without a frame, you must clean the wall from the old finish.

  • Wallpaper is easier to remove with a spatula, after wetting them with water using a sponge or spray. An excellent soaking effect is obtained when using a steam generator.

It is difficult to remove paint from a concrete wall, but it is necessary, otherwise the composition for gluing GKL will either not stick to it or tear it off the base. As a result, the sheet will not hold.

  • Old plaster is tapped to detect hidden delaminations. Remove damaged and suspicious parts to a solid base.
Removing paint from a concrete wall

If the layer of plaster is thick throughout the wall, it makes sense to remove it entirely with a puncher or hammer with a chisel. This will help to save additional centimeters of usable space.

Additional wall treatment

Proper wall treatment before attaching drywall sheets to a wall without a frame is extremely important.

  • Carry out an audit of the wall itself - close up the cracks, lay holes from the old communications, throw a solution at the place where large pieces of plaster fell out of.
  • If necessary, drill in the recesses for the sockets, switches and wiring. Wiring and junction boxes should be installed.

Insulation of the latest generation wires allows you to not pack them in a fireproof corrugation, so it is enough to simply attach them to the wall with clamps.

  • Remove rubbish; use a brush or vacuum to collect dust from walls and floors.
  • To glue firmly on the surface of the wall, it is evenly primed. In areas with fresh plaster, the primer is absorbed more strongly, so here it is applied in two, or even three layers.
Cracks in the wall

During installation under the GKL sheets, a poorly ventilated air gap remains. In rooms with high humidity there are created optimal conditions for the development of various kinds of rot and fungus. Antiseptic treatment of the base wall will help to avoid this danger.

  • Since the GKL sheet has large (2500 x 1200 mm) dimensions, release a suitable, level, even area on the floor to work with it.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:Plasterboard ceilings for a children's room (8 photos)

GKL can be mounted only when the wall is completely dry, after all the procedures.

Technology for frameless installation of drywall sheets

Before gluing drywall to the wall, you need to set the general level. Using a mounting rule and a plumb line, vertical deviations of the surface are measured. On the floor and ceiling, there is a line to align the wall in length.

A sheet of gypsum plaster is immediately spread out over the entire wall. To reduce the amount of work, it is better to buy sheets according to the height of the room or more. Then you do not have to adjust and putty the horizontal joints.

Methods of applying glue when leveling walls using GCR

GKL can be mounted on walls in two ways.

Glue sheet

Mounting technology will vary slightly depending on the degree of curvature of the walls.

If the differences on the wall are less than 4 mm, then the adhesive composition is evenly applied to the perimeter of the GKL sheet using a notched trowel. The sheet is installed in the chosen place, pressed and aligned, applying a rule to the surface and tapping it with a rubber hammer, not forgetting to check it with a building level.

Important! The adhesive solution sets quickly. Experimentally find out how much you need to breed in order to have time to develop it in one go.

A wall with a difference of up to 2 cm will require thicker glue. It is applied to the surface of the drywall sheet with cakes about 5 cm high at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Installation is carried out similarly to the method described above.

If the wall has differences of 4 cm or more, additional work remains. In the recesses, it is necessary to stick additional beacons from GKL scraps. There is another method: fill the right place with polyurethane foam, and after drying, cut it off at a general level.

GKL fastening using adhesive mortar and self-tapping beacons

Subsequently, the adhesive composition is applied to the dried up beacons and directly to the wall. The sheet is pressed to the glue and leveled in all directions.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:Assembling a frame from a metal profile for drywall

Fixing a sheet to a wall on a mounting foam

Wall cladding in this way is more laborious, however, it will provide greater reliability of fastening, regardless of the curvature of the surface.

  • GKL sheet is pressed against the wall. At its corners, and in 4-6 places, drill holes in the wall, making marks. The sheet is pushed to the side, and the resulting marks are drilled and hammered into the dowels.
  • On the sheet, deviating from the holes of the centimeters by 10-15, stick pieces of the shock absorber (foam rubber, foam rubber). This distance is necessary for the free expansion of the foam. The thickness of the sponge depends on the differences on the wall. Ideally, they should be the same.
  • The sheet is pushed against the wall. Screws with wide hats or a fitted washer are screwed into the dowels. They regulate the level, creating a smooth surface. Similarly, the remaining sheets are mounted.
  • After checking the rule, a hole is drilled near each self-tapping screw. The tube for pumping the mounting foam must enter it effortlessly. Foam is pumped through the hole into the cavity. It should form a pillow between the wall and the sheet. The amount of foam is determined empirically in advance. After the foam has hardened, the screws are removed.

Regardless of the way GKL was attached, holes and joints are rubbed with putty. After drying with sandpaper, all roughnesses are equalized, bringing the wall into perfect condition.

GKL fastening on polyurethane foam

Do not rush to start decorating the wall with decorative materials. The glue base sets quickly, but it will take at least a day to dry completely.

A few words about safety

Work with GCR generates a lot of dust. Inhaling it will not add health to anyone, therefore it is better to protect yourself with a respirator. You should also make sure that the dust does not penetrate into living quarters, curtained openings with a damp cloth.

Construction respirator

As you can see, gluing drywall to the wall with your own hands is not such a difficult task. For this, it is not necessary to invite the wizard of the corresponding profile. It’s enough to have patience, a little experience, and you will succeed.



Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Master Station Wagon

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