Pictures in the bedroom over the bed by Feng Shui (12 photos)


  1. Choose a picture for the bedroom in Feng Shui
  2. What is no place in the bedroom?
  3. Where to hang the canvas?
  4. Varieties of paintings
  5. The effect of paintings on mood

The bedroom is a room where both the soul and the body rest, and the surrounding environment is conducive to relaxation and the elimination of absolutely all problems that exist outside of it. That's just to create a similar atmosphere of relaxation and comfort is not so simple. Properly selected wall accessories, such as paintings for the bedroom, are one way to create the right mood in the interior. It can be simple watercolors, oil paintings, modular, tapestry paintings, photographs, and even pencil or charcoal sketches.

We place pictures in the bedroom

Choose a picture for the bedroom in Feng Shui

What images need to be hung in a bedroom so that coziness and harmony reign in it? The ancient doctrine of Feng Shui, teaching us how to properly place and choose objects in the house, so that it mutual understanding, love and prosperity settled forever, has his own opinion about what pictures should be in the bedroom.

  • The image should evoke pleasant associations in you, uplift your mood. Looking at them, you should experience tender love, light romance, quiet joy and peace.
  • There is no room for aggressive messaging and hostility in the bedroom in Feng Shui.
  • The picture should reflect the basic colors of the room in which it is located, contrast with the color of the textile or vice versa repeat it.
An image that complies with the rules of feng shui, echoes in color with textiles
  • Pictures suitable for the bedroom in Feng Shui often carry floral motifs. For couples at the peak of love, the rules of the ancient teachings recommend images with peonies. Orchid in the bedroom favors married life, because this flower symbolizes wealth and love. Good flowers for children's bedrooms.
Orchids over the bed by feng shui

It is better to place the pictures in the bedroom interior at eye level, otherwise the effect of space distortion will occur.

  • You need to give preference to paintings of large and medium size, small single paintings on the wall will be lost.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Ideas for organizing the interior of small apartments

Small images are best hung in groups
  • Be guided by your emotions and impressions when choosing a picture for the bedroom interior. Even if everyone around you admires her, and she personally repels you, refuse such a purchase.
  • For a married couple who wants to conceive a child, in the bedroom above the bed should hang a picture depicting happy and smiling children.

When deciding which picture to hang in your bedroom, do not limit yourself to canvases painted with paints on canvas, embroidered or tapestry, painted on fabric, beautiful photos with the image of nature are also able to create the necessary the atmosphere.

Tapestry for bedroom

What is no place in the bedroom?

Perfectly matched, harmonious and stylish interior can ruin the wrong picture. Let's look at what you can’t hang in a room designed for rest and relaxation.

  • The selected image should not be dark, harsh tones.
  • Feng Shui does not recommend choosing pictures of battle battles, scenes of violence and cruelty, and wild animals for this room. Similar images seem to invite aggression into your home, spread the breath of death.
  • A photo or portrait of a celebrity, idol or relative who has long gone into the other world can be placed in the office, but not in the bedroom.
  • When choosing paintings with hieroglyphs, be sure to find out what they mean, the hidden meaning of the picture in the bedroom can be negative.
  • Waterfalls, seas and oceans fascinate and attract the eye, but they should not hang in the bedroom, because the proximity to this element is unfavorable for the health of a sleeping person.
  • Autumn landscapes pacify, but the rules of the ancient teachings prohibit complementing the interior of the bedroom with this sad time.
  • Images of crying, loneliness and sadness are also not appropriate, as well as a noisy holiday, a feast.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Art Deco style apartment interior

Images of noble animals are allowed to be hung in the sleeping room.

Where to hang the canvas?

How to choose a place for the picture? The most common and optimal place to place a picture in the bedroom is above the bed. Most often, paintings of pastel colors with a light plot are hung here. And if the material and color of the frame coincides with the head of the sleeping bed, then the interior will gain integrity, completeness.

Opposite the bed, paintings are seldom placed, since this place is usually occupied by a TV. However, Feng Shui expresses itself unambiguously in this matter - there should not be devices producing electromagnetic radiation in the resting place. By the way, official science holds the same view. It is much better for your emotional and psychological state, if falling asleep and waking up, you will admire your favorite work of art.

Instead of a TV in the bedroom, it’s better to hang a picture

You can hang a lot of pictures - this will be a relevant and stylish solution. Canvases can vary in style, size and theme. So you will bring into the interior a multi-sounding variety that will distract attention from the bed. This move is suitable for a bedroom in a classic style, as well as for country decoration. If you like the idea, we advise you to pay attention to modern Modular pictureswhich, due to their functionality, infinite variety of plots and durability, have turned into a real trend of recent years.

Modular canvas for wall above the bed

Varieties of paintings

Color and plot are important in the selection of decorative design for walls. Based on these two parameters, paintings and posters are divided into the following categories:

  • Repeats and combines colors in the interior of the picture-rhyme. On the canvas, the shade of sofa cushions, curtains, bedspreads, wraps on chairs can be duplicated. With this choice, the image merges with the decor of the room into a single whole, making the interior full and complete.
The picture-rhyme fully fits into the color scheme of the room
  • An accent pattern over the head of the bed will make your bed the most visible piece of furniture in the room. The brighter its shade, the more significant the accent.
  • Painting style will also help complement the interior. If the room is decorated in a country style, then the image of the spring village landscape will be the perfect stylish addition.
  • The painting-theme prompts thoughts about a certain subject of room decoration. Thus, the image of a lavender meadow enclosed in a white frame hints at Provence, and the hot African safari - at the ethnic style corresponding to it.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Window in the bedroom: decoration and design

Country-style bedroom with themed canvas on the wall
  • The canvas mood will create the mood in the room, which, in your opinion, should prevail. Most often, these are endless meadows, lush greenery of the forest, a street after a rain that evokes a feeling of freshness and coolness.

When choosing a painting, pay great attention to its frame. Plastic and metal absolutely will not fit into the classic interior of the bedroom, but in the modern they will look very organic.

Pictures in wooden frames for a classic interior

The effect of paintings on mood

Do you want to plunge into the atmosphere of calm and tranquility after a working day? Then your choice should dwell on images filled with romance and love. The plot of the canvas may vary depending on the personality of the owner of the room.

Images suitable for a child’s bedroom
  1. The image of lovers, flower arrangements, pairs of swans in the matrimonial bedroom according to Feng Shui teachings will bring peace and tranquility to the family.
  2. Images of stones suitable for you according to the horoscope will heal energy, give the inhabitants of the room additional strength and replenish their health reserve.
  3. Hand-painted paintings, in which the artist puts his soul and love, are suitable for children's bedrooms. The little owner will be delighted with his own drawings, enclosed in a beautiful frame. Modular paintings, reflecting scenes from the life of animals, are also sure to appeal to young visionaries.

To decorate the walls of bedrooms, select images that will appeal to its inhabitants. After all, they, in fact, reflect the essence and character of the person living in this room.

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