Liquid wallpaper in the interior of the photo: in the apartment for the walls, the design of the finishes, types and options for repair, usual decor

The use of liquid wallpaper in the decoration of the room turns the process of their application into creativity The use of liquid wallpaper when decorating the premises turns the process of their application into the creative work of Designers like liquid wallpaper, counting repairs using such a creative process. The necessary texture, color, effect - all this you do yourself. Finishing is literally created by your hands. This design of the walls in the apartment has a lot of advantages, which distinguishes liquid wallpapers from ordinary ones.

        • Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper: advantages
        • Types of liquid wallpaper for walls: three versions
        • Liquid wallpaper in the interior of the hallway
        • Liquid wallpaper: design in the bedroom
        • Design solutions with liquid wallpaper in the living room
        • Liquid wallpaper in the interior with a niche: can
        • Wall of orgalite and liquid wallpaper - as it looks
        • Is it easy to finish with liquid wallpaper
        • How to apply liquid wallpaper to a prepared wall
        • Repair liquidWallpaper( video)
        • Liquid wallpaper in interior( photo)

Wall finishing with liquid wallpaper: advantages of

One of the main attractive factors is the absence of seams. Paper wallpapers have joints. Liquid wallpaper is applied on the principle of decorative plaster, because the whole wall will be a single canvas.

Also to the advantages are:

  • Naturalness of the wallpaper. They are made of environmentally friendly materials, cotton or cellulose, which is important if the house is small children, or, all the more, allergic.
  • Possibility of partial repair. The same kid ruined the wallpaper, part of the layer is removed, a new one is applied - there will not be any difference.
  • Elimination of minor defects. Of course, in themselves, the liquid wallpaper small uneven walls will not be removed, but they will disguise them unequivocally.
  • Possibility of coloring. First you add the right color to the composition, and then, as necessary, the wallpaper can be repainted directly on the wall.

Well, how not to say that liquid wallpaper does not attract dust!

Liquid wallpaper is ideal for finishing children Liquid wallpaper is ideal for finishing children's rooms, as they comply with all standards of environmental safety and include only natural components

That is, special care for the wall is not required.

The thermal insulation characteristics of the material are also good, the surface of the walls will be warm.

Types of liquid wallpaper for walls: three versions

It is accepted to distinguish three main types of wallpaper - cellulose, cotton, silk. Silk wallpaper - the most expensive, in their composition, they contain an increased concentration of silk natural fiber. They can be applied to both concrete and plasterboard.

Any type of liquid wallpaper can be purchased in the form of a powder or a mixture with water Any kind of liquid wallpaper can be purchased in the form of a powder or a mixture with water

This coating can be purchased both in powder form and in liquid form.

Cotton liquid wallpaper is almost 100% natural, only two percent will be the admixture of mica, decor additives and glue component. It's a warm, nice touch on the wallpaper.

The most economical type of liquid wallpaper is cellulose. For their preparation, wood processing products are required. These wallpapers are often used in cold rooms. This finish will well lie on the surface with micro cracks.

And you can buy liquid wallpaper in a powdery state, and immediately in a liquid state.

Liquid wallpaper in the interior of the hallway

Maybe the hallway and not the business card of the apartment, but they meet, as is known, according to the clothes. In this case - on the clothes of the apartment. You can also recall the effect of the first impression.

Many owners prefer for the finishing of the hallway any options, only not liquid wallpaper. After all, in the hallway, walls often get dirty, and liquid wallpaper can not be washed. But if you cover them with varnish, the problem is solved in two counts.

So this decor in the very first of the rooms is even appropriate, remember only about the style and color, which should be in harmony with the situation.

Liquid wallpaper harmoniously look in the hallway of any style, the main thing - do not forget about the combination of colors Liquid wallpapers harmoniously look in the hallway of any style, the main thing - do not forget about the combination of colors

Examples of interior solutions:

  • If you have a real loft style in the hallway, and it's time to soften it, but notTo break, liquid wallpaper just will be by the way;
  • In the classic hallway, liquid wallpaper will be maximally organic;
  • And if you embody some elements of the palace style in the interior, then in the liquid wallpaper you need to make a brilliant, golden blotches.

And even solid walls in the hallway with liquid wallpaper will look very elegant. Light colors are preferred.

Liquid wallpaper: design in the bedroom

And in this room the liquid wallpaper will be appropriate, and how. They are hypoallergenic, they differ in interesting texture and, as already mentioned, do not collect dust.

