Replacing a gas stove in an apartment: the law, is it possible to change yourself


  1. What is required to replace the stove in the apartment?
  2. What documents are needed to replace a gas stove?
  3. Where to go
  4. Is it possible to change the gas stove in the apartment myself?
  5. Can I change the stove for free?
  6. How is free replacement done?
  7. What if you yourself decide to change the stove?

A gas stove is one of the most popular household appliances in the kitchen. However, it carries a potential danger. Therefore, experts recommend checking the operability of gas appliances and eliminate the identified malfunctions. However, it should be noted that if the device is more than 10 years old, then it is likely that a gas stove should be replaced with a new one.

  • What is required to replace a gas appliance in an apartment?
  • Is it possible to carry out such a procedure for free?
  • How is the replacement made and is it possible to install new equipment on my own?

We will try to answer these important questions.

We find out how to change the stove on gas

What is required to replace the stove in the apartment?

Such large household appliances are often changed by the owners during major repairs. Naturally, the equipment is installed in Khrushchev’s, which means obsolete models for interior improvements and comfort in the kitchen are replaced by more modern stoves and winds cabinets.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Replacing a gas stove in an apartment with an electric one: coordination and installation


Expert Opinion

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Master-wagon, since 2003 I have been engaged in the repair and decoration of premises, more than 100 completed facilities. I value quality more than quantity!

In addition, gas-fired appliances, according to Government Decision dated 14.05.2013 No. 410are subject to replacement in such cases:

  1. Equipment failure, in a situation where a simple repair or replacement of the nozzles (nozzles) is indispensable.
  2. Non-compliance with new safety standards, which also applies to outdated Soviet models.
  3. Expiration of the service life specified by the manufacturer.
  4. Customer's application.

If the equipment is in unsatisfactory condition, the inspection organization will issue an order indicating the period during which it is necessary to make a replacement.

An old unit that has long been replaced

The event to replace the stove with a more modern one in the apartment should not cause difficulties. This will require:

  • A self-purchased device, in the case when the owners do not have privileges that provide the opportunity to receive new equipment for free.
  • The services of a city gas distribution organization or a company with a SRO certificate that indicates that this legal entity is allowed to carry out activities in the field of installation and repair of gas household appliances technicians. Personnel must have certification protocols and approvals for the installation of internal gas equipment. The company must have an emergency dispatch service.

Agreements when replacing gas equipment with new, provided that it will be installed in the same room, are not required. Except when a gas hob and a separate gas oven are installed instead of the old stove. In this case, alteration of the in-house gas wiring will be required. A second secant tap must be installed.

Osyka A ​​C

Expert Opinion

Osyka Alexander Semenovich

Chief Engineer of MOSGAZ JSC. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Honored Power Engineer of the Russian Federation.

Based on paragraph 3.5 Moscow standard for the operation of the housing stock ZhNM-2004/03 “Gas pipelines and gas equipment for residential of buildings ”, approved and enforced by Decree of the Government of Moscow of 02.11.2004 No. 75 8-1111, when installing a gas hob and an independent gas oven, a second disconnecting device must be installed.

USEFUL INFORMATION:How to install a gas meter in an apartment: at whose expense is the replacement made?

Installation of new equipment will require the services of a certified master

What documents are needed to replace a gas stove?

If you contact the city gas service, then you do not need any documents. You just buy a stove, call the master, he concludes an agreement with you on the spot, does all the necessary work and makes marks in the stove’s passport. Additionally, there is no need to legitimize plate replacement.

But if you turned to a third-party company and it has all the permissions, then you still need to contact the gas workers to legitimize the replacement.

Osyka A ​​C

Expert Opinion

Osyka Alexander Semenovich

Chief Engineer of MOSGAZ JSC. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Honored Power Engineer of the Russian Federation.

Installation work on the installation of gas equipment can be carried out by a construction organization that has a self-regulatory organization approval, personnel certification protocols and other documents, confirming the admission in the manner prescribed by law to the implementation of activities for the installation of domestic gas equipment and incorporating an emergency dispatch service.

After completing work on the replacement of the gas appliance by a third party, in MOSGAZ JSC you need to provide the technical documentation.

Responsibility for the safe use of household gas appliances, for their maintenance in proper condition, lies with the owners and tenants of residential premises (Art. 210 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 30.67 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Where to go

It is up to him to decide whether to contact the owner to replace a home gas-powered appliance with a specialized service or a certified digging company. Private companies usually offer more affordable services. cost, masters arrive quickly, but according to all the rules, after installing a new gas device, its registration in Gorgaz is necessary. Specialists from licensed companies also put a note on the installation in the instrument passport, but many owners still prefer to immediately contact the city gas service to avoid any complaints from employees during scheduled inspections.

