Species of wood, from which they make the best carving for the bath

Bath, built of round logs or beams, is an ideal option. But with the help of lining from natural wood it is easy to create a curative microclimate and to feel the whole charm of a real Russian or Finnish steam room.

Wooden boarding is appreciated for its environmental friendliness, durability, ability to save heat, ease of handling and installation, besides it can hide communications. Various types of wood used for its production, make it possible to make the internal space of the bathhouse individual and corresponding personal perceptions of beauty and benefit. To touch the body to the wooden surface is much more pleasant than to the tile, stone or plastic.

The main issue when choosing a lining for interior finishing of a bath is what kind of wood to prefer, because each breed has its own unique features.


Hardwood does not emit tar, does not overheat, tolerates high humidity, it is good that linden, aspen and alder boards were used for bathing in Russia from time immemorial. When choosing a lining, it is worth paying careful attention to the fact that in the material intended for finishing the steam room, do not come across knots and chips. The first produce harmful resins when heated, and the latter easily get injured by damp skin.



The best qualities for finishing a steam room of any type and generally damp rooms are linden. Lining from it does not rot with constant contact with water, when drying it will not crack, thanks to the high elasticity of this material. The low heat capacity of the linden tree will not make it possible to burn, although it warms up and cools down quickly, and the sweet sweet flavor that is produced will help restore strength and relax. The golden-honey color of the lining will fill the bath with sunlight.


lining As for performance, alder wood is similar to linden, but exudes a bitterish flavor when heated and gradually changes color from pinkish gray to dark red. It is very firm and is not subject to curvatures and distortions, if the raw material for the lining has been carefully dried beforehand. The interior decoration of aspen will last for many years, not without reason the ancestors traditionally used this tree for building baths. Plus aspen lining is also a low cost, because this tree grows everywhere.

Coniferous woods

With strong heating, coniferous wood gives off a lot of tar, the result of which is not useful for humans. However, in general, the lining of these materials is cheaper and very easy to process, so it can be recommended for a dressing room, recreation room, where its golden color and pronounced texture will create a cozy atmosphere.


Pine battens can only be used for heating a steam room with an electric stove, since it heats the room less.


Canadian cedar refers to northern varieties of coniferous trees and is characterized by a lowered release of resins. The high price for the lining from it is justified by the beautiful texture of this wood, strength and resistance to fungus and mold. When the cedar is heated, healthy coniferous oils are released that promote the treatment and prevention of colds and other respiratory diseases.


Abashi - African exotica in the Russian bath

Abashi tree, native to Africa, has a unique property that is useful in baths and saunas - it does not accumulate heat and always takes the temperature of the body, it costs a person to touch it. Burning on a shelf or wall, lined with a lining of abashi, is absolutely impossible, even if they are next to the stove. Light and completely devoid of pods, it has a natural light yellow or milky color, which after heat treatment turns into chocolate.

Quality of lining

In addition to wood, the quality of lining and the possibility of bathing is determined by its class. There are the following classes:

  • Extra - the highest quality lining without a single knot and defect,
  • A - lining of this class also differs in flawless qualities, it can be traced a typical for this breed texture,
  • B - small knots and strongly pronounced patterns are possible,
  • C - the lowest quality gradewith noticeable knots and a heterogeneous texture.


For finishing the paired, it is most optimal to use A-class lining and mix A and B, since large knots with overheating and a constant change in humidity can lead to deformation of the entire fabric and the formation of traumatic chips and chips. Class C wagon can be recommended only for dressing rooms, rest rooms and other auxiliary facilities.

Whatever the choice, it should be borne in mind that the lifetime of the lining from the tree and the preservation of its remarkable external will depend on the correct treatment with protective solutions( how to do this, we talked here) and periodic withdrawal.

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