Sewer cleaning at home

Sewer cleaning at home

On how to clean the sewer at home, if there was a blockage, in general terms, people who live in a multi-storey building.

Often this problem must be faced at the most inappropriate hour.

At this moment, each resident of the apartment has his own means and techniques.

The first thing that the citizens learned by bitter experience understood, the water disposal system should be operated correctly.

Do not throw in the toilet different things and objects, including personal care products.

At the same time, and with the careful use of plumbing fixtures, sewer pipes become clogged, and one has to deal with their cleaning.


  • Causes of clogging
  • How to clean the sewage system
    • Hot water boiling
    • Chemical method
    • Mechanical method
    • Pressure cleaning
  • Prevention of blockages

Causes of clogging

The most frequent clogging of sewer pipes is due to the fact that they contain large objects thatthere they get stuck.

This item is clogged with small debris and as a result of this process a cork is formed. It must also be remembered that a build-up of fat is formed on the walls of the sewer pipe.

The process of growth lasts for years and can lead to the fact that the pipe will finally be clogged.

The spout of cast iron is covered with a corrosive coating from the inside. Corrosion prevents the free movement of waste water and thus contributes to the formation of constipation.

All the reasons you need to know, prevent their occurrence and effectively deal with the consequences.

When constipation in the sewage system is formed, then a series of serious troubles follows. To prevent such a development of events, it is necessary to quickly eliminate the cause.

At home, you can do this in many ways. For this, first of all, it is necessary to determine the place of blockage.

Then apply one of the following cleaning methods:

  • mechanical;
  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • pressure cleaning.

If the kitchen sink is clogged, the first step is to clean the sump trap.

When the water stagnates in the bathroom and the washbasin, the cause should be looked for in the next section of the sewer pipe.

How to clean the sewerage

In the residential area there are only four plumbing fixtures - a bath, a toilet, a sink, a sink.

Many years of practice shows that in an apartment or a private house, the most frequent clogging of sewerage occurs on a stretch from the sink in the kitchen to the riser. Or on a site from release from a bath and up to the same riser.


The riser itself is clogged less often, and it can be cleaned with special devices and methods. When there was a problem, first of all, it is necessary to determine in which area the pipe was hammered.

And after that make a decision on how to clean the sewer. You should start with simple actions, which in most cases help.

Flushing with hot boiling water

If the water in the kitchen is no longer drained, the reason may be a siphon, the sump of which is clogged. The first thing to do is to boil the kettle and pour the steep boiling water into the drain hole.

In most cases, this action brings an effect. If this does not happen, you'll have to use soda and salt.

This solution is made from the calculation: half a cup of soda and salt is poured into the hole in the sink and filled with boiling water. There is another way that is applicable at home for sewage cleaning.

Use soda and vinegar. In a shell filled with boiling water, you need to pour half a glass of soda and pour a glass of vinegar.

You need to know that local clogs are eliminated in this way.

Vinegar or acid contained in special detergents dissolves the growth of fat, which regularly enters the sump trap and solidifies there.

Under the influence of hot water and chemically active substances such build-up on the walls of the pipes is softened and washed off.


From this it follows that boiling water can be "pierced" by a small constipation, which was formed recently and has not yet hardened.

If a riser is clogged in a multi-storey building, it can only be cleaned with special tools that are provided by the housing and communal services.

Chemical method

In the event that cleaning with boiling water does not bring results, you can use other, more effective means.

Before you pour chemicals into the sink that dissolve the fat deposits, it is recommended to remove the siphon and clean the sump.

Wash the siphon parts with chemical detergents, observing all safety precautions. The solution should not fall on the exposed skin and eyes.

When choosing solutions or powders for sewage cleaning, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

Some of them have a destructive effect on pipes made of polymer materials.

Before starting work on cleaning the sewer, you need to purchase personal protective equipment - rubber gloves and goggles.

The second important point is that the chemicals that are used to remove clogs are acidic and alkaline. Mix them together is not possible under any circumstances.

Chemical cleaners

When working in an apartment or a private house you need to stock up on plastic buckets. The dry agent falls asleep directly into the drain hole and maintain a pause of 15-20 minutes.

Then you need to pour a few buckets of hot water into the hole. If the block can not be removed, then the following method should be used.

Mechanical method

The chemical method of cleaning the sewer can be ineffective when a large object has entered the pipe or riser.

This can be a used balloon from hair spray or shaving foam. Often rags for washing the floors get into the sewer system.

It is possible to eliminate such blockage only with a cable. In the store of household goods, this sewage cleaning tool is always on sale.

A rope that has at one end a handle for rotation, the obstruction simply collapses.

To achieve the desired result, you need to insert a free end into the pipe and push it to the place where the clog formed. Progressive movements "cork" just breaks through.

It is more convenient to carry out the operation to clean the sewer with a cable with two people. In private homeownership in this way, you can eliminate any cork that has formed in the pipe.

Another thing is when the blockage is formed in the sewage system of a multi-storey building. Pipes in the apartment can be cleaned in any situation.

Cable for mechanical cleaning

But if the riser is clogged, then home methods with such a problem can not cope. To eliminate such blockages, a special device is used - an ordinary scrap with a "ear" welded to it.

Scrap comes down from the top in the riser to blockage and then reciprocates through the formed plug.

Pressure cleaning

The most accessible and common method of cleaning the sewer is the procedure using a plunger. The Vantuz is a rubber bowl, to the bottom of which a wooden or plastic handle is attached.

This device is available in almost every apartment. The principle of operation of the plunger is based on the hydraulic pressure, which squeezes out the resulting plug.

The cup of the plunger must have a diameter larger than the diameter of the drain hole. The hole is covered with a plunger, the water is poured into the bathtub above its bowl.

And then do a few movements up and down. Such actions are sufficient to eliminate clogging in the sewage system.

If a blockage occurs in the kitchen sink, you can use a vacuum cleaner that has a blow job function.

Air cleaner for cleaning

In order for the hose of the vacuum cleaner to fit better to the drain hole, it must be wrapped around with a cloth. Before using this technique, it is necessary to clean the sump trap.

In the event that the sewerage wiring is made of plastic pipes, the pressure created by the vacuum cleaner can disrupt the tightness of the connections.

Based on these features, you need to use a vacuum cleaner with great care. And so that moisture does not fall on current-carrying elements.

Prevention of obstructions

For people living in well-maintained apartments, cleaning the sewer is considered quite a common thing. When the elimination procedure is worked out, the cleaning does not take much time.

However, everyone is well aware that it is better not to admit such a situation.

Properly organized system of using sewerage allows you to live without emergency incidents.

Practice shows that the clogging of any pipe is gradual. As soon as there is a deterioration in the flow of water, appropriate measures must be taken.

During preventive maintenance, it is necessary to clean the sump trap. Spill the sink or bath with hot water for half an hour.


Another preventive method is to dissolve a batch of baking soda in a bucket of hot water and pour it into a tub or sink.

And one more way - to fall asleep in a drain hole a pack of soda and fill it with a glass of vinegar.

The reaction of vinegar and soda is accompanied by an abundant release of foam, which dissolves the coating on the inside of the sewer pipes.

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