Instructions for the use of fiberglass - smooth walls and ceiling

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Want smooth and smooth walls, which in a few years will not be covered with a network of cracks? You can achieve this by paying a considerable amount to professional masters. And you can paste a spider web under the layer of paint, or, as the professionals call it, a painter's fiberglass.

The structure of fiberglass is a non-woven fabric made of fiberglass yarns, which are pressed, like paper, on special equipment. They also look smooth and thin, but, unlike paper, they do not fear water, do not burn in the fire, do not accumulate dust, are resistant to the action of most chemicals. Density from 25 g / m2.(as with office paper) to 50 g / m2.

Material without defects

Fiberglass is absolutely harmless and hypoallergenic. In its composition only natural substances: quartz sand, lime, soda and dolomite. The surface of the canvas passes steam and air, unlike vinyl, and mold under it will not start. Additional advantages:

  • reinforces walls and ceiling, prevents the appearance of cracks,
  • withstands most household mechanical damage( furniture, hands and toys),
  • is well supported by self-tapping screws and other fasteners,
  • does not burn( can withstand temperatures up to 1300 degrees) and does not emittoxic substances,
  • it can be washed, including with household cleaning products, brushing.


Unlike fiberglass, fiberglass has no relief, its surface is smooth and extremely suitable for painting. After the labeling and painting it looks like an ideally leveled and plastered wall, but the cost of creating such a coating is much lower. This material can be glued both to concrete, and to gypsum board, brick, even to partitions of sandwich panels.

Fiberglass is an excellent choice for new buildings that will still shrink for several years. They can cover not only the walls, but also the ceiling, and the door and window slopes.

What will be required

In order to paste a fiberglass on the walls or ceiling, you will need a minimum of materials.

  1. Adhesive needs special - Glufix 99, Wellton, Holtex or Oskar, the latter is more common.
  2. Primer, for example the same Oskar, on a latex base. You can use a slightly diluted glue( 2 parts of water for 1 part of the glue).
  3. Roller with short nap for applying glue and a shallow paint tray, for working in corners - a flat, not wide brush.
  4. Durable office knife and plastic spatula for trimming edges.
  5. Water-based paint with latex, through which the walls can "breathe".

You can not do without a partner. One person should glue the cloth at the top, and the second should be leveled and glued on the bottom.

When choosing a fiberglass in a store, you need to look at its edge: it should be flat and not ruffled.


Preparation: simpler than simple

If there was a decorative coating on the wall before, it must be removed: both wallpaper, and plaster falling off, and layers of oil paint. An exception can be made for hard-holding plaster with small damages - chips, cracks and furniture traces.

Before the labeling, the wall is still better to level and plaster large cracks and chips, you can not as carefully as before painting or plastering. Small irregularities and cavities are allowed. The wall or ceiling is swept with a rigid brush against dust, if there are greasy stains, remove them with a solvent. Then cover it with a primer or diluted glue.

Fiberglass is sold in rolls, the standard width of which is 100 cm, but the length can vary - 10, 20 and 50 m. It must first be cut to the required length, adding a few centimeters in reserve. It is better to prune a piece later than to find out what was not enough just a few millimeters.


Application of glass wool on the walls

Fiberglass is glued, as are non-woven fleece and fiberglass. Glue is not smeared with a cloth, but the wall itself, the area is a couple of centimeters wider than the wallpaper. Sliced ​​cloths are glued butt-end, starting from the upper corner and making sure that they go strictly vertically. The seam and the canvas are additionally smoothed and pressed with a spatula, the excess from below is cut off with a clerical knife.

If the edges of the roll are still damaged during storage, or you need to cover a small area of ​​complex shape, then adjacent pieces can be overlapped, so that the disheveled areas completely overlap. The joint is not compacted, but immediately cut in the middle by a clerical knife. The upper strip with the edge is removed, gently lifting the edge of the panel, the piece is removed from below. It is important to make a smooth incision to the base, then the seam will be invisible. The seam is smoothed with a spatula, if necessary, you can add a little bit of glue under the cloth, removing its remnants with a paper towel.

The pasted fiberglass is treated with a primer or, again, with strongly diluted adhesive and left for 12 or more hours to dry. This treatment will significantly reduce the amount of paint that will be required for coloring in the future. Fiberglass is not as sensitive to temperature changes and drafts as wallpaper, but it's better to leave windows closed. When it is completely dry and mesh well with the wall surface, you can start painting. It is possible to repaint this coating many times, it will not deform or deteriorate from it.

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