Interior sliding door with your hands - detailed instructions

Sliding doors are a rather unusual element, which is largely able to decorate the interior of any apartment. Having decided to install such a door, you must, first of all, evaluate how it meets the conditions that exist in your apartment.

Advantages and Disadvantages of

As with any thing, sliding doors have inherent advantages and disadvantages that need to be taken into account.

Advantages include:

  • space saving;
  • non-adherence to drafts;
  • ease of opening the doors;
  • availability of automation capabilities;
  • no need for thresholds.

Drawbacks of sliding doors:

  • insufficient sound and thermal insulation;
  • impossibility to use the door as an input;
  • higher price of locks and fittings.

Sliding door mechanism

Design features

In a constructive manner, all sliding doors have a roller mechanism, guides and door leaf.

Sliding doors can be of the following types:

  • door-coupe;
  • cascading doors;
  • door-accordion;
  • doors with several doors( two to four);
  • radius.

Acquisition of the necessary materials

If you decide to install a sliding door yourself, you first need to determine its appearance, which will allow sales consultants to orient you regarding the type and number of items to be purchased. As a rule, all sliding accessories are sold together with the door leaf.


Door installation

Having chosen the door type and having bought everything you need for it, you can start the installation. As an example, take the simplest in installation and the most common single-leaf sliding door.

So, the installation of the sliding doors is done in the following order:

Make the markings for the guides. To do this, the door leaf should be attached to the opening and make a few notches on the top edge. Then, these labels should be raised to the height of the guide and the roller mechanism. With the help of a level, make sure that the marks are horizontal, in order to avoid spontaneous closing or opening the door in the future.

scheme-fastening_ of the mechanism-sliding door

Under the labels, install the guide so that it is slightly spaced from the wall. It is necessary that when moving the door does not cling to the wall or trim. For some types of doors, the guides are also installed on the floor. The length of the rail should not be less than twice the width of the doors.

Insert the mounting bolt inside the roller carriage and turn the roller mechanism into the guide. For the suspension of a single-leaf door, a pair of rollers is required.

Install brackets for roller carriages at the top of the door leaf. Their fastening is made at a distance of 3-5 mm from the edge of the door.

Lifting the door leaf, it is necessary to screw the bolts into the brackets installed on the web. This operation is best done together, because one person should support the door in a raised state, and the second must screw the bolts. Check the horizontalness of the upper section of the door and set it by screwing the bolts.

section 1

Slopes and a doorway can be hidden using clypees according to this instruction and dobors. Roller mechanism is covered with a decorative strip, hung from the outer part.

Install all necessary hardware on the canvas.

As can be seen from the described sequence of actions, the installation of a sliding door is not that difficult. The only condition is that all operations are performed carefully and slowly. It is also desirable that all the work be done together.

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