Every year thousands of summer residents enter into a fight with uninvited guests in the garden. Applying all possible methods to drive away or destroy them, we must not forget that warning of insects is a very important component in the care of the suburban area or greenhouse structures.
- Variety of ants in open areas and in a greenhouse
- How to remove ants: methods for getting rid of pests
- Ants chemical control
- How to remove ants at home quickly and efficiently
- EffectiveWhether the struggle with garden ants folk remedies
- Effective tool for fighting ants: bait from insects
- How to get black ants from the garden house
- Means of combatingUrawa in the garden area( video)
ants variation in open areas and in the greenhouse
Observations of small pests have proved that if there were ants in the area, to drive them will be problematic. To date, there are several dozen species of ants, but in general they can be divided into 3 categories. The
Ants species:
- Red forest;
- Black garden;
- Brown meadow.
Red ants can be found in the gardens, which are located near the forest zone or planting. Brown meadow inhabit mainly on abandoned fields.
In the garden, black ants live in open beds and in greenhouses, which are both beneficial and harmful.
Working ants carry food to the uterus that sits in the house. They also take care of the larvae from which the offspring hatch. Ants reproduce very quickly, if in time not to destroy the uterus or the entire family. An overgrown colony of creeps must be eliminated.
Shivers feed on berries, young shoots and fruits. Therefore, often, upholstered in beds, they can lead to damage to the crop. Eating aphids, which often attack crops, ants are able to harm young seedlings, flowers or ovaries.
Aphids and ants can kill the whole crop, so it is very important to start a war with pests in a timely manner!First of all, it is necessary to remove the aphids, and then to get rid of the ants.
In the place where the ants have organized their home, everything will go badly. Rhizomes of plants will not receive the necessary substances from the soil, and may also be destroyed by constant movements of the goosebumps. If pests have chosen a bark of a tree or settled in a bush, without proper methods of getting rid of ants, you can forget about the crop and the plant as a whole.
You can fight with ants using poisonous chemicals or folk methods.
How to get rid of ants: methods to get rid of pests
To destroy hordes of ants, you can use physical, chemical, combining methods. Physical methods consist in removing an anthill from a summer residence or a hothouse.
If the frame of the greenhouse is wooden and the ants are wound in the slats, you need to remove the damaged parts and treat the rest of the tree with a special preparation.
In order for the ant colony to leave and not return, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil with ash or quick lime.
Of course, it is better to think in advance about the problem of the appearance of ants on the site and try to prevent its occurrence. Ants do not like strong odors, so to ward off unwanted guests from the site, beds with seedlings can be put on a top tomato or parsley sprigs. Spraying plants with an anise solution can also scare off ants from the beds. Add 3 drops of anise oil to 1 liter of standing water and pour the resulting mixture into a spray gun.
As a preventive measure when digging beds in the spring, you can pour them with a solution of soda with linseed oil. For 10 liters of water, take 50 g of soda and 300-400 ml of linseed oil. With the resulting solution, fertilize the beds before planting.
When the first ants appear, you can overlay an anthill or their paths with a slightly spoiled lemon. Goose bumps will avoid the unpleasant odor and leave their home.
If it was not possible to spot the appearance of ants in time and their homes began to appear on the beds, they will have to use more effective measures to destroy the colony.
Ants chemical control
Pesticides from ants and other garden pests are sold in stores in large quantities. Chemicals are most effective in controlling ants, but they can damage cultivated plants. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct chemical treatment of beds during the spring period, when plants are only gaining strength.
To control pests, insecticides are also used that do not accumulate in the soil and do not damage the future crop.
Drugs are produced in various forms - powders, tablets, sprays. When digging up the soil on the beds, an aqueous solution with a powder of diazinon is often used. This drug is effective not only in the fight against ants, but also many other harmful insects.
Ants chemical preparations:
- Carbofos;
- Raptor;
- Anteater;
- Ant;
- Thunder-2;
- Delicia;
- Assault.
When using poisons, always wear a protective mask and gloves on your hands. When working with them, it is important not to let poisons enter rivers and other water bodies.
The poison has an aftertaste of bitterness, which makes them inedible for animals. To prevent accidental poisoning, the poison is buried directly in the anthill or near it. Insects begin to die almost immediately after eating poison.
How to get ants out at home quickly and efficiently
Ants often settle on open beds or greenhouses, spoil plants and fruits. With small harmful insects you need to fight until they harm the whole crop. If there is no poison at hand and there is no possibility to buy it in the store, you can use the improvised means, which certainly will be in the house of any person.
