How to hang a chandelier on a concrete ceiling: fixing and how to remove, installing yourself, video how to replace and how to transfer

To fix the chandelier to the ceiling of concrete slabs is entirely within the power of any master Perform mount chandelier from the ceiling of the concrete floor is quite able to master any climax of any repairs in the house, especially if the ceiling was repaired, this is a mandatory step, as the installation of the chandelier. How to hang a chandelier on a concrete ceiling, probably, everybody guesses everything, but how to do it reliably and correctly, especially if you have not done it yet, not everyone knows. It would seem, well, and what's so special about it?Indeed, everything is elementary and feasible, but the work will then be properly done when the chandelier is securely attached to the concrete ceiling, and the connection to the power grid is done correctly, by all rules.

    • Installation chandeliers on the ceiling with his hands
    • mount chandeliers to the ceiling: 2 species
    • Nuances mount chandeliers to the ceiling( video)
    • How to remove the chandelier from the ceiling
    • optimal choice of light bulbs for chandeliers
    • Installation and connection chandeliers( video)

Installation chandeliers on the ceiling with his hands

kvartirovladelets not everyone has or had ever dealt with wiring, and installing chandeliers too.

If you experience uncertainty, working even at low altitude, or you have a panic fear of electricity, do not take chances!In this case it is better to invite a specialist.

If you do not suffer from pettiness and do not shy before simple wiring work, then you should proceed further, taking care and being extremely careful.

So your actions:

  • previewing video with step by step instructions on how to mount the chandelier, or reading the necessary articles on the subject, with even school knowledge of physics, you can get down to business.
  • Prepare the necessary tools for a process such as installing a chandelier.

Before starting installation work, you need to purchase the necessary power tools Before starting the installation work should acquire the necessary power tools

For the vast majority of men homework, including the installation of lighting, is their "sacred" duty, and to invite the master in the house, they do not consider ethical.

For wiring, you will need:

  1. Indicator screwdriver. It is needed to find the phase conductor.
  2. Screwdriver set;
  3. Knife;
  4. Pliers. Step-ladder or table.

If there are only two wires in the room on the ceiling and the same number on the chandelier and in the room with a single switch, then such a connection will not cause much trouble.

To connect, you just need to connect the two wires of the chandelier to the two wires under the ceiling - and you, therefore, connected the work.

If there are three wires on the ceiling, there are three chandeliers on the chandelier, and there is a two-button switch in the room, it is necessary to find the "phase" with the help of an indicator screwdriver, by inserting an indicator screwdriver into the wire, having turned on both switches. When you touch the phase wire, the lamp on the indicator will light up. With zero wire it will not burn. The "phase" and "zero" of the ceiling must correspond to the phase and zero of the chandelier( see the passport for the chandelier).

Scheme of connecting an electric chandelier to a double switch Wiring electric chandeliers to the double switch

In this scheme, the connection phase conductors two and one - zero.

By connecting the wires with the connector block correctly, you achieve a step-by-step activation of the chandelier, which is undoubtedly very convenient.

Ceiling fixture for the chandelier: 2 types

Ceiling fixtures for the chandelier are, as a rule, of two types.

Mounting types:

  • With hook;
  • With the help of a bar.

Both types of fastening are applied, the hook is the same when you need to fix a massive chandelier, and the bar, in the case where you need to attach a light chandelier to the ceiling.

Buying this or that kind of chandeliers, you need to take into account in advance what the fasteners will be, especially if you do not have any desire to remodel the existing fasteners on the concrete ceiling.

Now consider the options for fasteners in more detail. Suppose that you already have a hook on the concrete ceiling, and you bought a chandelier for the same mount. Then, of course, the only problem is to connect the wiring correctly.

Anchor hook - the most reliable option of fixing the chandelier to the concrete ceiling anchor hook - the most reliable way of fixing the chandeliers to the concrete ceiling

If the hook on the ceiling, and you purchased a chandelier where fixing is carried out by means of a mounting plate, the installation of the chandelier on a concrete ceiling somewhat complicated.

It is not recommended to dismantle the hook in order to only install the mounting plate. Hook can gently bend if it is firmly mounted to the ceiling of concrete, or simply push into the concrete ceiling, if the hook has a folding design - in any case, it will not hurt to hang a chandelier with a new bracket. The old mount can come in handy when you again, someday, decide to replace the chandelier with another, heavier, with a hook loop.

