Each culture grown in the fields, the beds or in the greenhouse, there is an optimal growth temperature. Cucumbers are one of the most common vegetables that are grown in greenhouses or greenhouses.
- What temperature in the greenhouse for cucumbers be optimal
- temperature in the greenhouse for
- cucumbers Preferred soil temperature for cucumbers in greenhouses
- determine the temperature for cucumbers in greenhouses
- favorable temperature in the greenhouse forcucumbers( video)
What is the temperature in the greenhouse for cucumbers will
optimal temperature, which are important for the growth, flowering and quantity of crop seedlings have already takenoslyh plants differ. It all starts with seedlings. Seeds are planted in closed containers.
For germination temperature should be between + 25 + 28 ° C.
After emergence of sprouts, the containers are opened. Plants are installed in a perfectly consecrated place. The air temperature is normal + 20 + 25 ° С.To prevent unwanted growth of the stem, the temperature should be kept within normal limits. Sharp decline or temperature increase is undesirable, both for seedlings and for adult plants. Maintaining an optimal environment promotes good growth, adequate nutrition and protection from disease.
After 20-25 days of growth of seedlings, cucumbers are planted in a greenhouse. It is important that the optimal temperature in the greenhouse is + 23 + 30 ° C.Lowering the degrees, can provoke plant diseases or they will get worse nutrition from the soil. As a result, the plants will begin to oppress, die. With an increase in temperature, in addition to the already mentioned effects, cucumbers can also "burn".Cucumber plants need maximum care.
temperature in the greenhouse for
cucumber When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, the seedlings planting is not always required. The roots of cucumbers are weak and do not recover with damage. But if seedlings are used from the beginning, then it is better to do it in cups without a bottom. Glasses are installed in a box and sprinkled with earth.
When planting seedlings in the greenhouse, the plants together with cups of ground just squeezed into the prepared hole.
You can use newspaper cups, when planted in the ground they decompose. The maintenance of temperature in the greenhouse is also important, as in the greenhouse.+ 16 + 18 ° C - the optimum temperature for cucumbers at night. In the daytime it is desirable that the temperature within the hotbed does not fall below + 24 ° C.
But it's also important not to burn plants. Therefore, it is a good idea to install a thermometer inside the greenhouse. When the heat leaves, flowers and growing fruit will begin to wilt and dry. This is an important signal of the plant that the temperature must be urgently restored to normal.
In the greenhouse, with proper care, on the 40-45 day the fruits will begin to grow actively. And soon it will be possible to enjoy the first harvest. The way of growing, in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse, is different. For different varieties, different ways. Also, the variety affects other factors: speed, quantity, beginning and end of the crop.
The best soil temperature for cucumbers in the greenhouse
Every plant loves when the soil is rich in useful substances. In particular, it concerns water. Watering is good to spend in the evening. But if the temperature in the greenhouse depends on the environment, then in the hot summer it would not be bad to water cucumbers and wound in the morning. After ventilating, to prevent excess air humidity. For each plant, humidity plays a big role. For cucumbers the norm, which the experienced gardeners and gardeners try to observe, should ideally be at least 70%, both in the greenhouse and in the greenhouse.
Soil temperature after transplanting + 20 + 24 ° С.It is no less important than the temperature and humidity of the air.
At + 12 ° C or lower, the seeds and roots after planting can not develop. If the soil temperature exceeds + 35 + 40 ° C, the roots are depressed, and the leaves begin to fade. To prevent overcooling of the soil and( or) damage to the roots of cucumbers, you should water plants with warm water. It is desirable that the water temperature is similar to the soil temperature. Water needs the very soil. Water entering the leaves can cause burns in the plant. But you can not pour "under the root".So you can damage the upper roots of the roots, which leads to disease and poor harvest. Good watering is the key to a high-quality and large harvest. Insufficient amount of liquid can lead to bitterness in the fruit. Before each irrigation is recommended to check the condition of the soil, if it is damp, then watering should be postponed.
Determine the temperature regime for cucumbers in the greenhouse
As everyone knows, a lot of factors influence the growth, flowering, plant condition and quantity of the crop.
The main ones are :
- Temperature and humidity of air;
- Earth's temperature;
- Timely watering;
- Extra fertilizing;
- Loosening the soil.
Observance of all optimum standards and proper care contributes to the good development of the plant. To maintain the desired temperature for cucumbers, you should purchase a sensor. A good system for determining and adjusting the temperature in the greenhouse is a good helper. Especially in the case when growing cucumbers and other crops, it is very important for gardeners and truck farmers. Such a system is expensive and not always necessary.
When there is time and desire to care for plants, the optimum temperature can be maintained independently. There are different ways for this.
To increase the temperature to the desired cucumber, it is worthwhile to perform some actions. The first way is to temporarily cover plants with a film. It keeps the heat inside and does not allow spreading the degrees throughout the greenhouse. Such a shelter is done at a certain place. Fittings, a wooden frame and something similar are being installed. This method should be used only at the right time. When the heat in the street, then the cover should be removed in order to prevent overheating of the plant.
Another way: mulch the ground in the greenhouse. Mulch should be dark and dense in order to attract heat. Raising the soil temperature promotes heat in the greenhouse. It is natural to normalize the temperature well. But you should not leave cucumbers for a long time without supervision, so as not to overdo it.
To begin with, it should be noted that it is not very wise to build long greenhouses. They will have poor airing. Of course, it is possible to install lifting glass or hatches on the roof made of good film, polycarbonate and other translucent materials that are used in the construction of greenhouses.
If airing is not enough, then you can pour the greenhouse outside. Inside, too, you can, but it should be done carefully. Trails and free corners are being poured. The glass outside, for a slight decrease in temperature, is painted with chalk diluted in water. Chalk then easily washed off.
Small greenhouses, built without a foundation, can be raised and in this way to ensure a good ventilation from the bottom. Another effective method: covering the roof of the greenhouse with light sheets or something similar. To ensure that the cover does not fly off, the edges of the sheet are fastened to the rails. You can use clothespins, but in strong winds this method is not very effective. If there is nothing suitable for covering the greenhouse, then now on sale there are shading grids. There are two similar actions for lowering the temperature. The first of these is to hang bottles with frozen water. Second, buy "dry ice"( carbon dioxide) and place it.
Favorable temperature in the greenhouse for cucumbers( video)
Good harvest is the key to proper care. Temperature is assigned to one of the main roles, responsible for flowering, ripening of the crop and the way cucumbers grow. For cucumbers, proper nutrition, watering and loosening of the soil is also important. Loosening is done shallow not to damage the roots. Good harvest!