Preparing the walls for wallpapering

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  1. Why is it worth the training?
  2. Dismantling
  3. Procedure for preparing painted walls
  4. Wall preparation procedure in new buildings
  5. Eliminate flaws on the surface
  6. Grinding procedure
  7. Primer for wallpaper

The process of preparing the walls is of great importance when pasting them with wallpaper. On an uneven surface, it is unlikely to succeed accurately and correctly. stick wallpaperobserving the drawing and combining the joints. To prevent cracks and other defects from appearing on the surface, all steps must be carried out carefully. Preparing the walls for wallpapering does not require specific knowledge, it is necessary to stock up on patience and a desire to get a good result.

remove wallpaper from the walls

Why is it worth the training?

There are many reasons not to neglect the preparation process, these include the following:

  1. The quality of gluing paintings. On a porous surface, the wallpaper will not hold well.
  2. Irregularities on the walls. Wallpaper is not able to hide recesses and bumps of the surface, with certain lighting, all the flaws will come out.
  3. The presence of dampness and the appearance of fungus. If there are cracks on the walls in contact with the street, then cold air will enter the room through them, resulting in moisture that favors the formation of the fungus.
  4. Improving the adhesive properties, i.e. the adhesion of the material to the wall.

Preparation of walls for wallpaper is carried out carefully, so the coating will last longer.


Preparing the walls for wallpapering begins with the release of the old finish. Often this procedure is difficult, but it is very important, otherwise the subsequent work may be useless.

wallpaper removal from walls with a spatula
  1. Paper wallpapers must be thoroughly moistened with soapy water, so they will be easier to fall behind.
  2. On dense and washable wallpapers, scratches and cuts should be applied so that the solution penetrates inside. Then they are removed with a metal spatula. If necessary, the soaking procedure is repeated.
  3. Vinyl wallpaper is removed in a different way, for this they make horizontal cuts on them, and then remove the top layer. The bottom layer can be used as a base.

USEFUL INFORMATION:How to glue wallpapers on whitewashed walls and ceiling

Procedure for preparing painted walls

It's no secret that wallpapers on a smooth and painted surface will not hold well. Therefore, paint from such a wall must first be clean off.

removing paint from the walls
  1. Alternatively, such a surface is serrated, sanded and coated with a primer. But with this treatment, the wallpaper will not hold tight.
  2. You can use a construction hair dryer in your work. To do this, heat up the painted area and remove the softened paint with a spatula. With this method, chemical compounds evaporate from the surface of the paint, so it is necessary to ensure a constant flow of fresh air so as not to get poisoning.
  3. Also use a grinding machine with an iron brush. This method is very dusty, therefore, requires certain protective measures.
  4. Flushing is one of the most effective cleansing methods.

All work must be carried out in compliance with safety rules: wear gloves, a respirator and protective glasses before work. Walls for wallpaper are leveled after removal from the surface of the paint.

Wall preparation procedure in new buildings

Some new buildings for rent without rough finishing, and then before wallpapering it is necessary to carry out wall plastering.

wall plastering process
  • At the initial stage, plaster in the form of a spray of 3 ─ 9 mm thick is applied to the walls. This layer will affect the quality of the final layer of plaster.
  • At the next stage, apply several layers of primer 0.5 cm thick.
  • At the third stage, a coating or a final layer of plaster of 2 ─ 4 mm is applied to the surface. The purpose of this stage is to create a thin film layer on the surface of the soil, which will be subsequently overwritten.
  • At the last stage, the walls under the wallpaper putty and sanded with sandpaper.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Panel on the wall: how to do it yourself with stones, wood, wallpaper and plaster?

Eliminate flaws on the surface

wall puttying process

Preparing walls for wallpaper requires leveling the surface. Concrete surfaces, as a rule, have irregularities and defects. Proper preparation of the walls for wallpaper provides better grip. The putty process will level the surface as much as possible. Before work, it is necessary to prepare spatulas of various sizes, putty, a container of water. The floor is covered with a film. The surface is pre-primed for better adhesion of materials. Water is added to the dry finished mixture, mixed thoroughly until smooth. Finishing work is carried out with a spatula. The putty layer is applied in a small layer, gently filling all the bumps. During operation, the spatula is constantly dipped in a container of water so that the rest of the mixture does not stick to it. Drying time depends on the thickness of the layer.

Grinding procedure

wall grinding process

After the putty process proceed to sanding the surface sandpaper or special sanding mesh. This work is quite dusty, so it is important to use personal protective equipment. Grinding begins to be carried out in separate areas in the direction from one corner to another.

Primer for wallpaper

In the next step apply a primer. The following types of primers are available:

  • acrylic;
  • mineral;
  • alkyd;
  • with deep penetration;
  • with pigments.

The choice of primer composition depends on the condition of the walls. The following tools are required for applying a primer: wide rollerbrush or spray. In construction stores, you can purchase both dry and diluted primers.

primer wall process

The finished solution is applied to the surface in one or two layers, depending on the state of the surface. To do this, a special roller is moistened in a primer solution and applied to the wall, a brush is used for hard-to-reach spots. The layers should dry properly, only after that they begin to paste the wallpaper on the wall.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Different types of wall painting

Preparing the walls for wallpapering is a laborious, responsible and very painstaking task, but with the help of useful tips, the process will be faster. The whole procedure is able to perform a person without special education.



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