Paint of paint - the magic of color with your own hands

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Mixing colors of colors - what do we have to master?

But before you start tinting, you need to know that not every white paint can be used to create dark shades. The reason for this separation is the amount of binder and pigment present in each paint. These two components are interrelated, and for the raw material to meet its characteristics, it is necessary that the amount of pigment does not exceed the rate that the binder can fix.

When tinting in dark colors, pigments for paints increase, and the concomitant may not be enough to bond the entire pigment. Therefore, manufacturers produce paints with different contents of this substance. And when choosing the coloring material for this factor is worth paying close attention.

With manual tinting in the building materials store, the paint is bought for the paint( the colors are chosen so that the finish finish is done), as well as white paint of the necessary consistency. Mixing the colors of colors in the home is not an easy task, but all the difficulties are passed before the possibility of obtaining a shade that is not available in the store and which is not available to the coloring machine. These include the so-called complex tones.

Usually, these are shade colors, consisting of several components of the palette. Also manual tinting is suitable for those who are going to paint the room in two different colors, and who needs an accurate selection of shades under each other. In addition, this kind of mixing of colors is also chosen when they want to combine the decoration of walls with some element of the interior.

Paint coloring - the characteristics of the manual and computer method

Hand-held tinting is not spared from the human factor, therefore it has enough pros and cons. The merits of this kind of mixing of colors are:

  • the possibility of tinting directly on the site of work;
  • possibility of obtaining complex individual shades;
  • is quite an economical option.

There are also disadvantages:

  • the difficulty in re-obtaining the required color;
  • possible error when choosing the right paint for darker shades;

Mixing of paints with computer tinting is carried out on the basis of standard recipes laid down in the software. If in the future the customer needs the same color, it can be very simply reproduced again.

Advantages of computer tinting:

  • fast and accurate tinting in the required shade;
  • ability to repeat the required color;
  • correct selection of paint for tinting in dark colors;
  • large selection of colors for tinting.

The drawbacks of this type include the inability to perform tinting with a binding to the object.

Many customers use computer color tinting, rightly arguing that this is fast and allows you to recreate the desired shade if necessary. Those who intend to use intricate shades in the interior and want an accurate binding to their home, while taking note of some of the nuances.

Very often you can hear the question: how to mix paint colors? To answer this question, you can consider the whole process of coloring at home.

Mixing colors - secrets of the

technique First, we collect several wide plastic packages from yogurt. In a previously washed plastic container, you need to pour a little paint and write down its volume( approximately 100 ml).After that, several drops of the same color or several( for complex shades) should be added to the same container. The number of drops and the name of the color is also desirable to record.

Now you need to mix the colors with the paint to get a uniform color. It is better to start with 2 drops, and if the color is pale, you can add more dye, but only by drop.

When the color in the tank suits you( you need to remember that on the wall it will be brighter), take a brush and paint a small section of the wall. After the paint has dried, it is desirable to evaluate the color under natural as well as artificial lighting.

If the result you are pleased with, you can paint the remaining paint, but. .. from the required amount of dye necessarily take 20% of .This is done in order to keep the color you need, becausethe color on the large surface will always look brighter than on the small one.

For example, to create the right color for 100 ml of paint, 5 drops of color were used, according to the logic of 1000 ml, 50 drops must be dripped, but this is not so. To maintain the desired shade per 1000 ml, 40 drops of the desired dye are needed.

If the preliminary painting did not suit you, there are several options for solving this issue. This is either dilution of the paint, or addition of a dye, depending on the result obtained. And the most important condition: come to this process creatively, and then the desired result will not keep you waiting.

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