Liquid wallpaper will not only help decorate the bedroom interior, but also create an atmosphere conducive to sleep Liquid wallpaper not only will help decorate the bedroom interior, but also create an atmosphere that is conducive to sleep.

. Styles in the bedroom with liquid wallpaper:

  • Экостиль. Wooden bed, greenery, natural accessories will be favorably emphasized just on such a natural background. It will be warm and cozy.
  • Empire, Baroque, Antiquity( historical styles). If you use a liquid wallpaper with a splash of gold, the style of baroque and empire will be decorated quite budget.
  • Ethnology. And here the liquid wallpaper will create the right atmosphere.
  • Minimalism. Solid liquid wallpaper will get rid of overload, and will perfectly join this style.

Well, in such a flexible style as a classic liquid wallpaper is definitely there is an application. And, you can always move away from the rules a little.

Design solutions with liquid wallpaper in the living room

Where exactly you can walk with liquid wallpaper, it's in the living room. You can choose any style, any color and design.

As a finishing material, liquid wallpaper provides a large space for imagination, successfully combining with other types of materials As a finishing material, liquid wallpaper provides a large space for imagination, successfully combining with other types of materials
  • If the living room is large, you can impress with the texture of saturated colors;
  • If the living room is small, you make light liquid wallpaper - it turns out and is more spacious visually, and warm and cozy;
  • In different lighting, the wallpaper will look different, and given the system lighting of modern living rooms, when you can then mute, then make it brighter, this is another plus.

If you use plasterboard constructions in the living room, then do not be afraid that the liquid wallpaper on this material will not fall - they will lie down, and it's easy and good.

Liquid wallpaper in the interior with a niche: can

Of course, you can!It is a flexible, flexible material with which it is a pleasure to work.

Liquid wallpaper - a very plastic material, suitable for finishing surfaces with any terrain Liquid wallpaper - very plastic material, suitable for finishing surfaces with any relief

And such difficult moments as niches, ledges, arches - all of it lends itself.

Another question is whether you want to cover a niche with liquid wallpaper. Perhaps it just needs to be painted to match the wallpaper, where possible, leave it white or beige. Sometimes it's even better to emphasize the whole charm of the design.

Look at the original color, the dominant color in the room, and according to it you build a color scheme of the room. Dark or contrast niches rarely look good.

Wall made of hardboard and liquid wallpaper - as it looks

Hardboard is usually not used in rooms with high humidity, even if there is no liquid wallpaper, the hardboard will swell under the influence of moisture. But if such walls are in the nursery, bedroom, living room, then you can glue it with liquid wallpaper.

Before applying wallpaper to the board, use a primer. But if you still have a wall in the kitchen or in the bathroom, and you do not want to abandon your plans, get a waterproof primer that penetrates deeply into the structure of the material. It is applied in several layers.

Is it easy to finish with liquid wallpaper

Even a beginner will be able to do it, if not deviate from the instruction. And it's not that complicated.

Even the beginning master can cope with the application of liquid wallpaper. Even the novice master

How to finish the wall with liquid wallpaper, preparation of the walls:
  • The surface is cleaned of the old finish;
  • Walls must be covered with an antiseptic;
  • Surface is cleaned from dust, primed;
  • After drying the surface, it is ready to apply liquid wallpaper.

Do not ignore the preparatory stage, it is very important, it depends on it whether your subsequent labors will not pass for nothing.

How to apply liquid wallpaper to a prepared wall

The composition is diluted in a clean container. If there are any additives in the mixture, then you must first add them to warm water, and only then the main mixture.

Before the work, liquid wallpaper is diluted in a suitable container, adding the amount of pure water specified in the manufacturer's instructions

Water must be at room temperature.

The composition should be mixed only manually, so that metal objects do not damage the components of the liquid wallpaper. After achieving homogeneity of the mixture, allow the mixture to infuse for another half hour.

It is more convenient to apply the compound to the trowel, place it at a slight angle. Surplus you then just neatly cut off with a knife. Dry the surface will be a couple of days, maybe a little bit more. But the drafts of such wallpaper are not terrible, so that the apartment can be fully ventilated.

Liquid wallpaper repair( video)

Do not be afraid to start repairing with liquid wallpaper, this process is not as complicated as it is fascinating. And ideas can arise right in the process of repair, and if you have some artistic skills, you can achieve impressive results.

Great work!

Liquid wallpaper in the interior( photo)

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