Industrial greenhouses: heating and film design, drawings and designs, production and construction

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Industrial greenhouses mean year-round operation Industrial greenhouses mean year-round operation Any farmer working on the ground would like to see the crop not stop growing all year round. And the most active of them came up with a new way of growing plants in the winter - the greenhouse. The technology of growing greenhouse plants differs somewhat from the usual method. The scope of work depends on the size of the greenhouses. Features of large agro-industrial greenhouses, this is their cyclic turnover. In order for the building to pay off, it should yield a crop year-round.

    • Construction of industrial greenhouses: coating materials
    • Industrial greenhouses: drawings and designs
    • What is better for industrial greenhouses: types of coatings
    • Production of industrial greenhouses: a deliberate approach to business
    • DesigningIndustrial greenhouses: customers and performers of works
    • Industrial greenhouses arrangement: heating and lighting
    • Industrial greenhouses( video)
    • Examples of industrial greenhouses( photo)

Construction of industrial greenhouses: coating materials

The construction of industrial greenhouse structures requires special knowledge, years of experience and a large financial investment.

The construction of industrial greenhouses has a number of features. They have a powerful production force, and they make it possible to simultaneously grow a huge number of cultivated plants. Professional greenhouses are a huge complex with great opportunities.

Industrial greenhouses for stable operation, require the erection of a durable high-quality coating. In addition, these structures can not be built without a foundation, since the construction has a very large weight.

All-season greenhouses are always covered with glass or polycarbonate All-season greenhouses are always covered with glass or polycarbonate

The materials for covering industrial greenhouses can be:

  • Glass;
  • Polyethylene film;
  • Polycarbonate.

If the glass differs in its heavy weight and the polyethylene film is short-lived, then polycarbonate is suitable for plating large buildings as well as possible.

Industrial greenhouses: blueprints and designs

Industrial greenhouses are generally distinguished in shape, size and type. Also, greenhouses differ depending on the period of their use. For example, seasonal greenhouses, these are designs, plants that grow from early spring to late autumn. Industrial greenhouses of this type have a special advantage - they do not need dismantling for the winter. They are strong and strong, and they are not afraid of layers of snow on the roof.

Industrial greenhouses are built taking into account the produced products Industrial greenhouses are built taking into account the products

Industrial greenhouses, drawings and designs of which are developed by large specialists, should include all the factors that the greenhouse structure can be exposed to. Such a calculation is carried out in accordance with generally accepted norms, and with mandatory consideration of all security measures.

All-year-round industrial greenhouses allow you to conduct business and make profit all year round. This structure implies the availability of special equipment, including smart irrigation, lighting and heating. More often, such greenhouses mean the cultivation of flowers, in particular roses, the winter sale of which will cover all costs for keeping the greenhouse. In any case, at the very beginning of the path you need to develop your own model development plan for the enterprise.

The device for industrial greenhouses shall include:

  • Foundation;
  • Frame;
  • Doors;
  • Chromium;
  • Dimensions;
  • Electrical wiring;
  • Heating;
  • Lighting;
  • Water supply.

In addition, the project must specify the maximum load that can be sustained by the structure and its occupied area.

What is the best film for industrial greenhouses: types of coatings

In the middle and the end of the last century, hothouse constructions were mainly glass or film, and had wooden frames. These materials produced the necessary results, but at great expense, and required constant repairs, and sometimes even replacement of the coating.

The use of film in industrial greenhouses gave way to more durable materials Application of the film in industrial greenhouses has given way to more durable materials

Films for industrial greenhouses, with the advent of polycarbonate, no longer apply. Owners of greenhouse complexes relieved themselves of the need to change the film coating every year, and provided the structures with reliable energy-intensive protection in the form of polycarbonate sheathing.

The structure of the polycarbonate sheet allows to provide the structure with many necessary factors that will allow increasing the efficiency of the greenhouse several times.

Polycarbonate sheet poles:

  • Low price;
  • Durability and strength;
  • Excellent behavior when there are sudden temperature changes;
  • High thermal insulation;
  • Flexibility, which makes it possible to produce greenhouses of different shapes.
  • Passes the required amount of sunlight and correctly dissipates it;
  • Installation of such structures is simple;
  • Very easy to care for.

Due to the fact that the polycarbonate sheet consists of small voids-honeycombs, it has very low thermal conductivity, which is very good for a greenhouse, especially a winter one, industrial.

