Fire protection of the balcony: types of decoration and its protection, fire safety


  1. Causes of fire on the balcony
  2. Material selection
  3. Types of fire retardants and wood compounds
  4. Fire retardant paints
  5. Fire retardant varnishes
  6. Combined fire protection compounds
  7. Stages of processing wooden elements of the balcony
  8. Crate Processing
  9. Processing of lining, imitation of timber, boards
  10. Fire protection wiring
  11. Processing of vinyl, plastic, fabric
  12. Additional fire protection measures for the balcony

In conditions of lack of space, a balcony or a loggia often becomes an additional fully functional room. Thanks to heaters, finishing materials and glazing technologies, comfortable conditions are created throughout the year. Often, insulation and finishing work is carried out by homeowners independently, without observing building standards. This affects the fire safety of the apartment, part of which is the fire protection of the balcony.


Causes of fire on the balcony

The lion's share of such fires is associated with external factors. It can be a “gift” from neighbors from above in the form of an unquenched stub. The means of festive illumination are a big threat: fireworks, firecrackers, Chinese lanterns. They are accessible and popular, and the rules for their safe use are often ignored. Even glazed loggias are not safe from sources of ignition from outside: in hot weather, windows open for ventilation.


The hosts also contribute, storing flammable materials, old things on balconies and inadvertently handling fire.

Another source of fire is short circuits of electrical wiring laid without observing fire safety rules. Spacious loggias often house appliances of significant power, such as refrigerators or freezers. Errors in the calculation and installation of wiring are expensive for apartment owners.

To reduce the risk of fire recommend:

  • When finishing, give preference to non-combustible and flame-retardant materials.
  • Carry out the processing of structural elements using fire retardant impregnations, varnishes and paints.
  • Enclose all wiring elements in non-combustible shells: corrugations, pipes, ducts. Installation is more reliable to entrust to specialists.
  • Observe fire safety rules: do not litter the balcony, do not store flammable substances and liquids, handle fire and electrical appliances with care.

Material selection

When modifying a balcony, it is preferable to use non-combustible materials. These include:

  • For the parapet device - a harness from a metal corner, a wall from a foam block. Bricks or cinder blocks are also completely fireproof, but are rarely used on loggias because of their heavy weight.
  • Insulation - mineral wool, its derivatives. A good option is penofol, which when in contact with fire only melts.
  • Walls, floors and ceilings - plaster, ceramics, natural stone. Good fire safety indicators for drywall and non-combustible panels on a calcium silicate or glass-magnesite basis.

The use of such materials will not only protect against fires, but also make the balcony comfortable, cozy and beautiful. True, there are some stereotypes that affect their use. For example, a tiled floor is considered cold. However, with an artificial heating device, it will not yield in terms of comfort to a laminate or other popular floor coverings.

In stores there are "fire" coatings - laminate, linoleum, carpet. However, it is impossible to classify them as safe: although they do not burn upon contact with an open flame, they melt at high temperatures, releasing hazardous substances and smoke the room. In addition, they cost an order of magnitude more expensive than their combustible counterparts.

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For engineering or aesthetic reasons, it is not always possible to use only non-combustible materials. Therefore, when selecting them, observe the following recommendations:

  • All things being equal, the choice is made in favor of a safer material. For example, vinyl tiles are preferable to ordinary linoleum.
  • Fire hazard is reduced when combining combustible and non-combustible materials. Thus, the flammability of the laminate is reduced if it is laid on foamed polyethylene.
  • Combustible materials based on wood, as well as plastic and vinyl, are treated with special protective compounds.

The combustibility of a material is determined by its class, indicated on the packaging by the abbreviation: from non-combustible (KM0) to fire hazardous (KM5).

Flammability table of materials

Some manufacturers indicate on the packaging all the characteristics by which the fire safety class is determined:

  • G - combustibility;
  • B is the degree of flammability;
  • D - smoke formation;
  • T - toxicity;
  • RP - flame spread.

The smaller the number after each characteristic, the more safe the material.

Types of fire retardants and wood compounds

Fire retardants or flame retardants are available in the form of varnishes, paints or impregnations. Impregnations are most often used, as they penetrate deep into the material, while maintaining its structure.

Types of flame retardants

By type of solvent, impregnations are:

  • Organically soluble - used only for outdoor use because of its toxicity.
  • Water-soluble - used for the treatment of internal surfaces.

For protect wooden structures from fire acid, alkaline and salt formulations are used. Each species has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Acid impregnation is the most popular option. They penetrate deeply into wood without changing its structure, appearance and properties. Allow the material to "breathe", increase the strength of the element.
  • Alkaline compounds are not used to treat visible areas of the coating, as they violate the structure of wood. Their main advantage: they are cheaper than acid ones.
  • Saline solutions are less effective and are mainly used for deep processing even at the stage of manufacture of wooden elements by soaking them in special containers. In industrial production, deep impregnation is carried out using autoclaves.

Fire retardant paints

Create a layer on the surface that prevents heating and further ignition of the structure. According to the principle of action there are:

  • Intumescent paints. When ignited, they crack, forming a coke-like layer that reflects heat. At the same time, an inert gas that does not support combustion is released from the pores. Able to resist fire for 2-2.5 hours. Recommended for external use.
  • Non-swellable silicate based paints. Liquid glass, as well as other flame retardants included in their composition, immediately after application form a protective layer on wooden surfaces that can withstand the effects of flame for up to two hours. They are suitable only for indoor use, as they quickly decompose on the street and lose their properties.

