Windows in the living room photo design: decorate many small windows, interior floors, Gioconda China, decor 5 windows

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It is necessary to select such curtains for the windows, so that they correspond to the style in which the living room is made It is necessary to select such curtains for windows so that they correspond to the style in which the living room is made. In the interior of the main room of the house, it is important to choose the right window systems and curtains, the windows in the living room( photo, design on the site) must correspond to the general style. It is important that the interior is harmonious. The design of windows should be thought out together with the general project. You can make a window with the help of curtains. The thoughtful design of the main room of the house will create an atmosphere of coziness, tranquility and family warmth. The right choice is necessary and plastic windows, today, specialized companies offer a large selection, so problems with competent design and design should not be.

    • Decorating the window in the living room: curtains and textiles
    • Single style in the decor and interior
    • Harmony of color in the living room
    • Small window in the living room: proportionality of curtains and functionality
    • Modern living room: many windows
    • Design and design of windows in the living room( video)
    • Design of the window in the living room( photo in the interior)

Window decoration in the living room: curtains and textiles

Thanks to modern decoration methodsBut to achieve an excellent result.

There are several types of curtains that are used for registration:

  • Classic;
  • Universal;
  • Japanese;
  • Roman;
  • Rolling shutters.

Designers recommend, depending on the style of the room, try the following options. Classic curtains are presented in the form of a dense material, with lambrequins, all kinds of ruffles and ruffles. Heavy side curtains necessarily coexist with transparent tulle. Classics are always in vogue and can contribute to the atmosphere of a feeling of celebration, celebration. However, classic curtains in a country house or apartment should match the situation.

For the windows of the living room, made in a classical style, perfect curtains brown in satin For the windows of the living room, made in the classical style, the curtains of brown color from the atlas

perfectly match. If it is planned to arrange classic curtains in a small room, you should choose not heavy and not too dark fabrics.

In our time, simple curtains have become popular, which are fixed to the cornice with clamps, hooks. Such curtains can be placed on the window with tulle or do without it. Universal curtains should have a calm color, they should not have patterns, patterns, ornaments. This option is suitable for any style directions. Such curtains on the windows of a private house or apartment do not distract attention, but complement the overall interior. The design of curtains can be different, trapezoid, straight, there can be shortened curtains.

Japanese curtains are narrow plates that move through special grooves. Plates can change in colors, change places, move on each other, so there is an opportunity to play with the design. The Japanese-style living room will be beautifully decorated with the Gioconda lamp, made in China, or other lighting devices, such as a semi-flashlight. In the Japanese style there should be nothing superfluous, so it's important not to overdo the decor.

Roman blinds. This kind of curtains is represented by even textile fabrics. In the canvas are inserted spokes, due to which they retain their shape. They usually go down to the window sill, hang a beautiful flat cloth. If you place in the interior of Roman curtains, then the design of the window will be complete, it will not be necessary to supplement it.

If the living room is made in the style of minimalism, then the aesthetic appearance of windows can be improved with the help of Roman curtains If the living room is made in a minimalist style, then the aesthetic appearance of the windows can be improved with the help of Roman curtains

Roller blinds. Roman blinds are ideal for a living room. When they are assembled into a roll they are practically invisible, and when they are blossoming, they look great. Open the curtains with a special mechanism. Such curtains will perfectly complement the style of minimalism. They are good for use in small rooms.

All options are great for decorating the window space. Having experimented a little, it will be necessary to find the ideal solution and decorate a beautiful window.

One style in decor and interior

It is important to understand that a certain type of curtains is suitable for each style direction, except for universal curtains. Curtains must perfectly fit into the overall stylistic concept of the living room.

It is recommended to choose a shade for curtains, which would be different from the color of the walls It is recommended to choose a shade for curtains that differ from the color of the walls

The best way to avoid error is:

  • Use furniture of the same style;
  • The walls, floor and ceiling of the living room are decorated in the chosen style;
  • Add to the interior of various decorative elements, it can be paintings or photos on the walls, vases with flowers, other interesting accessories of the chosen style.

