Artificial bonsai: with their own hands step by step with the photo, the most detailed guide and master class, how to make

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Paying proper attention to art, artificial bonsai can be turned into a real masterpiece for interior decoration With the proper care, artificial bonsai can be turned into a real masterpiece for decorating the interior. Everyone can have their own artificial bonsai, the main thing is that a person should be willing to spend several hours of his time. The fascination with miniature trees in small pots came to Eastern Europe several decades ago. It all started with small exhibitions devoted to Eastern themes, and ended with a full-fledged distribution in apartments and offices.

      • Japanese art of bonsai: history and traditions
      • Art of bonsai: choice of design decision
      • Create artificial bonsai with your own hands
      • Create artificial bonsai mini: tips for beginners
      • Artificial bonsai with your own hands( video)
      • Examples of artificial bonsai( photo)

Japanese bonsai art: stories and traditions

When creating each composition, only naturalMaterials. Residents of Asia are very sensitive to the environment, therefore, when creating a miniature tree, they prefer oak, maple, aspen and a number of other elements. Designers and experts in the field of Eastern culture note that the art of bonsai is based on a harmonious combination of 5 elements. Of course, Europeans do not follow all the recommendations with such zeal.

To produce an ornamental tree, different materials can be used, such as beads, cloth, paper, etc. Different materials, such as beads, fabric, paper, etc., can be used to make a decorative tree.

That's why when composing a composition, only a few recommendations adhere to:

  • Undesirable placement of a large number of decorative materials on the crown;
  • Prohibition of installation on the solar side;
  • Regular watering;
  • Mandatory presence of natural moss;
  • Soil must not contain chemical inclusions;
  • A shallow pot or tray is used as the basis.

The art of bonsai: choosing a design solution

First you need to decide on a general concept. Some help in this matter will have thematic photos. Orientalists and designers urge the novice not to try to fully repeat the style of the traditional masters of the country of the rising sun. First, to comprehend the basics, years of hard training are needed.

Secondly, if a mini tree is not planned to be given to a resident of Japan, no detail is required.

Decorative - does not imply the use of a large number of natural materials. In addition to the tree itself, which is an object of the plant world, all other parts are made only of artificial materials. For example, the base of the composition is decorated with non-natural moss. Artificial material does not provoke the formation of a bacterial environment;

  • Natural - at their creation the design, historical and cultural traditions of the country of the rising sun are taken into account. The location of each element is strictly spelled out. Time for such a bonsai goes several times more.
  • Create an artificial bonsai with your own hands

    It will not be a bad idea for beginners to watch thematic videos devoted to the process of making bonsai. It is necessary to control the correctness of each step. A beginner is advised to break all the work into several stages. First, a video or a photo fragment is viewed, after which the same is done with the materials available at hand. It is important to note that it is necessary to take care of the presence of several dry snags and dry inflorescences, for example, hydrangeas.

    It is better to take a slightly larger piece of driftwood, rather than it is required within the project. Far from everyone gets the first time with their own hands to embody the idea.

    A pot for the original form of bonsai will emphasize the refinement and individuality of the tree A pot for original bonsai will emphasize the sophistication and individuality of the

    In addition, a number of other materials will be required:

    • Pot;
    • Plasticine;
    • Cutters and scissors;
    • Acrylic paint and varnish are bought only in the form of an aerosol;
    • Glue "Titan";
    • Pink stones;
    • PVA;
    • Gypsum - used to form the base.

    As the process of gathering the necessary tools and resources is completed, the bonsai must be smoothly transitioned to the first stage. Of course, it will be naive to expect an impressive result from the first time. Not feeling the necessary strength in people, always has the opportunity to visit the master class of the famous master.

    We form artificial bonsai mini: tips for beginners

    To begin with, it is necessary to collect the inflorescences of hydrangeas correctly. The most correct time for this is the middle of summer, when the flowers are full of energy. From bunches with an unexpressed structure or color, it is best to immediately get rid of. Collected inflorescences are placed in a tightly knotted bag for drying. Leave them for 4-5 hours in a dark and dry room.

    A detailed guide to creating bonsai emphasizes the need to rationally use time. While the inflorescence is drying, it is necessary to create a bowl( base).An old and clean ashtray will do. If in the house no one is addicted to tobacco products, small trees easily fit in salad dishes.

    Fans of the direction of vintage can create a basis for a tree from an old vinyl plate. To do this, wear gloves and heat its surface. After that, the edges are quickly bent in such a way that the capacity Fans of the vintage direction can create the basis for a tree from an old vinyl plate. To do this, wear gloves and heat its surface. After that, the edges are quickly bent in such a way that the capacity of

    is obtained. The following procedure is as follows:

    • With clay, fix the dried hydrangeas on the driftwood;
    • The upper part of the driftwood is decorated with a ball made of foam plastic;
    • Fix the foam better with a glue gun;
    • Verify that the capacity selected for planting a tree does not exceed the size of an adult male's fist;
    • Carefully fill in the gypsum;
    • It is advisable not to make the base material too thick or liquid;
    • Accelerates the process of solidification by adding 0.5 tablespoon of table salt;
    • Insert the base of bonsai into the middle part of the pot;
    • Wait until everything has hardened and then carefully remove the prepared structure from the temporary pot;
    • The bonsai manufacturing manual implies the mandatory installation of a plastic base in a permanent pot;
    • Dilute a new portion of gypsum, the density of which should be comparable to sour cream;
    • The first layer of castable gypsum is used for pre-fixing, and all subsequent form the contours of the future composition.

    As the gypsum is added, the container may become slightly warm, but this is not a cause for concern. Over the top layer of gypsum, you must step-by-step to place the desired decorative elements. This role is played by moss, small pebbles or small twigs. The process of manufacturing by drying and drawing of paint comes to the end. Designers emphasize that using a spray, not a brush.

    Artificial bonsai with your own hands( video)

    Bonsai is an unusual representative of the country of the rising sun, giving people the opportunity to create unusual vegetative compositions in form. You can create these at home, both from natural and natural materials. If the first option is suitable for daily use and is longevous, then the second one will appeal to the supporter of the Eastern direction. Examples

    artificial bonsai( photo)

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