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Less fire retardant paints - the layer they form hides the wood texture.

Fire retardant varnishes

A decorative coating that protects against fire and preserves the structure of wood. Due to this, they cover not only constructive, but also decorative trim elements. Exception - surfaces painted with water-based paints. Form a matte or shiny protective layer.

Apply in several stages at temperatures above + 5 ° C. Each subsequent layer is formed after the previous one dries.

Combined fire protection compounds

Most wood preservatives have antiseptic additives. Thanks to this, they not only protect against fire, but also protect elements from microorganisms. Prevent the appearance of mold, fungus, fight against larvae and adult individuals of woodworm insects.

Antiseptics are part of refractory impregnations, paints and varnishes.

Stages of processing wooden elements of the balcony

The impregnation order is determined by the assembly sequence:

  • Elements of the frame - strapping beams, supporting beams of the floor and ceiling.
  • Crate.
  • Finishing - lining, imitation of timber, various types of boards based on wood.

Finishing is covered with a protective layer in the direction from top to bottom, from the ceiling to the floor. This will avoid droplets and smudges on the already treated surface.

Requirements for the application of protective compounds:

  • Humidity of wood - no more than 30%.
  • Humidity - up to 70%.
  • Temperature is above + 5 ° C.

The compositions are applied to the surface with a paint brush, roller or pneumatic spraying method. Compliance with safety regulations is mandatory: the absence of an open flame and heating devices, the use of a respirator and protective clothing.

Application of funds

The number of layers, the time interval between their application is determined by the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the package. The full drying time of the composition is also indicated there.

Fire retardant varnishes dry most quickly, paints and impregnations slower.

The compositions are applied to a previously prepared wood surface.

Crate Processing

The appearance of these elements does not matter: they are hidden under the finish. Therefore, the treatment is carried out by refractory impregnations.

Surface preparation:

  • Remove old paintwork, if any.
  • Clean from dirt and dust.
  • Remove greasy and oily stains with white spirit.
  • All elements are processed with fine emery. The dust is blown away by a vacuum cleaner.

Ideally, the lathing parts adjusted to each other are treated by impregnation prior to installation. But in practice, they often process twice:

  • First, they cover the material with a protective compound before assembly (after installation, it is impossible to get to some surfaces).
  • Then they additionally process the places where the integrity of the protective layer was broken (joints, grooves, cut ends).
Impregnation of the ends

Impregnation is applied with a paint brush. The number of layers and their drying time is determined by the manufacturer.

Processing of lining, imitation of timber, boards

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The wooden elements of the balcony located outside are painted with intumescent refractory paints that are resistant to the atmosphere.

For interior decoration, to preserve the beauty of the wood texture, you should choose a fire retardant varnish. It is recommended to use it in combination with fire-retardant treatment.

Lining Processing

Lining Processing:

  • wipe the boards with a rag moistened with a solution of soda;
  • remove mold, treat dark spots with bleach;
  • apply impregnation, dry;
  • mount the lining on the crate;
  • sanded with fine sandpaper;
  • primer the surface;
  • observing the manufacturer's recommendations, apply a protective varnish.

The compatibility of the solutions is checked using an unnecessary piece of material. All layers are successively applied to it. After drying, evaluate the result.

Professionals recommend using formulations of the same manufacturer, produced in one line. Then there will be no compatibility issues.

Fire protection wiring

Proper installation will prevent the possibility of fire due to faults in the wiring:

  • Used wires marked NG. So the non-combustible cable is marked.
  • Hidden parts are placed in corrugations, excluding the contact of the lines with insulation or combustible finishing materials. Plastic corrugations are used on the balcony.
  • Open areas are enclosed in cable ducts made of non-combustible plastic.
  • Branches are located in junction boxes that do not support combustion.
  • When passing floors and walls, the cable is in a metal pipe filled with a flame retardant: mastic or sealant.
  • To supply electricity to the balcony, it is recommended to lay a separate line connected to the distribution panel.
Corrugation wiring

Processing of vinyl, plastic, fabric

For interior cladding, it is better to use non-combustible panels. These include:

  • Gypsum vinyl - the basis of their drywall, covered with a decorative vinyl film.
  • Glass-magnesite - with a decorative layer of acrylic paint and a protective varnish coating.
  • Silicate-calcareous plates.

The base of these panels is incapable of burning, which reduces the likelihood of a fire spreading.

Conventional PVC panels do not lend themselves well to fire fighting. Their smooth outer layer has low adhesion, and impregnation is generally impossible. To reduce flammability, special paint is used. It includes heat-resistant, gas- and foam-forming fillers. It is applied in two to three layers. Dries completely in a day.

There are fire retardants for woven-based materials. Apply by brush, roller, spray or dipping methods. During operation, such coatings are only dry cleaned: after each wash, the impregnation will have to be repeated.

Additional fire protection measures for the balcony

Self-extinguishing fire extinguishers can be a good insurance against fire. These are containers filled with extinguishing powder. When the temperature rises, the sensor is triggered, starting the reaction of thermally active substance. It rapidly increases in volume, forcing pressure inside the case. As a result, it collapses, and the powder is thrown out with force, covering the area around the fire extinguisher in a diameter of 2 to 3 meters.

Fire extinguisher

The area of ​​the balcony is small. For him, two or three of these fire extinguishers, evenly distributed. This is a good fire insurance.

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