To their hands to hang the chandelier from the mounting strap, you need to prepare the following:

  1. impact electric drill or a hammer. Drilling concrete with a simple drill will be extremely difficult.
  2. Drills with carbide tipped.
  3. Dowels, in accordance with the drill diameter.
  4. Screwdriver for dowel.
  5. Pencil.

Attaching the mounting bracket to the place of future fastening, it is necessary to make a marking for the future dowels. Drill holes, install dowels in place and screw the bar with screws, or fix with anchors. Now it only remains to attach the chandelier to the bar with two nuts. The bar for this purpose has two threaded studs for fastening nuts.

Nuances mount chandeliers to the ceiling( video)

How to remove the chandelier from the ceiling

In some cases, it is necessary to remove the chandelier from the ceiling.

Reasons for dismantling:

  • Changing the chandelier for a new one;Change the mounting location.
  • .The chandelier must be moved to another place.
  • Chandelier interferes with the repair or whitewashing of the ceiling.

Before removing the chandelier, you need to turn it off and disconnect the mains electricity from the apartment or house. With separate electrical protection, it is enough to disconnect only one machine.

Dismantling the chandelier must be done correctly. So as not to expose yourself or your family members to the danger of injury or electric shock!

Disconnect the wires from the chandelier and carefully remove the light, taking care, especially if the chandelier is heavy, to avoid falling and damaging the glass ceiling. After dismantling, it is necessary to install a temporary lamp cartridge, or simply securely insulate the ends of the wires with an insulating tape for safety reasons.

Before you start dismantling the chandelier, you must turn off the electricity in the switchboard Before proceeding to dismantle the chandelier need to turn off the electricity in the distribution board

the subsequent whitewash or paint the ceiling, being careful, trying not to touch the ends of the wires with a damp brush or roller!It's life-threatening!Isolation, in such cases, does not always protect. Since moisture can still get on a poorly insulated surface, or to close the wires because of poor quality factory insulation of the wires.

Optimal choice of light bulbs for chandelier

It's no secret that electricity tariffs are constantly becoming more expensive.

The consumer has long faced a choice:

  1. Reduce power and number of paws;
  2. Nothing to change and pay more;
  3. Nothing to lose in terms of lighting and save on paying bills to the light.

Most likely, almost everyone will be interested in the last option, where "sheep are whole and wolves are full".How can this be achieved?

Of course, the century of incandescent lamps slowly but surely ends. They were replaced by the so-called energy-saving lamps( energy-saving), followed by LED lamps.

Energy-saving spiral lamps can be used in traditional ceiling chandeliers to save energy Energy spiral lamp can be used in traditional ceiling chandeliers to save power

Economolamp is characterized by the fact that it consumes little, and its light output is about five times greater than that of an incandescent lamp. LED, about ten times that of an incandescent lamp. Of course, these lamps are much more expensive than incandescent lamps, but given the fact that the period of their operation is quite large, then you can save on this substantially.

Do not forget that the energy saving lamp contains mercury and is as fragile as the incandescent lamp, which creates a certain danger to the health of the consumer. The LED lamp does not have such drawbacks.

In addition, you can save on the number of lamas, which will also help to save your money. For example, a 15W lamp energy-saving shines roughly like its 75-watt analogue incandescent lamp. A luminescent with consumption in all the same 15 watts and at all, will give all 150 watts, therefore, it is advisable to replace it with a lamp of lower power, for example, 7-9 watts - the result will be the same.

Installation and connection of chandelier( video)

In conclusion, I would like to sum up all that was said. No repairs can do without installing or dismantling the chandelier - not only the source of lighting in your home, but not the last thing in the interior. For the period of repair, capital or cosmetic, as well as capital, the chandeliers are removed from the ceiling in order not to damage it and not spoil it( and that it does not interfere with repair), or for the purpose of replacement with a new one. In any case, you are faced with the disconnection and connection of the electrical part, or with the alteration of the fasteners. In order to not get yourself into trouble due to improper connection or unreliable installation of the chandelier, you need to know some rules. Good luck in your repair!

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