Modern blinds are available in several varieties and are extremely convenient for installation at home or in the office. All the companies that manufacture and install the blinds offer to measure with the help of professionally trained employees of these firms. But this procedure can be done on your own, with the usual roulette and step-by-step instructions for taking measurements.
However, you should first determine the type of blinds. They are produced in several types:
- horizontal blinds;
- vertical blinds;
- roller blinds;
- curtains pleated.
Measurements for each of these species differ slightly from each other. So first you need to choose which blinds you want to see on your window, and then take on roulette.
Measurements for the order of horizontal blinds
The horizontal blinds can be fixed in three ways:
- on the sash;
- in the opening;
- on the wall.
1. When choosing the method of fastening to the leaf, it is necessary to measure the distance from one glazing bead of the window where the blinds are to be fixed to the second one. In the event that it is not necessary to leave a lateral lumen, then 30 millimeters should be added to the resulting width of the blind. In height, you should measure the length of the window sash itself. But if you want to install some additional fasteners, then you can not do without the advice of a specialist.
2. Measurements for fixing the blinds inside the window opening should be made at a minimum of 3 points, both in height and width, since the window openings very often are not entirely rectangular. From the three numbers obtained, it is necessary to choose the smallest value.
To determine the width of the blind, it is necessary to measure the width of the glass and add to it the width of one sealing rubber band.
The length should be equal to the height of the glass, together with the rubber bands and 1 cm stock.
It should be noted that the curtain rod of the blind will protrude 36 mm from both sides and check that it does not rest on slopes or hinges. In addition, it must be provided that the blinds in the assembled form do not interfere with the opening of the window.
The chain for raising the blinds is usually placed on the side of the hinges, and its length is equal to 2/3 of the height of the window.
3. In the event that the blinds are to be fixed on the wall, then their width must necessarily be greater than the width of the opening of the window by 10 centimeters. Height is determined by yourself. You can choose the size of the blinds so that they are just above the window sill, or they cover it completely. But the length of the blinds should be greater than the window opening by 5 centimeters, since the cornice of the product is fixed there.
In addition, it is necessary to provide a control option: left or right.
Definition of the vertical blinds
Vertical blinds are mounted on the plastic windows in three ways: in the opening, on the wall or to the ceiling. A variety of textures and colors, as well as ease of installation and subsequent care, have made vertical blinds very popular in recent years.
1. In the event that the blinds will be attached to the window opening, you need to measure the width of the upper part of the window and subtract from it 2 cm, this will be the width of the blinds. Then you should measure the height of the opening on the left and right, choose the smallest value, subtract 1 cm from it, the result will be equal to the length of the blind. In addition, you need to determine the side of the control( left or right), as well as the direction in which the blinds will open.
2. For blinds that will be fixed to the wall, the width will be equal to the window opening plus at least 10 cm. And the length should be more than the height of the window opening by 5 centimeters. If the window sill is beyond the line of blinds, then their length should not be greater than the opening of the window. And if the window sill is hidden blinds, then to their length should be added a few more centimeters.
3. With the blinds installed to the ceiling selected, you need to measure the height from the ceiling to the window sill and subtract from the result 2 cm. This will be the length of the blinds if the sill extends beyond the window opening. And if the blinds will hide the windowsill, then their length will be equal to the height from the ceiling to the window sill plus 5 cm. The width should exceed the window opening by 10 cm minimum.
Instructions for taking measurements for roller blinds
Roller blinds are also fastened both in the opening of the window and on the wall.
1. When removing the measurements for fastening the curtains in the opening of the window, it is necessary to measure the width of the opening and subtract from this value 4 centimeters. This will be the curtain width. And the height of the window opening to the window sill will be equal to the length of the canvas. In addition, you will need to choose the color of the fabric and the type of mechanism, as well as its location - left or right.
2. For roller blinds that are attached to the wall, it is enough to measure the length from the window opening to the window sill and add to this value 5 cm. And the width of the curtains can be arbitrary, as far as it is wider than the window opening, depends on personal preferencescustomer.
Cassette roller blinds
This kind of roller curtains is attached directly to the window frame and in order to obtain the necessary dimensions it is necessary to measure the width of the window from one glazing bead to the other. And the length of the roll curtain is equal to the height of the window along the edges of the glazing beak plus 20 mm. It is desirable to shoot the dimensions in several places in the window at once, and then choose the minimum value from them, since the plastic windows are rarely strictly rectangular.
Dimensions for curtains pleated
This type of blind has the widest variety of types of fixtures, and at the same time is one of the most expensive. Therefore, it is desirable that the measurements of curtains pleated were made by professionals of the company, so that in the future it would be possible to avoid the occurrence of claims for the quality and installation of the goods.