Laminated windows in the interior: the color design of plastic products, videos and photos

Laminated windows: the perfect imitation of a natural tree


Table of contents

  • 1 Overview window with lamination
    • 1.1 finishing technology
    • 1.2 Advantages and disadvantages
    • 1.3 What you need to know when installing
  • 2 Methods of self-laminating
    • 2.1 What do you need?
    • 2.2 How to do?
  • 3 conclusion

Laminated windows in the interior looks much more advantageous standard white models. But are more expensive design with lamination, and therefore they must be chosen more carefully. In this article I will talk about the key features of Windows with an imitation wood, and also give you some tips on self-laminated PVC.

Of course, this design looks more attractive than white

Of course, this design looks more attractive than white

Overview window with lamination

finishing technology

Lamination of plastic windows is a technique of decorating the PVC. When this is applied on the surface of the article flexible polymer film surface imitates natural wood, leather or other material.

Decoration by pasting film surfaces may be conducted by two techniques:

  1. Lamination of white PVC.
  2. Lamination of PVC colored in the mass.

The first method - the most common:

Reel of film

Reel of film

  1. First the lamination PVC film. It is made quite thin, strong and elastic, allowing the trim is not only smooth, but also shaped the surface. On the front side of the film applied pattern (more often - imitation wood, stone less, skin, etc.). Qualitative film apart pattern decorated and embossed, so that a most plausible imitation of a natural material.
Cutting the film into tapes

Cutting the film into tapes

  1. Wrong side of the film coated with adhesive. For industrial laminating apply so called thermoset adhesives, which are activated when heated and after cooling adheres to the surface.
  2. A roll of film is cut into strips whose width corresponds to the width of the trim profile.
Machine for finishing Profile

Machine for finishing Profile

  1. Profile Panel intended for laminating, is fed into the machine, which heats the finished surface. The heated portion of the profile is glued tape decorative film.
  2. Actually lamination PVC windows made by the reaction of the adhesive: upon contact with the heated profile it becomes liquid and fixes the decor on the base.
roller system for stitching film

roller system for stitching film

  1. Further, the film belt is rolled to profile special rollers. The configuration of the rollers corresponds to the profile of the type that allows tightly prokleivat not only flat but shaped surface.

Laminated panels are used in the same way as normal - they are cut to size and used to make frames, shutters and other window elements.

Product ready for use

Product ready for use

In this method has one drawback - the lateral surfaces of the profile retain its original white color. So when you open a window (even on winding) it becomes apparent that the decor is located only on the surface.

To solve this problem before the lamination is performed staining Profile "en masse":

  1. The raw materials for the production of plastic are added a pigment whose color matches the color of the lamination.

Typically, the palette laminating films much wider range than the pigments used. Therefore, in order to save profile stained "averaged Brown", which is more or less in harmony with the main embodiments lamination "wood".

Photos products manufactured on the basis of the profile of the colored mass

Photos products manufactured on the basis of the profile of the colored mass

  1. Of colored plastic produce profile.
  2. After the extrusion profile is fed to the lamination station where the surface of the decorative film is glued by the procedure described above.

Advantages and disadvantages

Window with lamination targets have a number of positive qualities.

Most of them refers, naturally, to the appearance of structures:

  1. Thanks to the finishing of PVC panels decorative film, they become very similar to the wooden beams, which are used for the production of expensive "woodwork." And if the film was also embossed imitating wood, plastic is distinguished from the tree without touching the surface, it becomes almost impossible.
In appearance - natural wood, with expensive species

In appearance - natural wood, with expensive species

The most common variants of decoration

The most common variants of decoration

  1. Extensive palette opens up almost unlimited possibilities for interior design. Typically, manufacturing companies in their product lines using fairly standard colors lamination of plastic windows (beige, light wood, dark wood, etc.). But if desired profile can be finished with any film at all. Will, of course, more expensive - as in the case of any non-standard tasks.
The palette for custom finishing under the order

The palette for custom finishing under the order

Subject to the production technology of the film almost invisible joints are obtained

Subject to the production technology of the film almost invisible joints are obtained

  1. Decor application technology using thermoactive adhesive finish provides increased durability. The film is held firmly on plastics, not exfoliate at differences in temperature and humidity, is not lifted up in the joints. In general, the subject of technology and proper care, the life of the laminated window is the same as usual.

The outer lamination sooner or later loses appeal in the first place due to burning of flowers in the sun and due to the destruction of the film under the influence of ultraviolet light. Therefore, the more commonly used one-sided lamination, and outside profile is left either white or brown.

The outer lamination is more susceptible to wear

The outer lamination is more susceptible to wear

Have such products and cons:

  1. The most obvious flaw - the higher price. Appreciation structure compared to a standard white window will be from 25% (standard) to 40 - 50% (lamination nonstandard color you selected). If you change the windows throughout the house, it obtained a very substantial sum.
Using marker for masking the white base

Using marker for masking the white base

  1. Another minus - lower film strength. Yes, it is held firmly but hurt herself more easily than plastic. Moreover, in violation of the integrity of the film it becomes visible foundation, and if laminated white profile, it turns quite ugly.

