Household filters for drinking water


  1. Cleaning methods
  2. Mechanical cleaning
  3. Sorption method
  4. Ion exchange method
  5. Ultra Thin Cleaning
  6. Membrane filtration method
  7. Electrochemical cleaning
  8. Types of filters for water purification
  9. What should be a quality filter?
  10. Which manufacturer is better?

It doesn’t matter whether you live in a large metropolis or in a small village - the problem of poor-quality, polluted water concerns a lot of people. This problem should not be underestimated, because the consequences can be constant intestinal disorders due to the consumption of untreated water, things spoiled during washing, and even plumbing. Contrary to popular belief, even spring water contains many impurities that are not always beneficial for our body. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to use various types of filters for water purification. Let's try to figure out what kind of water filters are and how to choose them for specific conditions.

Choose a filter for water purification

Cleaning methods

Depending on the degree of water pollution and the purpose of use, purifiers can differ in types and methods of filtration. Any water filter serves to trap various impurities and bacteria contained in the liquid. Moreover, how many degrees of purification water passes is of great importance. So, stationary filters for water purification in production can have a single or triple filter, but if you need a household water filter, it’s better to choose a four-stage or even five step. Such systems guarantee the safety of water used for drinking and cooking.

Diagram of a multistage filter system for producing clean drinking water

In order to determine the filter suitable for your water, you need to find out its composition. You can use the services of a specialist or see the data of examinations conducted earlier in your area. Multistage filters will help clean water from wells and wells.

First of all, we consider water filters by the method of purification.

Mechanical cleaning

This is called a crude filtering method. Water passes through the porous or fiber structure of the filler system, thereby leaving large particles of various impurities (for example, sand or rust) in it. This cleaning method captures particles ranging in size from 5 to 500 microns.

Mechanical water purification filter

Sorption method

It consists in the absorption of impurities using a specific filter medium. The best filler for such systems is activated carbon. After such purification, most organic compounds are removed from the water, but at the same time its useful properties are preserved, which allows the use of such a filter for the purification of drinking water and its use for food. Suitable for wells, wells, and for apartment conditions.

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Coal sorption cartridge for filter system for washing

Ion exchange method

Ions of heavy metals such as iron, copper, nickel, etc., are removed from the water using an ion exchange resin. Instead of these impurities, water is saturated with hydrogen and sodium ions. That is why the method is called "exchange." Most often, this method is used to purify drinking water with household filters in apartments.

The principle of operation of the ion exchange system

Ultra Thin Cleaning

Filters with this type of cleaning can trap harmful particles up to 0.5 microns in size. If your area has very polluted water or it has an unpleasant taste or smell of chlorine, such a cleaning device will be indispensable.

Membrane filtration method

This item includes ultrafiltration, with the purification of water from particles ranging in size from 0.1 to 0.01 microns, and a reverse osmosis system that traps particles of 0.0005 microns in size. When treated with membranes, the water becomes perfectly clean, that is, almost distilled. It is good for washing, use when washing, but to drink it in the absence of an additional installed mineralizer is not it is recommended, since water after triple purification, along with all harmful impurities, begins to lose useful trace elements.

Membrane water filter device

Electrochemical cleaning

Most often, this method is used in enterprises where it is necessary to quickly clean large volumes of water. The operation of electrochemical cleaning plants consists in the destruction of impurities using an electrically powered unit.

Some types of water filters, in addition to removing harmful impurities, can soften water. This applies to ionic and magnetic types of cleaners. Softening hard water helps to avoid, for example, scale settling in washing machines and electric kettles.

Types of filters for water purification

Having determined the degree of contamination and the method of purification, it is necessary to understand what kind of filters there are for water purification by the type of their application. In total, six types of devices can be distinguished.

  • Filter jug. It is an excellent option for drinking water at home. It is a plastic container into which a filter cartridge is inserted. To clean the water, it is necessary to pour it into the upper tank and wait until all the water goes down and accumulates in the tank. The jug is convenient in that it does not depend on the water supply, which means that you can use it in any room. Of the pros, you can also note a small price, and of the minuses - the cartridge must be periodically replaced with a new one.

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The filter jug ​​is the easiest to use

The volume of the lower tank can be from two to four liters. When choosing a jug filter for a large family, you should pay attention to this parameter.

  • A portable or field filter is a hermetically sealed container into which a cleaning unit is integrated. Its name speaks for itself: the device is intended for use by tourists, travelers, summer residents. Moreover, there are both individual portable tanks, and camping, which are designed for five to six people.
Travel portable water purifier for clean water anywhere
  • Another inexpensive way to improve the quality of water in the house is to install a nozzle on the tap. The principle of operation of such a nozzle is that the cleaning element built into it feeds filtered water pressure either directly from the mixer nozzle or through a specially installed hose.
Tap water purifier
  • Built-in wash filter. Such a device is built into the water supply, installed under the sink, and a separate faucet is displayed for it. Changing cartridges in such a system is enough about once every six months. Also, such devices are great for a large family, for example, a three-stage filter for water purification under the sink allows you to get drinking water even for use in children’s nutrition.
Kitchen sink-mounted cleaning system
  • Flow filter for washing. It differs from the previous type in that in this case the filter unit is installed next to the sink. The advantage of such plants can be called the fact that water purification occurs simultaneously with its supply from the tap.
Installation located at the sink near the faucet

A stationary water filter is convenient in that it has high performance and a long resource, as well as a low maintenance price.

  • Main filter pre-treatment of water. This type of filter is called so, because the installation of filtering equipment is carried out directly on water main (separately for hot and cold), and all water entering the an apartment. It has several varieties: mesh devices that perform good water purification, multistage systems of fine cleaning, magnetic softeners.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Self-washing water filter without replaceable cartridges

Trunk modules are designed to filter all the water entering the home

What should be a quality filter?

Naturally, we all want our food and water to be clean and healthy, and not poisoned by harmful substances. Therefore, the water filter must be of high quality. What criteria should be addressed when choosing a water treatment system?

  1. Environmentally friendly and safe materials. If plastic parts of the filter emit acrid, unpleasant odors - it is worth considering whether using such equipment will harm you.
  2. The durability of the material of which the housing is made. This applies primarily to stationary water treatment systems, the installation of which usually flies a pretty penny. Before overpaying several times, you should make sure that the selected device will last you a long time.
  3. Filter module resource. This parameter shows how much water the purifier is able to pass through itself before its resource is exhausted and it becomes useless.
  4. The ability to filter cold and hot water. If absolutely all filters are designed to purify water at temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius, not every one of them is capable of passing hot water. This question should be thought out in advance, before installing the device on a tap with hot water.
Remember the criteria for choosing a quality product

Which manufacturer is better?

Most often, in the choice of a manufacturer, we get lost between domestic and foreign firms. There is a common stereotype that all foreign goods and services are a priori better than Russian ones, but this is far from always the case.

When choosing a water purifier, you should still pay attention to the popularity of a company, reviews about it, filter ratings, as well as the experience of friends or relatives. Sometimes word of mouth can do a good job and make your choice easier.

The advantage of domestic filtration systems is that these devices are designed specifically for Russian waters, taking into account all the features and disadvantages. Also, repair and maintenance in this case will be much cheaper than for imported models.

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