Here are the approximate prices from the site call a locksmith - 480 rubles.; connecting a gas stove -1180 rubles., excluding materials. Materials are all available: bellows flexible eyeliner from 300 to 1,500 rubles.; dielectric from 150 to 450 rubles. The final cost of the work is determined by a price list fitter.

Which specialists should I contact?

USEFUL INFORMATION:How to install a hood over a gas stove?

Is it possible to change the gas stove in the apartment myself?

Osyka A ​​C

Expert Opinion

Osyka Alexander Semenovich

Chief Engineer of MOSGAZ JSC. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Honored Power Engineer of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with paragraph 4.2; 4.2.1 Moscow standard for the operation of the housing fund ZhNM-2004/03 “Gas pipelines and gas equipment residential buildings ”, approved and enforced by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of 02.11.2004 No. 758-PP persons using gas equipment are prohibited from unauthorized replacement and repair of gas equipment.

Important! For self-installation of the device is provided fineIn addition, the supplier has the right to turn off the gas supply to the apartment.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Penalty for connecting a gas stove yourself

Can I change the stove for free?

Before buying a new appliance, the owner should find out if he is entitled to replace gas appliances for free. There are various rules for the replacement of such devices in municipal and privatized apartments. In some regions, in particular in Moscow, a gas equipment modernization program is being implemented for privileged categories of citizens. So, Muscovites have the right to apply to social services for financial assistance for partial or full payment for the replacement of gas equipment, if:

  • the stove is on the balance sheet of state housing organizations (with any form of ownership);
  • the tenants or owners living in the apartment receive subsidies to pay for housing and communal services, are the heroes of the USSR, the Russian Federation, Socialist labor, holders of the orders of Glory, participants in the Second World War;
  • retirees living alone or living in a family consisting only of retirees who are not provided with additional social measures support for the payment of housing and utilities and those receiving: retirement pension; retirement pension for seniority and retirement age
  • families (single citizens) whose average income is below 1.15 times the subsistence level;
  • the apartment becomes the property of the city or is occupied by citizens standing in line for housing.

When applying, refer to the decision of the Government of Moscow dated 24.03.2009 No. 215-PP "On measures to implement the law of the city of Moscow", dated 09.07.2008. No. 34 "On social services for the population of the city of Moscow."

Some Muscovites will change the tile for free

Residents living in non-privatized apartments, if there is a clause on the obligation to repair and replacement of household equipment of the state housing organization, also relies on the free installation of new gas plates.

How is free replacement done?

To change the old tiles in the apartment requires a conclusion (Act of technical inspection) specialized organizations for the operation of gas equipment: the so-called defective statement, drawn up in two copies. One is handed over to the owner for transfer to the DEZ or ZhSK, the other remains with the gas workers. The document indicates the failure of the device and its life. A conclusion is drawn up on the basis of an annual inspection of gasified houses by specialists of the gas control service.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Hoses for gas stoves: dimensions and types, service life and maximum length

Free installation of the device

In the event of a device failure, it is necessary, without waiting for the gas workers to conduct the next inspection, to file an application with the DEZ or another utility service. DEZ employees make replacement lists that are transferred to Gorgaz.

What if you yourself decide to change the stove?

Most often, replacement under warranty or benefits is not possible. Consider the procedure for the case when the owners themselves decided to establish a more modern stove. To do this, you must:

  1. Submit an application addressed to the head of the REU Gorgaz with a request to change the device. A sample can be taken at the district office. On-site gas service specialists will determine the amount of work needed, the cost of the stove and its installation, and then write the bill. If the owner purchased the device on their own, an application is submitted with a request for its connection. Only installation of equipment is paid.
  2. In the district administration of Gorgaz receive and pay the bill. After that, it remains to wait for the installation and connection, having previously agreed on the time with the wizard.
  3. Upon completion of all work, experts will put a mark in the passport on the date of commissioning of the equipment. From this moment, the service organization assumes all responsibility for the proper operation of the device.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Rules for installing a gas stove in an apartment

Installation of a new device by a specialist

Expert Opinion

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Master-wagon, since 2003 I have been engaged in the repair and decoration of premises, more than 100 completed facilities. I value quality more than quantity!

It is important to remember that when the gas stove is connected independently, the owner not only violates the law, but also exposes himself and others to danger in the event of an emergency.

The video below will introduce the installation rules of the device and help to monitor the work of specialists.



Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Master Station Wagon

  • Since 2003, I have been engaged in the repair and decoration of premises.
  • Over 100 completed objects.
  • I appreciate the quality, more than the quantity!

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