Tile for toilet

When choosing a tile, you need to pay attention not only to its aesthetic and decorative properties, but also to the technical characteristics. Any tile for the toilet must have waterproof characteristics, so that in the event of a communal accident, at least to hold back the water, which is trying to flood the neighbors. When choosing different tiles for one room, one tile should be preferred. The size and thickness of the tiles from different manufacturers can vary, which will create problems when stacking. After looking at all possible options for laying tiles for the toilet in the photo, you can choose the right option.


  1. How and how to choose tiles for the toilet?
  2. Color of tile
  3. Photo of tile for toilet

How and how to choose tiles for the toilet?

An ordinary toilet is usually a high, narrow, elongated room, on the back wall of which there are communications, often a shelving with household chemicals or a cabinet hanging. An obligatory part of the interior of the toilet is the chimney. Many simply sew the economic block with a plasterboard partition with a door for easy access and tile them from the outside with tiles.

Especially popular in our time began to use pendant installations for the toilet, which allow you to remove from the field of sight the tank and mounts for the toilet. This redesign reduces the size of the room, but it allows you to get rid of the clutter. In the case of such a cardinal repair in the toilet, you must first carefully calculate the size of the walls, which will need to be lined, so as not to buy extra tiles.

To create a beautiful interior, as in the photo, you need to choose a combination of color and ornament or from one collection of floor and ceramic tiles for the toilet for the decoration of the walls. There are also many decorative elements that can be used in the design of the toilet: curbs and decors.

It is also possible to use parts of different dimensions for lining, lay out a picture or a panel, use a mosaic in the design. Borders can be laid out as an independent decorative element at any level from the floor or to distinguish the shades of the rows. When buying tiles for the toilet, you need to correctly calculate the features of the room, the need for skirting boards, poddvernogo space, finishing communications and the pipe pipe. Perhaps you will have to buy 10-15 percent more tiles than the total area of ​​the walls.

Since the toilet is still an economic premise, it is customary to make the floor and the bottom of the walls in dark colors, and the top in the lighter ones. For a more interesting delineation of tones within a single collection of tiles, you can pick up delimiting borders and decorative tiles. Usually, the floor is made with dark floor tiles, skirting boards and the lower 2 rows of tiles on the walls are painted with the same color by wall tiles for the toilet. However, this color option is not suitable for very small toilets and toilets with insufficient lighting. Tiles for small toilets should not be dark.

To visually expand the room, it is better to choose a tile of light tones with horizontally arranged rows of decorative elements. The abstract decor and cross ornament will look good. If the budget is limited, the decorative elements can be used up to the height of the adult person, that is, up to about 1 meter 70 cm, and above glue the tile of one tone. Floor tiles for the toilet will look good if you lay it down using the method of diagonal layout.

Tile color

When decorating a toilet, it is important to choose the right color for the toilet tile. The choice of colors depends on the size of the toilet. When choosing a tile, you must adhere to the rule: the smaller the room, the colder the color shades. Warmer tones visually reduce the room. Diversify the interior of a properly selected combination of two colors. Creates a visual effect of a high room rows of decorative elements or rows of wall tiles for the toilet located vertically.

Tile in the toilet - perhaps the only decoration. Here, numerous accessories, paintings and designer delights are inappropriate. That is why the choice of tiles for this room should be approached especially carefully.

Photo of a tile for a toilet

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