What windows are better to put in the apartment?

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  1. Components of window construction
  2. What does a profile consist of?
  3. PVC profile classification
  4. Manufacturers Rating
  5. Types of double-glazed windows
  6. Hardware
  7. Window Measurements

During the repair we must not forget about the "mirrors of the soul" of our home - the windows. When choosing between wooden or PVC structures, few people today prefer wooden windows that are expensive and troublesome to care for and install. Plastic constructions are a modern answer to the last century. But they are also divided into types and categories that differ from each other in many ways. We will find out which windows are better to put in the apartment and how not to get confused in their diversity.

PVC windows in the apartment

Components of window construction

Before changing old windows to plastic, it is necessary to study their main components: correctly selected elements ensure the reliability of the entire structure. Plastic window consists of:

  • profile;
  • double-glazed window;
  • fittings.

Each of these elements is divided into different types and is selected depending on future operating conditions.

Window construction

What does a profile consist of?

Profile - the supporting base of the PVC window, on which the double-glazed window is held. A profile includes three elements:

  • a frame;
  • glazing bead;
  • sash.


The frame is a deaf element that is mounted in a window opening. When choosing a window, you need to pay attention to the material of which the frame is made:

  • Matte plastic is an impractical material that is becoming increasingly rare. Its main disadvantage is that it quickly gets dirty, and traces of dirt and fingerprints remaining on the frame are difficult to clean.
  • Glossy plastic - beats matte in each parameter. Of course, on the gloss, all traces and prints will stand out more strongly, but to wash them is much easier - just wipe the surface with a damp cloth.


The bead is a narrow bar with a thin rubber gasket that holds the camera. Its width depends on the thickness of the glass, the shape may be different - curly, rounded, square. They are made of two materials: PVC or glass composite, characterized by increased strength and higher cost.

Beads of various shapes

Tip: glazing bead has a limited life, after which it requires replacement, so you should pay attention to the glass composite product.

Additional glazing bead functions:

  1. Prevention of draft and dust in the gaps between the frames.
  2. Noise and heat insulation.
  3. Making windows look more aesthetically pleasing and complete.


In order to choose the right type of casement for a PVC window, you need to consider its types separately. She may be:

  • deaf;
  • rotary;
  • folding;
  • swing-out;
  • shtulpova.

Blind sash

It is a fixed construction of a PVC window; it cannot be opened. Plus of such an element in its cheapness (due to the lack of fittings and panels), minus - in immobility. Putting a blind shutter is permissible only in combination with the opening, otherwise it will not be possible to ventilate the room and wash the double-glazed window from the outside (if this is not the first floor of the house).

Blind sash

The dull window is marked with the signs “+” or “×”.

Swing leaf

This type of sash is much more convenient than a dull one, but is better suited for a window opening having a large height and small width. The overall swing product creates some inconvenience in the form of a strong draft. Also, indoor flowers cannot be placed on the windowsill of such a window.

Swing type wing

The pivoting sash is symbolized with the mathematical symbol “

Folding (fanlight) casement

This type of sash in PVC windows can be folded up a certain degree. A similar option, as a rule, is installed in small rooms where it is necessary to economically use the size of the room and regularly ventilate.


Swing flap

It has the best reviews in terms of design convenience and functionality. It is a little more expensive compared to the previous options, but the window is not placed for a year or two, so it’s worthwhile to think about the options for using the window-space in advance. The swing-out design is a sash, which, depending on the position of the handle, swings open horizontally inward or leans up.

Swing flap

PVC profile classification

Window profiles differ in the following parameters:

  • by wall thickness;
  • by the number of cameras;
  • by type or class.

Profile dimensions are selected depending on the thickness of the walls and the dimensions of the opening. A correctly selected profile provides the best insulation and soundproofing of the room.

Number of cameras

If you look at the profile in the context, it will be clearly visible that its internal space is divided into isolated cameras. In the middle there is a reinforcing metal U-shaped tab, other profile cameras are designed for draining condensate and creating an additional air cushion to improve heat-saving properties window.

The number of cameras in the profile

The number of air chambers of a metal-plastic profile varies from 1 to 8 and directly affects its energy-saving properties. A profile with 2–5 cameras is suitable for central Russia.

The thickness of the outer and inner walls

According to this parameter, profiles are divided into 3 types:

  1. A class - the thickness of the outer wall is at least 2.8 mm, the thickness of the inner wall is at least 2.5 mm.
  2. B class - at least 2.5 mm for the outer and 2 mm for the inner walls.
  3. C class - does not have clear requirements for the ratio of wall thickness.

