Features of a choice of color of walls in an interior of an apartment


  • 1 Color specification
  • 2 Tips and advice from specialists
    • 2.1 Living room
    • 2.2 Bedroom
    • 2.3 Entrance hall
    • 2.4 Child
    • 2.5 Kitchen

Comfort and beauty is a very important thing, so you want to make it cozy after its completion, warm, nice and stylish. Choosing the color of the walls in an apartment is important to take into account also the volume of the room, but various interior tricks can and modify the space. If it is a question of painting the walls in a room, then it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors, from the way the room is assigned and ending with the decoration style. What should I think about when doing this procedure?

Color characteristic

Each color has its own unique style, and also acts differently on the subconscious of a person. This is a kind of background, the outer shell, which dictates its rules and controls the psyche of those around it.

  1. Neutral colors are great for creating a bright and vibrant interior. With a surplus of sunlight helps to cope with the cold palette, and add tenderness and a feeling of well-being - warm.
  2. White color visually expands the space, but when it is in excess, it becomes boring and uncomfortable. This color of walls must be diluted with contrast, the more playful it is, the better. For example, red and white.
  3. Red - activates the subconscious, makes the heart pound more, does not allow a person to relax. Excites, is a sign of passion and reincarnation. Negatively affects a person in the bedroom, when there is no possibility to regularly change it to other shades.
  4. Yellow - tones up, gives strength, strengthens the nervous system, heals the body. In this room open unearthly chakras that allow you to relax and enjoy the world around you.
  5. But to adjust yourself to the lyrical mode will help the green color. For people of creativity - it is an indispensable source of energy, it is perfect to equip with such shades a writing corner or a sleeping place.
  6. Blue - calms, increases concentration, allows you to focus on an important issue, be unshakable, serious and determined. Suitable for strict and business personalities.
  7. Orange-restores internal strength, warms, awakens, allows itself to be, tunes to positive emotions, protects from negative background.
  8. Violet inspires and fosters mental activity, sometimes it is an aggressive color of the walls, and therefore it must be skillfully combined with lighter and warmer shades of white and beige coloring.
  9. Black - strains and narrows the room, presses on the psyche, does not allow you to relax. Used in the interior in a minimal amount, often with white and pastel tones.

Before you decide which colors to paint the walls in the apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of competent combination of colors and shades.a color scheme

Tips and advice from specialists

There are several possible combinations, similar colors, for example, gray and beige, or pastel - blue and mint. The second - different in the saturation shades of the same color, bright red and raspberry, turquoise and dark blue. The third is contrasting, bold combinations of green and red, black and orange.

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The border between the hues can be made invisible, or use a paper border, decorative rail, mosaic and pebbles. It is important to divide the space horizontally and vertically, so that the colors correctly played in the selected background, and not distorted the room.

About the bottom and the same paint on different surfaces looks different. On a smooth - lighter, on a rough - dark, on a matte - warm, and polished cold and severe.

If you choose the right paint for the walls , , you can even modify the room, make it wider and lighter( pastel colors), optically cut( dark), give intimacy and coziness( saturated).combination of colors and shades

Living room

How to choose the color of the walls in this room? Light and calm colors can guarantee comfort, a great mood, they are equally suitable for a noisy party or a relaxing holiday. You can experiment with accessories, hang contrast curtains or put unusual furniture, but the color of the walls in this character will look good for many years.

Large rooms can be boldly painted in yellow and orange colors, but small ones - in purple, purple, peach. Will be fun and harmonious!


Here you need peace and comfort, so there is nothing to do in red, purple, black colors. Ideally, beige, blue, light pink, cream shades will suit, so you can not only keep the comfort in the room, but also visually increase the space.

Entrance hall

You can make a bright room, as well as choose the color of the walls with unusual and original elements. It is important to focus on the interior of the whole room and on the background of everything to draw the right conclusions.


Unforgettable, playful, sunny, beautiful and inspiring. Here, various combinations are combined, combining unusual shades to help the child feel comfortable and captivating in the color palette of the apartment.

The sleeping area is better painted in restrained tones, for example, blue, pink, green, yellow, with decor elements and a comfortable bed. An important article will tell how to equip a children's bedroom correctly.


Light colors make this room more spacious, for this white, green and beige colors will do. But some people want to make it dynamic and progressive, painting in red, dark brown, black.

The ceiling should be in harmony with the walls, and not stand out from the overall picture, only in this way it is possible to achieve integrity and interior completeness. Natural shades always look winning, than combined and unnatural.

Options, how to choose the color of the walls in an apartment is very much, it all depends on the individual preferences of the owner and her financial capabilities. But the most important thing is to get a cozy, comfortable and beautiful room.

Experiment and turn your dreams into reality! Find out what colors are combined in the interior of the room.

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