First of all, the choice of ceiling system is dependent on the kind of design concept reigns in your home. And if there is no clearly expressed style, there are still some motives, characteristics on which you can choose a ceiling cover. If it's time to make new ceilings, look at the most different options.
- What are the ceiling: suspended frame
- options covering the ceiling: whitewashing or painting
- types of ceilings in the house: cassette design
- Forms ceiling designs: Rack kind
- Options ceiling repair: stretched canvas
- If the ceiling visible irregularities
- types of ceilings( photo different materials)
What are the ceiling: suspended frame
Installation of the ceiling may well bIt is made with your own hands, if such installation has once carried out, well or repair skills are sufficient to deal with their own instruction.
The very word "hanging" says that the future ceiling consists of some construction that is suspended to the rough, base ceiling. It is suspended on the frame. And this skeleton happens either wooden, or metal.
Use profiles for devices of metal framework - ceiling and guides. They are attached around the perimeter, forming a frame, which you will sheathe. In this case it is a question of creating gypsum plasterboard structures. But the frame is also at the cassette ceiling, and at the rack, etc. Just the frames themselves can be different, like the hangers to them.
On the basis of a metal frame it is possible to make a ceiling from several tiers. And you can make a combined ceiling, when the stretcher is decorated with a design of plasterboard boxes.
Varieties ceilings( video)
Options ceiling finishes: whitewash or paint
For example, the ceilings are low in your apartment, and various types of suspended structures is not exactly your option, then you need to choose the optimal ceiling covering.
Varieties ceiling finishes:
- Whitewashing. The old version, when the ceiling is covered with chalk or lime composition. However, on an unprepared surface such a composition, of course, is not applied. First you level the base ceiling, plaster and putty, then treat it with a primer, and only then whitewash. On performance characteristics, this is not the best option, in two years( at least on average), you will again have to whitewash it.
- Painting. The situation is almost the same, but instead of chalk and lime you use a coloring composition. Paints are more practical, they are inexpensive, and it's easy to work with them. Moreover, after whitewashing the ceiling is only white and no other, modern colors also suggest a lot of variations of colors and shades.
- Pasting with wallpaper. This design of the ceiling design also has a long history, but the version itself is quite good. Firstly, if you take the wallpaper for painting, you can almost every year to update the ceiling by simply repainting the wallpaper. Secondly, you can take not just paper wallpapers, but, for example, bamboo, which will be an excellent option for residential space in eco-style.
Well, from such coverage as plastic decorative plates today refuse, referring it to the outdated, alreadyNot so effective decorations of ceilings.
Types of the ceiling in the house: cassette structures
Cassette ceilings also belong to frame structures. The principle is that the frame must be filled with special panels. Sometimes the cassette ceiling is called raster.
Cassette ceiling feature:
- Cassettes are plates made of mineral wool or glass wool( compressed) with fillers such as clay or starch;
- Plates are made without phenol-formaldehyde resins and asbestos, because they are non-combustible and harmless to humans;
- Usually plates are white, monophonic;
- The most common texture of slabs is smooth, but you can also buy plates with a rough surface;
- In addition to the standard panels are produced and special, for example, moisture resistant or acoustic.
mounting system coffered ceiling is as follows: bearing and intermediate sections, suspensions and fillets( wall profiles).It turns out that the ceiling is mounted quite quickly, and just as quickly it can be dismantled or partially dismantled.
Forms ceiling designs: a variety of rack
suspended ceilings are usually installed in small areas with high humidity or corrosive environments. It is light and durable, environmentally friendly ceilings. They are absolutely not afraid of moisture and are not flammable.
The rail is a thin aluminum or steel plate, which is covered in several layers with a varnish of hot drying.
As for the design, it is:
- silver-plated plate;
- Gold-Plated;
- Chromed;
- Mirror;
- Matte;
- With or without perforation.
Mount this design too simple: a basic ceiling mount bracket profile, a comb, and the panels themselves to the comb just prischelknutsya. The system has clip clamps.
Ceiling repair options: tensioning sheet
This is one of the most popular ceiling structures. You can either pull the PVC linen, or fabric polystyrene. In the first case, workers will arrive and make preliminary measurements, in the second measurements are not necessary, an extra piece of matter will simply be cut off.
Features stretch ceiling:
- Quite quickly, in just a few hours of your ceiling becomes perfectly smooth and level;
- Stretch ceiling most profitable presents sophisticated and original lighting systems;
- This coating can be considered durable, as it is with due care for at least 15 years;
- And take care of him simply - sometimes can be vacuumed, and so - to wipe the cloth in mild soapy water;
- Tensioning cloths can be matt and glossy;
- In case of flooding, the suspended ceiling will save your furniture and floor from water, and the water can then be drained( call specialists);
- All unevenness of the base ceiling is securely hidden.
Especially popular are today ceilings with photo printing, which allow virtually any high-quality image transfer to the ceiling, which increases the design possibilities.
If there are irregularities on the ceiling
Here you can do two things. The first is to remove them with putty, plaster and primer, until the ceiling is level. Yes, you may need to apply more than one layer of the leveling compound before you achieve the result. But there's nothing you can do about it.
second - you just equips suspension structure that hidesDefects. But if there is a threat of a plaster collapse, then it is better to remove it before the frame and its plating are created so that it does not collapse and could not damage the suspended ceiling.
You can also hide the uneven base surface with a stretch ceiling. Often it is done in new buildings, where in the second, third year on the ceiling can go a small, but unaesthetic cracks.
How to eliminate unevenness on the ceiling( video)
Today, the choice of decor and arrangement of the ceiling is great, and there is an option for every taste and every opportunity. Observe the balance of style unity, color balance and buy only high-quality materials.
Good luck in repair!