Advice: experts recommend installing A-class products that have a longer service life and better heat-insulating ability.

Profile Types

Profiles for PVC windows can be divided into three varieties:

  1. Economy option is the cheapest type. The standard size is 58–62 mm. With such a profile, a single-chamber double-glazed window with a width of 24 mm is usually placed. Withstands temperatures up to -15 ° C and does not pass drafts.
  2. The standard is a universal type. The standard size is 62–74 mm. Three- and four-chamber profiles can be installed with a two-chamber double-glazed window with a width of 38–42 mm.
  3. Luxury is the most expensive and high-quality look. The standard size is 90 mm, but the size range starts from 80 mm. It is a five-chamber profile with a double-glazed window 38–42 mm wide. Compared with other types, it has the best heat-saving ability and has a more attractive design.
Luxury Profile

Manufacturers Rating

When compiling a rating based on reviews by masters and users, the seven best companies that manufacture window profiles will include:

  • Rehau;
  • Veka;
  • KBE;
  • Salamander;
  • Montblanc;
  • Kaleva.

Types of double-glazed windows

A double-glazed window is the second most important element of a PVC window. It is from him that the heat and sound insulating properties of the structure depend. They can have from one to three air chambers. In addition to dividing by this attribute, the following types of double-glazed windows are distinguished:

  1. Frost-resistant - the process of fogging begins not at -35, but at -55 degrees. They are used in regions with harsh climates.
  2. Sun-protection - reflect ultraviolet rays.
  3. Shock-resistant - Triplex packages with a special film coating are able to withstand even strong shocks. It is advisable to put them to the inhabitants of the first floors.
  4. Energy-saving - due to the special reflective i-glass with spraying and the presence of argon in the chambers, they retain up to 90% of heat.
  5. Soundproof - have different thickness chambers, may additionally contain resin as an insulating layer.

By the way: you can ask the price of the glazing of an apartment - one-room, two-room, three-room - on the website of the company Window Street - oknastreet.ru. The company works with German Rehau profiles.

Energy-saving double-glazed window

Single chamber double-glazed window

It consists of two glasses, between which there is an air gap that provides heat and sound insulation. Plastic windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows are best set in regions with a warm climate and when living in an area with a low noise figure, since they are not able to provide a high level of heat and soundproofing. In addition, owners of apartments with installed single-chamber double-glazed windows complain of constantly “sweating” windows.

Double-glazed double-glazed window

It consists of three glasses, between which there are two airbags. Compared to the single-chamber version, this one has much more attractive characteristics.

Single and double chamber double-glazed windows

By varying the thickness of the glass and the size of the cameras in the glass, making one of them wider, you can significantly reduce heat loss and noise in the apartment. For a product 32 mm thick, the ratio of the thickness of the glass and air chambers will look like this:

  • the standard version is 4 × 10 × 4 × 10 × 4 — three glasses 4 mm thick with two chambers between them 10 mm each.
  • improved - 4 × 12 × 4 × 8 × 4 - the camera, located closer to the street, has a greater thickness.

Three-chamber double-glazed window

Due to the presence of three glasses and four air chambers, it perfectly retains heat in the room and does not allow street noise. It is not popular because of the large thickness that is not compatible with every opening, and its massive weight, which leads to rapid wear of the hardware. For effective protection from harsh colds or for high-quality sound insulation in the city, it is better to prefer energy-saving and soundproof options.


Accessories are all movable metal or plastic window elements: handles, hinges, locks, mating locks, various covers for hinges, etc. These are small in size, but by no means small in significance parts, which are not worth saving. These elements will be involved every day, which means they must be reliable and of high quality.

Window fittings

One of the innovative inventions for PVC windows is a climate valve that provides natural ventilation of the room. The device does not require special maintenance, it can be placed in any metal-plastic window.

Window Measurements

After selecting the constituent elements of the window, you must invite the measurer to his home, who will correctly take measurements - the width and height of the opening. You cannot rely on standard dimensions, since they basically do not exist - the thickness of the walls and the height of the openings in different houses is different, and the standards, respectively, also. Pre-measurement of windows to calculate the approximate cost of the finished structure can be done independently.

And finally, it is worth recalling: that the windows serve for a long time and are not a source of drafts, you need to carefully consider the process of installing them. Everything is important here, from exact adherence to the technology to the type of foam used.

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