Interior living room Bedrooms: small combined project area, design ideas

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Interior living room bedroom (42 images): ideas for original design


Table of contents

  • 1 methods for combining
  • 2 The visual perception of space - the basis of a small design space
  • 3 Create a project and the selection of furniture
    • 3.1 feasibility of the project
    • 3.2 On the issue of furniture
  • 4 Summing up
  • 5 Photo Gallery

Often the owners of a small apartment facing the problem of lack of space, so have to combine several zones in the same room.

Interior living-bedroom - the best solution or a bad plan? About this in our article.

Interior bedroom living roommethods for combining

Bedroom living room design

Optionally sleeping area and reception share the blank walls

What should be the bedroom, living room, the design of which will suit you?

First of all, decide where it will be a place to sleep, and where there is a recreation area and reception. After all, no one wants to quiet sleep and rest prevented someone. So, these two areas should be divided between them.

Note! Optional build between them a blank wall, in this case, you lose in space. Most often the designers use partial separation zones. For such use light separation walls or sliding screens.

Room partition off partially half or 1/3. This bedroom-living room interior is well laid out previously, is a convenient and beautiful.

Partition wall between the zones may also be a rack or plaster structure with niches. It is possible to store books, utensils or decorative objects.

For the space allocated for the bedroom, choose the most comfortable and quiet of the room, away from the front door.

Bedroom living room interior

Zones can be divided and the podium.

Another method of zoning - a two-level floor. In the sleeping area it is placed slightly higher than in the living area. You can use different color flooring. This technique will provide additional focus of each of the zones.

The visual perception of space - the basis of a small design space

Living room bedroom interior

Cleverly chosen lighting make the room comfortable

Another design method, which after living-bedroom, the interior of which is necessary to visually divide becomes visually volumetric and spacious - skillfully selected and distributed lighting.

  • Everyone knows that bright light irritates in the bedroom, but in the design of the living room it is most relevant, so you can make a weak and muffled, dim lighting in the bedroom area. It's enough to put a floor lamp or a few pale lamps whose light will give a nice, even intimate atmosphere.
  • Also important is the color of light. For the rest it is best suitable shades of green and blue. Warm colors excite and irritate, so in the bedroom of their use impractical. living room design ideas involve more bright and rich colors and lighting.
  • Soft serene light recreation area, and a bright tone guest visually separate the two areas.

Tip! Combining the best related colors to give the overall harmony. For example, a cold and dark shades of green, blue, pink, lavender in the bedroom area, and the same color, but the tendency to warm tones - in the living room.

Create a project and the selection of furniture

living room design ideas

Furniture-transformer is very convenient

feasibility of the project

Now that we all know the basic techniques and secrets of association and visual separation of the two rooms, you can make your own interior design project, or at least a rough sketch. This will help you to see how it will look like the interior of a small living room bedroom in the finished form.

On the issue of furniture

If you for some reason do not want to share two formal partition or screen area, and would like to see in the future a whole room, there are a few secrets to zoning. One of them - the furniture-transformer.

Very convenient and practical sofa-transformer. During the day it can be folded, you can rest on it, watch television, receive visitors. For a comfortable night's sleep just enough to expand it. This sofa is convenient by the fact that the provided boxes perfectly placed bed linen and accessories.

Especially practical and functional sofa, they have more opportunities and options for sitting and sleeping in an already unfolded.

Reconquer space can also be due to the table-transformer. Lunch and reception, this table can be decomposed. If necessary, it can be easy to turn the movement into a small coffee table.

Tip! Television, too, should be chosen wisely. Firstly, it should not interfere with restful sleep. Secondly, should occupy a minimum of space, so the best option would be a flat plasma TV hung on the wall.

Keep in mind that it should not only decorate your interior bedroom combined with a living room, but did not interfere with rest, so it is better positioned as far as possible from the sleeping area.

The interior of a small living room bedroom

It is important that all elements of the interior combined with each other

And one more important caveat when choosing a general style of interior design. Remember that one room, though visually divided into two zones, should look harmonious. Pieces of furniture, decoration, lighting, color - everything should ideally be combined with each other.

Before starting the repair, decide the style and choose an acceptable color range. Remember that the premeditated and planned repairs will be much faster.

Summing up

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