Septic Eurobion: the principle of the work of Yubas, feedback on the service, the new generation

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The septic tank "Eurobion" will help you to cope with waste disposal qualitatively deal with waste management will help septic "Evrobion» septic tank at their summer cottage has an important task - to waste disposal. Among the popular models well-proven "Eurobion" cleaners. The model range is quite wide, you can purchase the device based on the needs and financial possibilities.

    • The principle of operation of a septic tank "Evrobion 5»
    • technology services septic tank "Evrobion»
    • Lineup septic tank production "YUBAS»
    • reviews septic tank "Evrobion»
    • Service septic tank "Evrobiona"( video)

principle septic tank "Evrobion 5»

Septic "Evrobion" has a simplified construction. At the first stage, the process of wastewater treatment begins. In total, it is possible to distinguish 4 principles of the cleaning design.

Before using the septic tank Eurobion 5, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the principle of its operation Before use septic "Evrobion 5" should be read with the principle of its operation

operating principle of septic "Evrobion»:

  1. faeces fall into the first chamber, where is mounted the aerator, which injects airFor the life of bacteria. There the sewage is mixed and crushed. The first compartment gets water from the second chamber, which increases the number of microorganisms.
  2. The first compartment is equipped with an intermediate bottom with a sump. It contains solid fractions and effluents. Also, sludge settles on the bottom of the chamber.
  3. From the sump, the liquid moves to the next compartment where it continues to settle and decompose under the action of bacteria. In this chamber there is an air lift, which provides the supply and circulation of water. Here, the biofilm is removed.
  4. The next stage is a tertiary clarifier. It is represented by a pipe with an installed aerosleigh. A tertiary sump is responsible for discharging liquid from the device.

The septic must consist of 75% water. This is the level that is considered optimal. If there is not enough fluid, the drains begin to move between the cameras and are not removed from the device.

The treated effluents are moved to a pit, pond, filtration well.

Septic tanks "Eurobion" compact enough devices, which made the device cheaper. The design has both its advantages and disadvantages. Among the minuses, the lack of a stabilizer makes itself felt, which makes it difficult to take silt. The main advantages are a light weight design, easy installation and maintenance, good performance.

technology service "Evrobion" septic

Caring for septic tank is simple enough, that is caused by a simple construction of the cleaning equipment. All actions can be done by themselves. Maintenance similar to the prevention of cleaning of other manufacturers.

In addition, it is necessary to study the service technology of the septic tank Eurobion Advanced technology should be explored maintenance septic tank "Evrobion»

septic tank maintenance includes the following processes:

  1. necessary to monitor the transparency of the liquid at the outlet;
  2. Every 3 years it is advised to check the condition of the compressor membrane;
  3. Once a month, assess the condition of the sedimentation tanks;
  4. It is important to control the presence of unpleasant odors;
  5. The outlet should be checked for sludge in the water.

All the work is simple enough to perform, and their observance guarantees the uninterrupted operation of the device. Similar actions are performed when caring for other septic tanks. But in order to avoid any breakdowns it is important not only to make a periodic inspection of the device, but also to operate it correctly.

Aerobic bacteria are used to purify the device. Their food completely determines the work of the septic tank.

Do not add chemicals to the drains. Only biologically pure materials can be used. Insoluble waste is sent to the garbage can.

The range of septic tanks produced by Yubas

The range is represented by Eurobion septic tanks over 10 different variants. Everyone can find the best option among representatives of Yubas cleansers. The models differ in performance.

You can get acquainted with the model range of the septic tank with ease on the Internet or in specialized stores You can familiarize yourself with the model range septic easily on the Internet or in specialized stores

Features of the most popular models:

  1. "Eurobion 2".It is able to process 400 liters per day. This is enough for a family of two people.
  2. "Eurobion 3".Characterized by a capacity of 600 liters per day. Suitable for use by three residents.
  3. "Eurobion 4".The model recycles 800 liters of waste per day. This family is guaranteed by a family of four.
  4. "Eurobion 5".Cleans 900 liters of fluid per day. The model is intended for five tenants.

The more performance, the higher the cost of the device. At the same time, models with higher performance are introduced in the market. Designs capable of processing large volumes are used immediately for several houses.

Different models differ not only in performance, but in size and volleys.

All models have common design features. So the cleaning process is accelerated thanks to the U-shaped remover. It acts on the surface film of the waste.

Reviews of septic tank Eurobion

When you are familiar with the characteristics of a septic tank, you can find that the manufacturer himself claims that the device is a development of a new generation. A simpler design speaks of many advantages of devices, but there are also disadvantages. The main thing is that the company always takes into account negative feedback and works on their elimination.

Studying customer feedback, you can choose a quality and good septic tank "Eurobion" Studying customer feedback, you can choose a quality and good septic tank "Eurobion"

Reviews about the septic tank "Eurobion" concern:

  1. Criticize the long period of septic switch-on, frequent knocking down from work and difficulty in recovery.
  2. Many are disappointed in the simple work of a septic tank. It is no different from other cleaning devices.
  3. The sediment is difficult to remove, since there is no stabilizer in the structure.

But there are also positive reviews about the models. There are large volumes of salvo discharge. Also you can not help noticing the simple installation and use of the device. All the work can be done independently. The sludge can be pumped out once a year, and the guarantee for the device is 5 years.

Maintenance of septic tank "Eurobion"( video)

When selecting a suitable septic tank for a country house, it is advisable to pay attention to the Eurobas range. Cleaning plants have a simplified design. Determine the desired device will help multiple reviews on the Internet, as well as studying the characteristics of the model.

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