To make a mistake, making the calculation of the canvas for cross-stitching is very easy, and what is most sad, it can not be determined immediately. As a result, the work has to be re-done. And this is unlikely to please anyone.
- Calculation of the canvas by the number of crosses: methods and their features
- Calculator of the canvas for cross stitching: advantages and disadvantages
- Dimensions of the canvas for cross stitching: the basic types
- How to properly outline the cross stitch: Tips
- Uniform canvas marking( video)
Calculating the canvas by the number of crosses: methods and their features
In order to obtain the required number,-exponential calculation.
You can do this in two ways:
- Manually;
- Using a special calculator.
The first method assumes that the needlewoman initially calculates how many crosses are contained in 10 cm. Further, having the size of the picture in front of you, you can calculate the required number of crosses. In principle, this process does not involve any pitfalls. Moreover, it may even be interesting. A completely different calculation method is a special electronic calculator that will do everything itself. All that is required from the needlewoman - just enter the available data into the corresponding windows of the program.
Of course, electronic calculators may have some flaws, but there are also proven resources that you can trust. All you need is to determine the type of canvas and find out the final dimensions of the product. And, if there is a need, you can learn how to use it using thematic videos.
Which is the way to choose - each needlewoman determines for herself. Many of them, out of habit, try to calculate the dimensions of the canvas themselves. And in some cases, it turns out even slightly faster.
Calculator of canvas for cross stitching: advantages and disadvantages
Calculations of embroidery sizes with the help of Internet calculators entered the life of domestic needlewomen relatively recently, but most of them have not got used to such an attractive innovation.
Among the advantages of calculators can be called:
- Efficiency of calculations;
- Ability to simultaneously perform several operations;
- Uncertainty of calculations;
- An impressive library of canvas parameters of the most common brands.
It would seem that it is an ideal solution, so why is it still not totally used by needlewomen?And the answer to this question lies in one serious drawback. In order to calculate by the number of crosses, you need to get at least basic computer skills. Alas, but not all craftsmen try to do this.
Of course, the given deficiency is far from critical, but for many people it becomes a stumbling block. If you count manually does not cause special difficulties, you can continue to do your favorite manipulation. After all, access to the Internet is not always possible and not everywhere.
Dimensions of the canvas for cross stitching: basic types
Does the type and size of the canvas matter?Of course, because it depends on the final form of the picture. So, for beginners the canvas Aida №14 is best. It is quite large and will allow the master to do the work without straining your eyesight and without making any effort. In the end, the embroidery is very neat, but the canvas is slightly visible from under the thread. In addition, the picture will be an order of magnitude larger than if it were embroidered on a completely different canvas.
Canva # 16 is the choice of skilled craftsmen with good eyesight. Crosses will be tight, and the fabric will become completely invisible. However, experienced masters recommend embroidering on this canvas in two strands.
Canvas # 18 greatly reduces the size of the picture, but allows you to get a very high quality art composition. But, thanks to this basis, it is possible to reproduce the most realistic picture.
Based on this classification, you can determine the dimensions of the canvas:
- 11 - 44 cells per 10 cm;
- 14 - 55 cells per 10 cm;
- 16 - 60 cells per 10 cm;
- 18 - 72 squares per 10 cm
The material flax is also very popular, it is convenient to embroider on it. In some cases, you can even choose the kind of weaving that is present on the fabric.
The so-called plastic canvas is made of their synthetic mesh, with tightly intertwined threads. It is usually chosen for its beginners who have minimal experience in cross stitching. However, it is possible that the material will be of interest to experienced craftsmen who are engaged in making souvenirs.
How to properly outline the cross stitch:
tips Before embroidering the chosen picture, the canvas should be drawn out, outlining the edges and outlines of the work. What is usually done?With a simple pencil, however, more and more often masters prefer to mark out their work with a special flushable marker. It draws quite brightly and, as the producer promises, is quickly washed off when it comes into contact with water. But this does not always happen. Sometimes, mainly with improper washing, the marker is firmly eaten into the fabric, and it is not possible to wash it. Pencil is removed almost always.
Trying to organize the work correctly, it is advisable to schedule:
- Work boundaries;
- Outlines of large facilities;
- "Doubtful" moments.
Do not be afraid to do more than you need markup, because in any case it disappears without a trace. The main thing is to work was convenient. Then the whole process will only bring pleasure, no matter how long it lasts.
Uniform canvas marking( video)
It takes very little time to calculate the canvas for cross-stitching. However, knowing the number and type of canvas, it can be further simplified. Or, if you want or need, use the Internet calculator. The result will be equally good.