Glue for plywood on concrete floor

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  1. Plywood advantages
  2. Varieties of adhesive for fixing plywood
  3. Preparatory stages of work before laying plywood
  4. How to lay plywood on a concrete floor

Such a stage of repair work, such as laying plywood on a concrete floor, allows you to make the surface absolutely even and stable, fully prepared for the final floor covering. It is plywood that allows you to level the existing base, insulate the floor and ensure its sound insulation.

plywood looping

Plywood advantages

Plywood itself is a material consisting of several thin layers of veneer. It has a wide range of useful characteristics, which is why it is so widely used for laying on concrete floors.

plywood sheets

The main advantages of this material are:

  • A smooth and even surface is ideal for any flooring. It allows you to completely hide the flaws of the concrete base. Subsequently, plywood can be laid laminate and parquet, linoleum and carpet.
  • The acceptable cost of the material allows its use to a wide consumer circle.
  • Easy to process and install.
  • The soundproofing properties of plywood enable the homeowners to isolate themselves from the penetration of excess noise from their neighbors.
  • Water resistance. However, for rooms with high humidity, it is better to use special sheets marked FSF, which have high water repellent characteristics.
  • Aligning the concrete floor with plywood - the work is neat and clean, in contrast to pouring the same cement screed.
  • Ecological purity of the material.
  • Excellent wear resistance and durability.

Varieties of adhesive for fixing plywood

Laying plywood on a concrete floor, or rather fixing it, is carried out using special glue. To date, there are several types of adhesives suitable for fixing plywood to concrete:

  • Dispersion glue is an environmentally friendly product, in which there are no harmful additives. It is odorless and has a long pour time. However, such glue is not able to provide the maximum degree of fixation, therefore, plastic dowels or steel screws should be used with it.

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dispersion adhesive
  • Water glue is the simplest and easiest to use, in addition, it can be used instead of a primer, simply diluted with water.
  • Alcohol glue has a sharp specific odor, which forces the master to put on a respirator during operation. But its complete drying is carried out for three days at normal room temperature. Due to its optimal density, adhesive on alcohol perfectly fills cracks and cracks, which provides the most durable adhesion of plywood to a concrete base. In some cases, additional fixing with dowels is also required.
alcohol glue
  • Two-component adhesive has such remarkable characteristics as the shortest time. solidification, excellent strength and the best fixation, in which there is no need to perform additional mount.
two-component adhesive

Tip: no matter what glue you use to fix the plywood, in any case, ground the concrete base with a special solution. This will increase its adhesive properties and create a protective polymer coating.

Preparatory stages of work before laying plywood

First of all, it is necessary to prime the surface. The primer mix for the concrete base can be prepared from the glue that was selected for gluing the plywood. The primer is used to remove dust from concrete, the best strength of the base and block residual moisture. This stage of work when laying plywood on a concrete surface should not be missed, in addition, the primer can significantly reduce the consumption of glue.

floor primer

Since plywood sheets are not always very even, it is necessary to cut them into squares a little more than half a meter wide and long before laying. The small size of the sheets will not allow voids to form between the concrete base and plywood, in addition, a large number of joints compensate for thermal and humidity changes.

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All sheets are adjusted to the dimensions of a particular room, ledges and niches. It is best to number them and only then use glue to fix the plywood to the surface. Between two squares, the distance should not exceed 8-10 mm, and between the wall and plywood - 20 mm. Do not lay out the plywood so that the four seams form a crosshair.

installation of plywood take-off

Tip: plywood cutting should be performed with a jigsaw or circular saw, with their help it will be possible to make cuts even and accurate. Thanks to them, work will not cause difficulties even for inexperienced users.

How to lay plywood on a concrete floor

Apply two-component or regular glue to the cement screed in an even layer, about 2 millimeters thick. To do this, use a notched trowel, which allows the adhesive to be applied most evenly and to determine the required amount of glue.

mounting plywood on glue

After laying the plywood sheet, it must be rolled with a heavy roller. When using ordinary glue, additional fasteners should be used - dowels or self-tapping screws. However, there are certain rules that must be followed during operation:

  • Plastic dowels and metal screws must be located at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other.
  • Fasteners must be fixed around the perimeter of the square.
  • The self-tapping screw should exceed the thickness of the plywood sheet by more than three times.

Through plywood sheets in the places of fastening, holes in concrete are drilled to the desired depth. Plastic dowels are inserted there, and a self-tapping screw is screwed.

drill holes in plywood

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After their fastening, grinding should be carried out using a special grinding machine for parquet. But now on sale are sheets of plywood, sanded on one side, which will save you from unnecessary work. Only then can you start laying decorative flooring material, which will be the last, finishing touch in the repair of the floor.



Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

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