Plants for the pond: we form a pond on the site

Artificial ponds and ponds are increasingly becoming unchanged details of landscape design. They are not just the original decorations of the site, but also a great place to relax on hot days.

However, when designing a reservoir, it is very important to take into account that it is an independent model of the ecosystem, and its life-support requires not only purification systems, but also all kinds of plants for the pond.

Plants for decorative ponds

Plants for a decorative pond

Plant species for a pond

A huge variety of existing plants is conventionally divided into three separate groups: coastal, deep-sea and floating. In this publication "House of Dreams" will tell about each of these varieties of plants and the possibilities of designing a pond with their help.

Coastal and marsh plants for the pond

Coastal plants for the pond in the countryside differ by their root system, which must be either directly in the water, or in a very moist soil mixed with sand. In this variety, a group of marsh plants is also often distinguished, the root system of which can develop only in the marsh, that is, constantly moistened soil. The most popular coastal plants are irises, water buckwheat, kaluzhnitsy, streulolist, ayr and cotton grass. Coastal plants for the pond are recommended to be planted in shallow water in early spring. Some, especially heat-loving plants( for example, irises) can be planted in pre-prepared terraces, transplanting them only when the air temperature for at least a week does not fall below 5 degrees.

Beautiful plants for the pond

Beautiful plants for a pond

Beautiful plants for a decorative pond

Beautiful plants for a decorative pond

Beautiful plants for a decorative pond

Beautiful plants for a decorative pond

All these plants give a very long and bright bloom. To ensure a beautiful pond decor in the period from the beginning of April until the first frosts, it is recommended to plant a caluga( flowering in April), watch, irises( flowering in May), cotton grass, shooter and mountaineer( flowering from summer to autumn).

A group of marsh plants, which include a bathing-place, lyubelia and placoon-grass, should be planted in areas close to a body of water with moist soil. However, at the same time, there should not be strong water stagnation in the soil. Planting them is also necessary in the spring with the first stable warming. As the plants near the pond not only beautifully form the pond, but also protect the shoreline from landslides and erosions, it is recommended to plant them in dense rows, from time to time adding new shoots.

Plants near the pond Photo

Plants near a pond Photo

Beautiful plants for the pond

Beautiful plants for a pond

Floating plants

Plants belonging to this group do not need soil, becausethey feed on useful substances dissolved in water. Floating plants do not just decorate the pond, but also clean it, as thermoregulators. In addition, due to the fact that these plants are fed organic, there is a blockage in the development of algae.

Floating plants for a pond photo

Floating plants for a pond Photo

Floating plants for a pond photo

Floating plants for a pond Photo

Coastal plants for the pond photo

Coastal plants for a pond Photo

Plants in a pond Photo

Plants in a pond Photo

The most popular representatives of a group of floating plants are watercolor, teleresis, elodea, nymphaea, lettuce, duckweed and pemphigus. All these plants develop both in darkened areas, and in the sun. However, to prevent the overgrowing of the pond, it is recommended to plant floating plants in a small amount, approximately two-thirds of the area of ​​the pond.

Floating plants for pond decoration

Floating plants for pond decoration

Floating plants for pond decoration

Floating plants for pond decoration

Plants that generate oxygen

Making a pond, you should definitely pick up plants that purify the water in the pond. Due to the absorption of minerals and carbon dioxide, they prevent the spread of contaminants and the development of algae. The most non-selective plants-cleaners include rdest, hornwort, urr and elodea. In fact, they do not require care, very quickly growing both in the shade and in the sun. For example, Elodea can fill the entire pond in the first year of life, therefore, this plant is recommended to plant in very small quantities.

Deep-water plants

Unlike floating plants, which often do not take root and take root, a group of deep-water plants is rather lethargic and vigorous. Plants belonging to the group of deep water should grow at a depth of 0.5 to 1 meter. It is most convenient to grow a silkworm, a nymphaid, an aponegone, a kabushku, a water nut and a water lily in the pond. In addition to its decorative value, deep-water plants are indicators of purity and absorbers of carbon dioxide in the water.

plants for a pond in the country

Pond plants in the country house

pond plants

Pond plants

Almost all plants of this group can be planted both in the open ground and in special containers. In some cases, the use of containers is even preferable, since this helps to prevent excessive proliferation.

How to make a pond with plants

To make the reservoir look like a harmonious and natural detail of landscape design, some important rules must be taken into account during its design. For example, it is recommended to plant larger and taller plants in the northern area. Thus, it will be possible to preserve unity, because plants planted in the southern zone grow somewhat faster than in the northern zone.

Plants for the pond

Pond plants photo

plants for a pond in the country

Pond plants in the

summerhouse When creating coastal plants for pond decoration, you can try to create a whole composition using those kinds of plants that in the future will give contrasting shapes and colors of the inflorescence. For example, bright flowers of iris and golden inflorescences of a bathing-house against a background of a dense green fern will look good.

Having deep-water and floating plants directly in the pond, you need to visually divide the reservoir into five zones. In the center, it is necessary to plant the largest plants for a decorative pond, for example, water lilies and egg capsules. In the remaining parts, smaller and more curly plants will look good-the quail sheather, the smooth iris, the bathing-place, etc.

In addition, if there is a need to create a bright decorative accent, you can use artificial plants for the pond, but only under the condition of a well-established ecosystem of the reservoir.

How to make a pond photo

How to decorate a pond Photo

Plants for the pond

Pond plants Photo

How to care for plants in a pond

Despite the fact that often plants for a pond are very lean, they also need regular care, like any other flora:

  • First, floating plantsfrom time to time it is necessary to thin out.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to regularly remove yellowed, browned and wilted leaves.
  • Thirdly, in order to ensure a long and healthy life for plants, in the spring and summer period it is necessary to clean the pond from fluff, leaves and dirt particles, as this prevents the supply of oxygen to their rhizomes.

With these simple rules, your pond will always be neatly decorated, delighting with beautiful and lush vegetation.

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