Basic rules for the implementation of wall putty

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  1. Necessary tools
  2. Purpose of putty
  3. Varieties of putty
  4. Puttying procedure

At the final stage of finishing before painting or wallpapering puttying the walls. In the event that the walls have significant defects (bumps, a strong deviation from the vertical) wall plasterbut if the surface is just rough (has small cracks and chips), it is enough to putty it. Puttying the walls with your own hands is not a very complicated process and is accessible even to a novice home master, you just need to follow all the principles correctly and know some subtleties.

putty on the wall

Do-it-yourself wall puttying is carried out for the following reasons:

  • Finishing such as painting and wallpapering require high quality surface preparation.
  • Working with putty, it is possible to eliminate defects, improving the quality of the finish coating.
  • The cost of materials is negligible.
  • Low material consumption.

Necessary tools

set of tools

To work, you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. Drill with a special nozzle. Putty, like plaster, is sold in construction stores in dry form, which must be diluted with water and mixed correctly. To do this, you need a drill to get a homogeneous mixture of starting or finishing putty as a result.
  2. A set of spatulas of different sizes. In hard-to-reach places it is more convenient to putty with a narrow spatula.
  3. The rule. When applying a thick layer, it is more convenient to use the metal rule.
  4. Building level. Since the surface of the walls is often uneven, it is necessary to install test beacons before filling.
  5. Abrasive (sandpaper) paper. To rub small bumps on the surface, you need to cook different types of skins.
  6. Capacity for dilution of the mixture.

Purpose of putty

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According to their purpose, they are divided into the following categories:

  • For alignment. A mixture with high strength evenly fills all the flaws. The advantages include resistance to external influences, good adhesion to the base, quick filling of bumps.
  • For finishing application. Finishing putty possesses increased adhesion to materials. The final layer before painting, wallpapering and decorative coating. Finishing putty is intended for finishing the surface for painting or for gluing.
  • Specialized. Such mixtures are designed to solve certain problems, for example, when sealing joints between drywall sheets.
  • Universal. Such mixtures combine the characteristics of all three types, used to solve any problems.

On the packaging always indicate the type of putty, its properties and on what basis it is applied (concrete wall, drywall, plaster). Puttying the walls with your own hands will help to level the surface and eliminate all flaws, bumps and cracks.

Varieties of putty

According to the level of preparation of the mixture are ready and dry.

  1. Ready putties are packaged in plastic cans or buckets, they do not need to be bred and stirred. They can be stored for a long time, the binder of the mixture is an aqueous polymer dispersion. Better to use as a top coat.
  2. Dry putties are packaged in bags or packages, they must be diluted with water and mixed thoroughly. As a rule, such mixtures are used for delicate work. The disadvantages include the need to maintain proportions when breeding, as well as the limited time of use after breeding.

Puttying procedure

We clean the walls

wall cleaning

From the surface remove old coating (wallpaper, paint, peeling plaster). Dry walls are inspected, removing small residues with a mounting knife or spatula. Walls primedthat will provide the best adhesion of materials.

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Level the surface

Putty, as well as plastering the walls, is carried out in stages.

putty on the wall
  • The technology of puttying the walls involves applying the mixture from top to bottom. The mixture is taken out of the container with a narrow spatula and leveled along the blade of the wide spatula. First, from left to right, the mixture must be applied to the surface, and then move in the opposite direction already without putty, leveling the solution along the surface. Each subsequent layer should go a little on the previous one. It is necessary to take a small area of ​​the site.
  • The thickness of the layer can be adjusted by the angle of inclination of the spatula. A large tilt angle will provide a thin layer of putty. The thicker the layer, the more likely it is to fall off.
  • The wall should dry, but for now, in places with a thin layer, it is better to add a solution. To accelerate drying, you can not use a hairdryer, drafts, direct rays of the sun and so on.
  • Smoothness of the wall will help to give sandpaper processing. To do this, the skin is correctly fixed on a special bar and the surface is treated with smooth circular movements. It is necessary to constantly monitor the force of pressure so as not to remove a large layer of the mixture. At the final stage, you should choose abrasive paper with a small fraction, so as not to make deep scratches.
  • All dust formed is best removed.
  • The surface is coated with a primer.
  • Finishing putty must be applied to a dry surface. The principle of operation is the same as when working with leveling putty. The final layer will cover the remaining cracks. Puttying the surface for painting is carried out carefully, since the paint will not hide small pores and irregularities.
  • The surface after applying the finishing putty and drying is treated with sandpaper and primed.
  • Finishing work begins after drying.

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The putty of the walls for wallpaper does not differ significantly from the puttying of the surface for painting. It’s easy to apply the mixture, but not everyone can do it correctly.

Puttying cracks

puttying cracks

For processing cracks in the walls, special gypsum mixtures. According to the recommendations of experts, the crack is slightly widened and deepened, roughened, primed, and only then they begin to work with putty. For this purpose, you can use the material "Santegips". Puttying the surface for painting is carried out in several layers, until the walls get a perfectly even look.

The nuances of filling the slopes

The slope angles are processed using an angular spatula, the sagging is removed with abrasive material. There are no serious differences between the filling of walls and corners, however, this work is more painstaking, even specialists need at least a couple of approaches.

corner spatula

The putty of the walls for painting or for wallpapering is carried out independently, although during operation it is imperative to observe accuracy and accuracy. All defects can be easily fixed. Such an experience will help a novice home foreman acquire building skills. Puttying the walls is a necessary process of repair work, if you want to get a really high-quality repair.



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