Topiary with your own hands for beginners: a step-by-step photo and a master class, what you need to do, a simple instruction

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"Дерево счастья" не только украсит вашу комнату, но и станет ярким акцентом в интерьере "Tree of Happiness" will not only decorate your room, but will also become a bright accent in the interior. Topiary - means "tree of happiness".This kind of creativity is very popular today. This fascinating process originated in Ancient Rome - shrubs and trees were cut in the form of balls and other figures. Today, the topiary is an element of the design of modern premises. Such interesting products adorn any interior, giving a mystery and a special highlight.

    • A simple topiary for beginners: 5 important rules
    • Topiary for beginners: the main components of
    • Doing the topiary with your own hands for beginners: step-by-step photo
    • Step-by-step master class: topiary for beginners
    • TopiaryWith my own hands for beginners( video)
    • Topiary for beginners( photo)

A simple topiary for beginners: 5 important rules

To make a simple topiary with your own hands is simple, it is important rulesChoose the material and decide on the topic. Clear instructions, of course, in this respect there is no. But to see the lessons, as well as get acquainted with the basics and nuances of such a creative process will not hurt.

It is necessary to take the basic rules for a note:

  • The trunk of a tree is rationally made of a durable and stable material;
  • Kronu should initially be covered with acrylic paint, close in shade to the decor;
  • You can fill the stand with any material that can hold the base firmly;
  • Adhesives and paints should not produce odors after drying;
  • In one composition, you can use both two and three crowns.

Before creating the first topiary, it Before creating the first topiary, it's best to watch training lessons or video

Absolutely all the elements of topiary, today, you can buy in special departments for needlework. And on the whole to collect the conceived composition will not be difficult. But you can get your soul into such a creative process only on the condition that the blanks are made with your own hands.

Unusual material for decorating topiary can serve as: banknotes, moss, acorns, cones, dry leaves and flowers, shells, stones.

Topiary for beginners: the main components of

The main and important in the manufacture of topiary is not material, but its shape is a large, zadekorirovannaya base on a leg, placed on a stable stand.

The topiary consists of three main parts:

  1. You can start work from any process, but it is more rational to prepare the stand first. In most cases, a flower pot or a regular cup plays the role of the stand. Inside such a base is placed silicone, foam or rubber material in such a way that the barrel holds well. The base is adorned to your liking, in this case you can not be afraid to dream up and pasted with beads, grains, buttons or paper. The main thing is a harmonious combination with the overall composition.
  2. Preparation of the barrel. Material for the trunk can serve anything. For example: use a real twig from a tree - cover it with varnish or stain;Fold together a few skewers, tubes or sticks for sushi - tie and wrap with tape or threads. You can also use wire. It is necessary to prepare several equal lengths of wire of the same length and wrap them in some kind of material.
  3. Preparation of the substrate. To find the basis for the topiary should be based on the idea. If in the process it will be necessary to stick in the basis of the decor, then it is better to take a soft base for example from a foam plastic. For gluing elements over the crown, it is better to give preference to hard materials, for example plastic or plastic.

Before creating a topiary, it is necessary to determine its form, and only then - with the design Before you create a topiary, you need to determine its form, and only then - with the design of

The basis of the topiary does not have to be a ball. It is necessary to start from an event or a significant date in honor of which a topiary is made. Creatively and originally look the basics in the form of stars, letters and numbers - for a birthday or other celebration, in the form of a heart or a Christmas tree - on the day of all lovers and New Year. If necessary, the substrate should be covered with paint or pasted with corrugated paper in accordance with the color of the decor elements. In this way, the foundation is painted over to eliminate any possible gaps.

The material for decoration of topiary can be absolutely any elements, from small beads and buttons, to sweets and fruits.

The appearance of the tree should be oriented to the event to which it is made. If it is a gift to a child, then as a decor you can use sweets in bright wrappers. If the occasion was a holiday, the decorations can serve as a variety of bright ribbons, beads, fresh flowers and rhinestones. Doing the topiary for yourself, you should take into account the general interior of housing.

Doing the topiary with your own hands for beginners: step by step

A step-by-step instruction is a useful assistant for beginners to make a beautiful tree with their own hands. On a simple example, let's try to get acquainted with the technique of design and the principle of work.

Step-by-step instructions detail how to properly and quickly make a "tree of happiness"

Materials for the topiary:

  • Finished ball of foam( 2 pieces of different sizes);
  • Cotton thread or ribbon;
  • Scoop or thin tube;
  • Any decor( eg lifeless flowers);
  • Any base is a cup;
  • Artificial grass.

This process begins with the manufacture of the stand. A styrofoam ball of the appropriate size is placed in the cup. The skewer is tightly wrapped with a decorative tape and placed in a cup in such a way that the base eventually stays stable and does not fall. If necessary, blanks can be smeared with glue. Artificial flowers are divided into separate twigs and then each flower, separately, densely stuck into the base. The finished crown is pierced by the end of a skewer, smeared with glue. The stand is decorated with artificial grass to completely hide the bottom base.

Doing such a topiary with your own hands is short-lived, the main thing is to have a great desire and creative inspiration.

Step-by-step master-class: topiary for beginners

Any master class is attractive in its own way. But what is needed for the topiary?How to make a topiary with your own hands?Where do I start?

Creating a topiary with your own hands, you can use a variety of decorations, ribbons and flowers

  • The ball is a foam base for the production of a tree;
  • White-pink flowers from fabric;
  • Carnations with beads on the end;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Pot;
  • Decorative weed;
  • Ready-made white painted trunk( from the store for needlework);
  • Small needles;
  • Hot glue;
  • Gypsum and water.

There are no clear types of topiary, as it is an individual and boundless imagination for creativity.

Step-by-step execution:

  • First, we prepare the platform on which the base will hold. Stir gypsum with water until the plasticine is dense.
  • Place the mixture in a pot and carefully immerse the finished trunk there. The trunk should be set exactly and hold it slightly with hands so that it does not bend and the gypsum does not fix it when it dries out.
  • In the ball, make a groove to string it on the barrel.
  • On a foam ball with hot glue, just a drop, glue the flowers tightly to each other to avoid the translucence of the white base. Next, we fix each flower with a carnation.
  • In the groove fill a little liquid glue and fix the crown on the leg.
  • For decoration, we tie the pink ribbon with a bow in the place of connecting the trunk with the crown. We mask the plaster in the pot with decorative grass.

Your topiary can have the most diverse form and design, because it all depends on your imagination Your topiary can have the most diverse form and design, it all depends on your imagination

Cute sapling ready!

Flowers on the ball can be fastened in a chaotic manner, alternating between pink and white. Or purposefully decorate half the crown in pink, and the second in white.

Gypsum can be replaced with earth or other natural soil.

Topiary for Your Beginners( video)

Topiary is an endless field for the embodiment of bold creative ideas and unlimited abilities. A tree of happiness, made by oneself, will bring a lot of pleasure even from the very creative process. But in the end, of course, it will please the eye and create a special atmosphere in the house. Moreover, today the notes of Feng Shui are actively observed.

Topiary for beginners( photo)

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