Do-it-yourself slopes from drywall

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  1. What can slopes be made of?
  2. Surface preparation for installation
  3. Installation of window slopes from drywall
  4. Creation of a slope by gluing
  5. Installing the slope on the frame from the profile
  6. Plasterboard slope finishing

No repairs will be deemed complete until the windows are tidied. Window structures themselves are usually mounted by specialists, so there are no special problems with them, which cannot be said about slopes. In the process of dismantling old and installation of new windows slopes become completely unusable. After all work with windows they will have to be brought into proper form. With proper dexterity and a little theoretical preparation, the installation of slopes is quite do-it-yourself.

Making gypsum slopes yourself is not at all difficult

What can slopes be made of?

Three slopes are commonly used:

  1. Plasterboard.
  2. Plastic
  3. Plastered.

It is very difficult to achieve with plaster and putty the perfect evenness of the slope surface. Only a professional can do it. With our own hands, a wavy surface is more often obtained, which can soon crack and fall off.

The installation of plastic slopes is usually carried out together with the installation of the window. The surface is flat. However, plastic is a cheap material. It may heat up and smell unpleasant. This type of decoration is more suitable for office and public buildings.

The slopes of drywall in many ways are ideal for a house or apartment. The material is easy to process, environmentally friendly. The output is an attractive, smooth and even surface. You should look at this option if you have to build slopes from drywall with your own hands.

Plastic trim for window opening

Surface preparation for installation

In repair, the first stage of work is important - preparation of the foundation. Having made a mistake at the very beginning, in the end you get an undesirable result. For slopes it is very important to prepare a surface that will serve as the foundation of the entire future structure.

  1. Cleaning the base for installation of slopes. Any sharp object removes the remaining inflows of foam. If there are large chips, they should be covered with gypsum plaster or cement mixture. The surface is impregnated with antifungal soil - this will protect against unwanted processes.
  2. Seam foam protection. All joints that have been sealed with foam must be plastered. For this we use a gypsum mixture and a small spatula.
  3. Drywall is afraid of moisture, so you should check all the joints of the window with the window opening. It can be blown through a small gap, as a result, condensation will form, which leads to a gradual destruction of the drywall sheet.
  4. To obtain the ideal level of slope, a special corner is screwed to the window frame around the entire perimeter. Fasten the sheet using conventional screws. This trick will help to avoid a large loss of window frame area.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:Installing drywall on a wall without a frame

Use only moisture resistant material.

Important! To create slopes, use moisture resistant drywall green color with marking GKLV.

Installation of window slopes from drywall

The most important and crucial stage. The final result of all work depends on the quality of its execution.

  • The exact dimensions of the required sections are produced.
  • Now you need to correctly and accurately cut the whole drywall sheet into the necessary parts. To begin with, cut out the upper part of the slope. Mounting holes are drilled if necessary. The resulting strip is applied to the installation site, encircled with a pencil. Then exhibited using the building level.
  • The remaining lateral and lower parts are similarly cut out.

Drywall sheet it is necessary as follows: in the right place, an incision is made with a knife for cutting, then a piece of GKL is broken along the incision line by pressing from the bottom.

Installation of a drywall framing a window

There are two ways to fasten a sheet:

  • the drywall is glued using special mounting glue;
  • It is mounted on a galvanized profile frame.

Creation of a slope by gluing

This method does not need a start profile. It is applicable when the surface is quite even, but creating a slope by gluing is rather difficult.

  1. All details of the future slope are cut out.
  2. The top is installed first. A special guide angle is screwed to it in advance, into which its upper part is inserted and glued. Precise installation will not make a mistake during the further installation of the side elements.
  3. The remaining elements are glued.

In most cases, glue is applied to the entire plane. Typically, the approximate drying time of a particular brand of mounting adhesive is indicated on the packaging. If there is a need to reduce the setting time, then glue is smeared with strips. All work is monitored using the construction level.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:GKL or GVL, which is better: differences, what is the difference, what to choose?

Drywall finishing scheme

Installing the slope on the frame from the profile

Attaching the slope to the frame allows you to align very curved and curved surfaces. The basis of the entire structure is the starting profile. The work algorithm is as follows:

  • Installation of guide profiles. The entire perimeter of the window frame is framed by a start profile (UD). It is installed perpendicular to the floor. The profile should be fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 50-60 cm.

If the frame will be mounted directly on the window frame, then a heat-insulating gasket is placed between it and the profile. It will help prevent freezing of the guides.

  • In the perpendicular direction to the start profile, guides (CD) are attached. They are fixed with self-tapping screws on drywall 30–35 mm long.
  • The mounted structure of galvanized profiles is sheathed with sheets of drywall. As a result, small gaps form between the slope and the wall or lintel. It is recommended to fill them with glue for drywall work.
We fix the GKLV sheets on the frame

Plasterboard slope finishing

As a result of the work, a flat slope surface was obtained. But without the finish, it will look untidy. In 90% of cases, latex putty and water-based paint are used for cosmetic repairs.

  • All corners of the window opening are closed with a special perforated corner profile. It will protect them from chipping and loss of appearance as a result of erasure. The thickness of the profile is only 0.5-1 mm. It should be glued with glue on drywall.
  • The entire surface to be glued is carefully lubricated to avoid the formation of voids, which can lead to subsequent deformation of the slope. The corner is strongly pressed into the glue, the excess is removed with a rag or spatula.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:How to make a crate for drywall on the wall: types of crates, materials

Finishing window opening
  • All corners and caps of twisted screws are thoroughly puttied. Putty applied in two layers. It is important to allow each layer to dry for 3-4 hours.
  • When the putty dries, the surface of the slope must be sanded. To do this, you can use a grinder. If this was not at hand, then grinding is done with a putty grid or sandpaper. Do not be very zealous, latex putty is easy to process and polish.
  • After grinding is completed, the slopes must be covered with deep penetration primer. It saturates the entire surface and makes it homogeneous. In addition, the primer reduces paint consumption and ensures color uniformity over the entire area.
  • The last stage is the painting of the finished slopes. It is recommended to use a water-based paint with the effect of water resistance. Reconciliation of this type of material will make it possible to carry out wet window cleaning.

To avoid making mistakes, it is recommended that you strictly follow this instruction. Good preparation, accurate measurements will allow you to get rid of most problems at the first stage of work.

The most common mistake is the gap between the sheets of drywall at the joints. They appear from inaccurate measurement or errors in the cutting. They are eliminated with liquid plastic, but the surface will no longer be completely monolithic - the joints will be noticeable.

Plastic overlay for corners conceals angle errors

Many problems with uneven corners can be solved by covering them with a wide plastic profile. Visually, this will correct unevenness, but plastic always looks cheaper than natural material.

Following the above tips, everyone can make slopes of drywall with their own hands.



Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Master Station Wagon

  • Since 2003, I have been engaged in the repair and decoration of premises.
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