Manufacture of industrial greenhouses: a deliberate approach to the business

The use of cellular polycarbonate for the construction of production structures is easily explained by the excellent qualities of this material. Such greenhouses have good thermal insulation, which makes it possible to maintain the necessary temperature regime.

Modern greenhouse complexes in Russia have sizes up to 100ha Modern greenhouse complexes in Russia have dimensions up to 100g

Manufacture of industrial greenhouses of the modern type is a responsible technological process that requires a serious, competent approach. Manufacture of such structures begins with the development of a working project, which should include all the technical parameters of the object.

For the correct drawing up of drawings, the customer must precisely determine the list of plants that he will grow and the volumes of vegetables produced. A whole book has been written about the design of industrial greenhouse structures. The leader in the production of large greenhouse complexes are the Dutch experts of the manufacturer Venlo.

Industrial greenhouses are manufactured of the following types:

  • Arched;
  • Rectangular;
  • Trapezoidal;
  • Pyramid;
  • Single;
  • Tunnel.

With the arrival of polycarbonate on the construction market, the greenhouses began to make mainly arched forms, as this model is the easiest for a flexible material. But it is not suitable for the frame of wood, so for the construction of the skeleton is used metal profile.

Designing industrial greenhouses: customers and executors of works

Large greenhouse constructions are erected mainly by large farms, agro-industrial complexes and owners of large estates. In order to start the construction of such a complex, it is necessary to do a number of relevant activities.

When designing, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the climatic zone When designing, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the climatic zone

The design of industrial greenhouses is an intermediate step between the beginning of construction and its completion. In order to properly prepare for the organization of a large greenhouse farm, you need to start by issuing all necessary permits.

First of all, you need to "settle" the issue with the right to use the land, conclude a lease, or get the land in the property. In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from the authorities to build the facility. And only after that you can start thinking about the greenhouse itself, or the greenhouses, their forms, types and types.

When choosing the location for the greenhouse complex, it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Wooded terrain. The area on which the trees grow densely does not go under the greenhouse. In addition, that the crowns will obscure the construction, even the roots will prevent the plants from forming a complete root system.
  2. Pay attention to the landscape. Elevations are not suitable for greenhouses, as well as lowlands. The first will be very blown away by the winds, in the second, during the rain, there will be water.
  3. Ask the soil. In large greenhouses it is very difficult to apply new earth. It is better to initially put the greenhouse on the chernozem. If you are unlucky, and on a site that already has a bad soil composition in your property, then it might be worthwhile to think about applying hydroponic methods of growing in the greenhouse.
  4. You will need a full-fledged communication: electricity and water, as well as the possibility of transport communication.
  5. Think about the height of your greenhouse. They will have to work a lot, and in uncomfortable conditions, labor productivity will be low.
  6. Choose strong materials. The best is metal structures covered with polycarbonate. It is allowed to glaze the greenhouses with double-glazed units. Less stable buildings will not justify themselves, and they will ruin you with their own repairs.

All details about the design of industrial greenhouses you can find out in Russia on the site

Device of industrial greenhouses: heating and lighting

Heating industrial greenhouses always becomes a pressing problem in the cold season. Each owner of the greenhouse complex is looking for a way out of the situation. Someone solves the problem with the help of coal anthracite, someone is satisfied with an air heating system, someone is introducing small and large Russian and world heating technologies of a new generation.

Modern technologies significantly increased yield and shortened the time of ripening of products Modern technologies significantly increased yield and shortened the ripening time of products

Heating of industrial greenhouses can be installed by themselves, or they can be manufactured by a factory that produces finished and component products.

Lighting in large structures is equally important. Especially if the greenhouse "works" in the winter. For lighting equipment, new LED lamps and lamps are installed, starting to turn them on as soon as the seeds germinate. Do not forget about the irrigation system.

Irrigation systems can be:

  • Drip;
  • Standalone;
  • Normal;
  • Air.

Ventilation plays an important role. Recently, taking into account already 2017, the automatic ventilation system is actively used with the installation of shading. You just need to correctly set the sensors, and the circuits will do everything for you.

Industrial greenhouses( video)

Going right to the arrangement of the greenhouse complex and solving all the related problems, you will be able to achieve great successes, which neither Holland, nor Israel, nor the Krasnodar Territory can allocate on their lands. Go to the feet with new technologies, and you will succeed. Examples

industrial greenhouses( photo)

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