Ideas of combination can be the most unusual, the main thing is not to overdo it with details and not to clutter up the space.

Harmony of color in the living room

When choosing curtains, one should not forget about their color. It must also correspond to the general style of the room. If there is no desire to draw attention to the window, then the curtains should be selected in the tone of the wall, if on the contrary, I want to highlight this zone, then the curtains should be brighter on tone. We can not forget about the coloring. Experts recommend weighing monochrome curtains.

A good solution is the choice of cushions in tone shades, they can be:

  • Multicolored;
  • With a picture;
  • Single-color.

Do not choose for the windows are very bright curtains, because they negatively affect the psychological state of a person Do not choose very bright curtains for windows because they negatively affect a person's psychological state

A good solution for selecting a window is to place a beautiful piece of furniture in the center. By the way, in the middle of the room can be located the area where the workplace is located. Along the walls you can arrange furniture. Often designers decorate the living room with corner sofas.

To equip the room is very interesting, the main thing is to follow the advice and not to clutter up the space. Making an action plan, you will avoid mistakes.

Small window in the living room: proportionality of curtains and functionality

Dimensions of the room are important when choosing curtains. For example, on a small window, classic curtains are inappropriate, in this case it is better to prefer Japanese or Roman curtains. If the ceiling is low in any case, you can not take the option with lambrequins. It is better to choose simple light curtains. If you want that at the entrance to the room a solemn appearance was opened, it is important to correctly draw the window area.

A lot depends on the arrangement of the curtains:

  1. The vertical strip visually lifts the ceiling.
  2. Light colors and transparent fabric will make the room more spacious.
  3. Solid fabrics will become a win-win option.

For small windows it is necessary to choose single-color curtains For small windows it is necessary to choose single-color curtains

Curtains should not act only as a decoration, they must be functional. It is important to take into account the features of the room. If the living room on the sunny side, then tulle is better to take denser, if the side is shady, then the fabric should be as transparent as possible, the location plays a role. Dark dense fabrics can absorb light - this must be taken into account when choosing a material. The design of the window zone in the living room is a matter of responsibility and should be approached as closely as possible.

Small window is better not to hang, use a light transparent organza, then the room will be poured with light, which is in short supply.

Modern living room: many windows

In modern apartments or country houses there can be several windows at once, usually 2. The living room is the most versatile room. The interior informs the guests of the house about the taste and prosperity of the owners. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to every detail.

The atmosphere in the room should be:

  • Cozy;
  • Hospitable;
  • Convenient.

If there are many windows in the living room, then it is better to refuse the curtains If there are many windows in the living room, then it is better to refuse the curtains

How to decorate a room with two windows depends on their location, the windows can be located on the same wall, on different walls. If the windows are on the same wall, then the decor options can be mass, if the windows are on different walls, then this is an excellent option for zoning space. For example, on windows you can place different curtains, the main thing is that they are combined in style. Between the windows that are located diagonally can be placed, a fireplace or a designer chair, an excellent option. When choosing an interior, it is important to consider the height of the ceiling, the lighting, the perimeter of the room, the shape of the windows. In a room with 2 windows there is always a lot of light, this is naturally an advantage.

In this interior, as an accent, you need to use bright accessories. If the room is small, it will increase its glossy multi-level ceiling.

If a wonderful view opens from the window, then this is an excellent incentive for translating design ideas into reality. It is important to take into account the psychological peculiarity, for example, people who like solitude can feel discomfort while in a room with 2 windows. Therefore, in this case, it is better to close them with thick curtains. With the help of Roman curtains or blinds, you can adjust the lighting.

Design and design of windows in the living room( video)

The living room should be designed taking into account the wishes of the whole family. It is important to choose one style direction and stick to it. Given all the nuances, you can make your own unique interior living room.

window design in the living room( photo in the interior)

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