Being in the country, in your own house or garden, on the territory you can probably find firewood. After their burning, the ash can be used as a fertilizer for the soil, and this black dust is a good deterrent to ants.
A little-tested method of getting rid of ants is to scatter the millet or manga on an anthill.
Are afraid of ants and mustard mixture. To prepare the solution, mix 30 g of mustard powder in 1 liter of hot water, let stand for one and a half days in a warm place. In the bucket mix the infusion of mustard and 3 liters of water, obtained by sprinkling the sprayed plants or pour into an anthill.
Experts recommend using any of the methods after sunset, at this time most of the ants are in the anthill.
How effective is the struggle with garden ants folk remedies
Many summer residents prefer to use folk remedies when removing ants from the site. Knowing the harmful effect of poisons on soil and plants, summer residents apply all possible methods of getting rid of pests.
To remove black ants from the site, they often treat the soil with a solution of flaxseed oil and soda. To do this, the land in the beds is dug and filled with mortar. Also an effective way to get rid of the goose bumps at home is to sprinkle the soil with ashes, soda or quicklime.
You can prepare baits for insects, which include boric acid and honey or candied preserves.
The removal of insects from the garden site is the destruction of the uterus and her family. To do this, you can use the following methods.
How to destroy an anthill:
- The easiest way is to pour the ant house with boiling water. There should be a lot of water to get into all the dug holes and destroy as many individuals as possible.
- In a 10 l bucket of water add 500 ml of sunflower oil, a few spoons of shampoo and a little vinegar. The resulting solution should be poured into a previously dredged anthill.
- Shivers do not like sharp smells. A solution based on wormwood, mint or garlic will scare off insects and scare them away from the garden or a greenhouse. Around the plants on the bed, you can also decompose the tops of tomatoes or cut off the green onions - for a while the odor will drive away the shivers from the plants.
If folk methods do not bring the desired result, it is worth buying the most sparing chemicals for the destruction of the colony of ants.
Effective ant control: insects bait
As a repeller of ants from a plot or greenhouse, strong-smelling plants are used - garlic, mint, thyme. Of these, you can cook a strong infusion and water the anthills or lay out the cut stems along the beds.
Effective pest control is a timely response - no need to wait for ants to move to another location.
Many summer residents use special baits, the action of which is aimed at the death of their female or the destruction of the largest possible number of individuals in an anthill.
Effective bait:
- In 50 ml of water, dissolve 50 g of sugar and 5 g of boric acid. Dilute the sugar mixture over small containers and place them in the places where the ants are clustered. Sugar can be replaced with honey or jam.
- Mix 30 g minced meat with 5 g of boric acid, roll the balls and scatter around the area. It is important that pets can not enjoy this poison.
- Boiled potatoes mixed with boiled egg yolk and 5 g of boric acid. Small balls put along the ant tracks and next to the anthill.
- In warm water mix yeast and sugar. The mixture is poured into plastic caps and placed on the site.
- Safe, but quite effective, from the goose bumps is the usual dry medicinal camomile. It is recommended to scatter her inflorescence near plants where ants were seen.
The most effective method of getting rid of pests is a combined method, in which several methods are used - gentle and aggressive chemical.
How to get black ants from a garden house
It often happens that ants, settling in a plot, crawl into a holiday house in search of food. To prevent this, you should try not to leave on the table and on the sink the remains of food or dirty dishes. If a cat or dog lives in the house, the bowl for feeding should stand on the street.
Ants still hit the house - do not despair!First of all, you need to find their lair, the place where they hid.
If the house is wooden, you need to inspect all the walls, ceiling, overlapping, perhaps somewhere the wooden crossbeam started to rot and the guests settled there.
The most convenient and effective method is the use of special gels, aerosols or powders to destroy the uterus and its offspring. Chemicals should be used with extreme caution, putting on a respirator and gloves when unfolding baits.
The old time-tested "Regent" will save not only from ants, but also from other unpleasant insects. The powder is diluted according to the instructions and is applied using a small syringe to all the joints and cracks in the house.
To prevent the ants from getting on the table, bedside table or window sill, the edges of the furniture are treated with a special pencil from ants that can be purchased at any hardware store.
Ants fighting against ants in the garden( video)
Fighting ants is very troublesome. Using one of the methods will not give a 100% guarantee that all members of the colony will die. Therefore, it is very important to apply all methods in a complex so that the probability of occurrence of new ants on the site is minimal.