How to deal with aphids in the greenhouse: get rid of aphids, treatment from aphids, a tool to treat the greenhouse, destroy the aphids

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The fight against aphids is a complex matter, requiring an integrated approach fight against aphids - the question is quite complex, requiring an integrated approach Greenhouse is a great place clusters of pests. High humidity and comfortable temperature promote the favorable development of parasites. Especially dangerous is the aphid. When it appears, you can say goodbye to 25% of the harvest. But there are a number of measures that will help get rid of the pest.

    • Signs of aphid in greenhouse
    • Folk remedies to combat aphids in greenhouses
    • Getting rid of aphids in greenhouses using chemicals
    • The process greenhouse aphid: preventive measures
    • Maintenance work: how to deal with the greenhouse aphid( video)

Signs of aphids in the greenhouse

aphids in the greenhouse can be detected on the bottom side of leaves of a plant. It feeds on the saplings of the seedlings, as a result of which the leaves become dried, twisted and fall. The ends of the shoots begin to curl, grow poorly and do not bear fruit.

At the first signs of the appearance of aphids, you immediately need to start a war against it At the first sign of the emergence of aphids, you immediately need to start war against her

pest has wings and is able to help them to travel long distances, creating new colonies.

The feeding of aphids is accompanied by the release of small sugar drops called "honeydew".Such excrement attracts insects. Aphids get along well with ants. She provides them with food, and they give her protection.

recognition methods aphids:

  1. On plants are visible accumulations of vermin, especially on the underside of the leaves;
  2. The leaves show white traces( parts of old aphid skin);
  3. There are sticky marks on cultures - pad;
  4. Leaves spoil, curl, shrink;
  5. The plant ceases to bear fruit, the buds remain closed.

Because of aphids, plants begin to ache. The product that they excrete attracts many other insects and pests. So white traces on the leaves are the consequence of yeast microorganisms.

Aphids are a real disaster for vegetable growers. If it gets into the greenhouse, then 25% of the plants die. It can appear in different ways. The pest can be carried by the wind during the ventilation of the greenhouse. It can also occur with fertilizers, plant seedlings or with the ground.

Folk remedies for the control of aphids in the greenhouse

Pest control began long before the appearance of chemicals. Some funds rendered greater efficiency, some - less. But there are a number of folk recipes to destroy aphids.

The choice of a preparation for combating aphids on cucumbers depends on how numerous the colony of these pests The choice of a preparation for controlling cucumber decay depends on how numerous the colony of these pests is.

Folk remedies will help not only to get rid of pests, but also to save on treatments. In addition, they are absolutely safe for fruits.

Means for fighting aphids are prepared according to this scheme: finely ground, poured with water, filtered and sprayed plants. Depending on the chosen method, the proportions of water and the time of infusion change. At the same time, all folk remedies are quite affordable.

plant infusions that help fight aphids:

  • Datura;
  • Onion;
  • Mustard;
  • Marigolds;
  • Tobacco;
  • Krapivwa;
  • Garlic.

You can also make a tincture with pine needles and decoction of tobacco dust. Still others prefer to spray the cultures with a solution of household soap and ash( you can take soda or any other alkali).You can try to collect the aphids on their own or wash it with a stream of water. A significant shortage of folk remedies - the period of their action is longer than with chemical treatment. This is why they often resort to biologics.

How to get rid of aphids in greenhouses with the help of chemicals

Chemicals help to quickly eradicate pests in a greenhouse. They can be purchased in wide access and assortment. The price of such drugs is quite affordable.

Chemical insecticides act instantly Chemical insecticides act instantly

Chemicals work much faster than traditional medicine methods. After 2-4 hours all the aphids will be destroyed.

Each drug acts on a specific species of aphid. Before buying it is important to determine which parasite is present on the plants in the greenhouse. This will ensure the effectiveness of treatment, because each species has its own sensitivity to poisons.

Effective chemical preparations for the control of aphids:

  • "Sharpay";
  • "Bitoxybacillin";
  • "Kinmiks";
  • "Aktofit";
  • Carbofos;
  • "Fitoverim";
  • "Intra-Vir".

Each preparation has its own indications for use, which are prescribed in the instructions. So means "Bitoksibatsillin" it is necessary to process cultures 2-3 times during vegetation. Other drugs should be used once a week. Some should be applied only one month before the appearance of the fruit. Each preparation is individual, you need to study the instructions in detail before buying or consult the seller.

But chemicals act destructively not only on aphids, but also on the ground. They are absorbed into the soil and stay there for a long time. Then the drugs are absorbed by water and vegetables and fall on the table. But chemicals destroy useful microorganisms. Therefore, it is better to resort to folk remedies.

Than to treat a greenhouse against aphids: preventive measures

For smaller crop losses and preserving the right soil microflora, it is necessary to do preventive maintenance against aphids. At the same time, it is impossible to get rid of the pest forever, but you can protect yourself with a number of measures. These are different agrotechnical and organizational measures.

Preventive control of aphids:
  1. All remains of weeds and plants should be removed and burned;
  2. It is required to regularly remove all weeds on which aphids may form;
  3. Cultures that most often infect pests need to be located far away from poppy, viburnum, lime or mallow;
  4. Periodically inspect the stems for aphids;
  5. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated so that the plants receive fresh air;
  6. Watering should be carried out only with warm water - 25 degrees;
  7. Before planting plants in the spring, all the inventory and objects of the hotbed must be treated with bleach or caustic soda;
  8. The internal space of the greenhouse should be treated with sulfur gas.

After completion of the growing season, more serious methods can be applied. Cultures should be treated with a mixture of insecticacaricide and 40% formalin solution. It is worth remembering that the greenhouse climate can be liked by many pests, so the hotbed should be regularly ventilated.

Preventive works: how to deal with aphids in the greenhouse( video)

Aphids can occur in absolutely any greenhouse. It settles on the bottom of the leaves and gradually sucks life out of the crops. To combat it using different methods. Folk remedies are safer, but high-speed chemicals. To protect yourself from the appearance of an unpleasant pest, you need to carry out a number of preventive actions.

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