To eliminate scratches on profiles and masking film joints at the corners worth when buying windows immediately to buy a camouflage pencil marker. Such devices are available in a sufficiently broad palette, so you can choose the color that most closely matches the color of the lamination.

For dark frames large thermal distortion factor - one of the most important

For dark frames large thermal distortion factor - one of the most important

  1. Finally, the laminated plastic windows because of the dark color is much more prone to thermal deformation. Profile more heated by the sun, and if you do not consider this feature during installation, you can either "break" weld on the corner or bend the frame. As a result of problems with opening / closing shutters, and can crack and glazing.

However, for those who want to transform the room, setting it more suitable for window shades, these shortcomings are not fatal. Especially, if the assembly of structures take into account the recommendations that I will bring in the next section.

What you need to know when installing

Choosing the color of the window to be installed in a house or apartment, it is necessary to stick to some simple guidelines:

  1. The optimal color of the film - a little darker than the one that you need. The thing is that even high-quality pigments fade with time in the bright sun. This process is particularly active in the first months after installation. Because if you choose darker - about six months will get what you want!
The protective film can only be removed after the installation is complete

The protective film can only be removed after the installation is complete

  1. The film - the most vulnerable part of the window, because the installation it should not be subjected to any impacts. If the manufacture of windows for lamination not glued protective strip (do so very often to leave no trace), then during assembly and finishing the surface is desirable to seal the masking tape.

If the film existents, then it must be removed immediately after completion of all the "dirty" work. Otherwise there is a risk that the adhesive cleave to the decorative layer, and either leave a trace or come off together with lamination.

decorative sills

decorative sills

  1. For colored windows do not fit the standard components. To detail did not spoil the whole picture, you will have to buy more expensive products - window sills "under the tree" or "under a rock", colored or metallic pads on the hinges, decorative handle, etc.
Instead of cheap white desirable to install more expensive laths

Instead of cheap white desirable to install more expensive laths

  1. Finally, the best advice comes to installation. To compensate for thermal deformation, color profiles are fixed in the opening by a special scheme. To lock the anchor structure or mounting plate is not placed with a pitch of 600 - 700 mm (standard), and 450 - 500 mm. This makes mounting much tougher.
Proper mounting of laminated frame

Proper mounting of laminated frame

Methods of self-laminating

What do you need?

If you have already installed the white PVC window, and change them to color you do not want (expensive!), You can try to laminate structure independently. Of course, the reliability of such finish will be much lower than the factory manufacturing, but as a temporary measure, this technique has a right to exist.

The film, which imitates the color of walnut boards

The film, which imitates the color of walnut boards

What do we need?

  1. Good self-adhesive film of the desired shade. I advise you to take the original products from the company ORACAL - though it is more expensive, but has a much better performance properties.
  2. Solvent degreasing profile.

In principle, you can use any structure as long as it does not dissolve the plastic.

Very convenient degreasing wipes profile with a solvent

Very convenient degreasing wipes profile with a solvent

  1. A solution of liquid soap dispenser.
  2. Acute office or breadboard knife.
  3. Metal ruler. The longer, the better.
  4. Raquel.
Squeegee for leveling film

Squeegee for leveling film

  1. Hair dryer.
  2. Roulette.

How to do?

Pasting window decorative film with his own hands is performed as follows:

  1. Remove from the window handle and other details, which may interfere with the lamination. If possible, dismantle the leaf - work will be much more convenient.
More convenient to work with the removed flap

More convenient to work with the removed flap

  1. Degreasing all surfaces, and then carefully wipe their lint-free cloth. From this point we do not touch the plastic with his bare hands.
  2. The film for decorating mark up and cut into the desired strip width. It is desirable to leave an allowance of 15 - 20 mm on each side for trimming after bonding.
When cutting is convenient to focus on dimensional grid

When cutting is convenient to focus on dimensional grid

  1. Next, take the film is applied to the profile and gradually glue, separating the base and pressing the polymer coating to the substrate. More convenient to work together.
  2. For better fixation is desirable to moisten and profile, and the adhesive surface soap film.
Warming the surface of the hair dryer, we provide tighter gluing

Warming the surface of the hair dryer, we provide tighter gluing

  1. After completion of the pasting, and smoothes take squeegee coating, driving the edges of the air bubble and the excess soap solution.
  2. Prune excess material with a sharp knife is folded and glued.
  3. On bends and fittings required to warm up the film a hairdryer, otherwise sooner or later it will fall behind the base.
Paste over can not only frame but also the window sills, and other elements

Paste over can not only frame but also the window sills, and other elements

As I have said, will not so beautiful as in commercial lamination, but still the window's appearance will change dramatically for the better.

Design after restoration

Design after restoration


Laminated windows is much better suited to the standard white interiors majority. Following the advice given in the text and video in this article, you will be able to choose the designs, taking into account all the nuances. In addition, the described technology will help you to decorate their own plastic window. Especially in complex cases, you can always ask a question in the comments.

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