In the greenhouse blackened tomatoes: why and what to do, the leaves turned black, the bottom ends in the greenhouse, tomatoes

If tomatoes turn black in the greenhouse, then this may be due to various illnesses or improper care If greenhouse tomatoes turn black, it may be due to various diseases or improper care Very often in the greenhouse tomatoes turn black, which makes the owners of the premises a real panic. The first desire is to immediately get rid of damaged fruits, and even from all the bushes. Sometimes this action is completely justified, however, it is important to look at the situation. If plants can be saved - this must be done. After all, too much effort has been invested in the final harvest. And to remain without him at the height of the season is an inexcusable oversight.

    • rind tomatoes turn black in the greenhouse
    • Possible reasons why a greenhouse blacken tomatoes
    • life hacking: blacken tomatoes in a greenhouse, what to do
    • What if blacken the leaves of tomato in greenhouse
    • Whygreenhouse tomatoes turn black( video)

rind tomatoes turn black in the greenhouse

This situation is familiar to many: for no reason at all carefully nurtured tomato planted in the greenhouse polycarbonate, are beginning to be covered by hBlack spots and very quickly deteriorate. Moreover, this "disease" affects plants selectively!Spots appear only on one fruit from a bush, and even from the entire greenhouse. However, the alarming situation has already manifested itself, so you need to take the necessary measures.

When they detect blackened tomatoes, they should be thrown out of the greenhouse When a blackened tomatoes, they should be thrown out of the greenhouse

If blackening has a total character, you must:

  • In any case, to treat hives from pests and diseases;
  • Reduce watering;
  • Remove the affected fruit;
  • Ensure normal ventilation of the space.

If after the manipulations of the "black" fruit is no longer observed, you can calm down and continue to care for the plants. However, if the infected area of ​​the land will increase, affecting more shrubs, with most of them have to give up is inevitable. Otherwise, even the earth would be contaminated, so in the future( at least a few years) to sit down on her culture is desirable.

If they are accepted, then the harvest will not be expected. Fruits will get sick and, most likely, also quickly turn black. And, there is nothing to be done to save the harvest, it will be impossible.

In the greenhouse it is necessary to declare a kind of quarantine, during which the earth will have to be treated with special solutions.

Possible reasons why the greenhouse tomatoes turn black

As is the case with people, before the "cure" the plant, you need to put them "diagnosis".

most cases, tomatoes blacken from:

  • overabundance of moisture;
  • The disadvantage of sunlight;
  • Diseases specific to a particular variety.

One of the reasons why blackish tomatoes in a greenhouse may be an excessive amount of moisture in the soil One of the reasons why blacken tomatoes in the greenhouse can be an excessive amount of moisture in the soil

In the first case to correct the problem is simple enough - just reduce the amount of watering, make it less frequent. Within a week, the first results will be visible: tomatoes will quickly mature, will acquire a bright, attractive color. Of course, the already blackened fruits can not help. They will simply be removed from the bush and discarded. Burying them in the ground on humus is strictly not recommended, so that there is no secondary contamination of the soil.

deficiency of sunlight for the plants in the greenhouse as easily eliminated: it is enough just to include powerful lamps that will help improve the situation.

Fruits are unlikely to ripen faster, and artificial light, they do not turn out to be delicious, like the sun. However, the blackening of the fruits artificial lighting is chopping upright.
In case of a disease, the outlook will be less optimistic. All bushes have to be removed, and not just throwing away, but burning. Single tomatoes that are not affected by late blight can be eaten. For a person, they do not pose any threat.

Lifengki: black tomatoes in the greenhouse, what to do

blackens tomato gardener begins to worry: Is the dream of an abundant harvest can be buried?After all, "medicines" from late blight does not exist. Of course, you can try to work with chemicals, but then automatically questioned the naturalness and usefulness of the fruit. In fact, to help cope with the problem in the form of disease( if it is not in the irrigation scheme or a lack of sunlight), can be "popular" recipes, proven over the years.

To tomatoes in the greenhouse are not black, they should be regularly sprayed with special means against diseases to tomatoes in the greenhouse is not blackened, they should be regularly sprayed with special means against diseases

Overcome tomato diseases can:

  • well known to many of manganese;
  • Tincture from the root of celandine;
  • Decoction of nettles;
  • Adjusting the tops of garlic.

All these products, except for the first, have an extremely unpleasant odor. It is very important to overcome the fastidiousness and not to abandon the planned enterprise. However, on assurances of summer residents, they work almost 100%.

Concentrated solutions must be mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and sprayed over the bushes. It is very important to observe the proportion, so as not to burn the tender tops of bushes.

Do this procedure twice a week for a month. Contrary to the bad smell, manipulation will very quickly give effect. Black leaves, and plants can be saved from disposal. Harm folk methods certainly will not cause.

What should I do if the leaves turn black tomatoes in the greenhouse

Why blackened leaves from the bottom or only on the tips of tomato bush - a mysterious question. Causes usually do not lie in the lack of sunlight or incorrect watering. With a probability of 99%, we can say that the plant is sick, but it's pointless to solve the issue radically here. Your harvest can still be defended!

To start to struggle with illnesses which lead to blackening of leaves, follows at detection of the first black stains begin to fight diseases that lead to blackening of the leaves should be when the first black spots

need only:

  • Remove affected leaves;
  • Spray the plant with a dilute solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Burn the affected leaves.

Why blacken tomatoes in the greenhouse( video)

blackened tomatoes - this is not a sentence, so for plants can still compete. If the fault is not the external conditions, but the disease, you need to prepare for the fight. Disgusting by its odor solutions, timely processing. However, in the end, the works will be justified, and the gardener will get a decent harvest. Such, which he deserved.

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