Painting the ceiling: how to paint, whether it is possible, how correctly by the old paint in the house, the area, video

Painting remains one of the most common methods for decorating the ceiling surface painting remains one of the most common methods of registration of the ceiling surface Along with the modern methods of the ceiling decoration in the house, painting remains one of the most common methods of registration of the ceiling surface. This is a fairly economical kind of finishing work, but it requires a responsible approach to all stages. The perfect painted ceiling will have a flat surface, without stains and stains. When doing repairs, it is important to know what kinds of tools to use best, which paint to choose, how to properly prepare the surface for painting.

    • Modern methods of painting
    • ceilings How to paint the ceiling technology perfect surface finish
    • whether the ceiling painting is possible under the old paint
    • Paint the ceiling with his hands: professional advice
    • How to paint the ceiling( video)

Modern methods of painting ceilings

modern way of painting involves the use of water-based paint, which has a number of positive harateristics.

Each type of painting is presented in a wide color palette, which allows you to come up with an original design and design for the ceiling Each of painted forms presented in a wide color palette, allowing you to come up with an original design and layout for the ceiling

Types of latex paint:

  • Acrylic. The most popular decorative paint, characterized by high quality and reasonable price. The application of only two layers of paint will provide an ideal coating. Acrylic is sensitive to moisture and fumes.
  • Silicone. High-quality paint at a high price. It has the best characteristics: resistant to vapors, dirt repellent, elastic. The paint is ideally placed on the surface, able to mask large cracks.
  • Silicate. This high-quality paint. I mainly use it for painting industrial premises. It is also suitable for finishing the kitchen and bathroom. Paint prevents the appearance of mold and fungus. The material is resistant to steaming. She can successfully paint over the leak.

Each of the species is presented in a wide color palette, which allows you to come up with an original design and design for the ceiling. For this, stencils and non-woven fabrics can be used, if pieces of wallpaper remain after repair. With the help of these materials, an original ceiling finish can be made, complementing the overall style in the interior. The design options can be varied.

An important aspect in the choice of paint is the study of the indicators on the package. To determine the consumption of paint you need to pay attention not to the amount of it in the bank, but to the rate of paint consumption per square meter.

After selecting the paint, its composition, determining the area of ​​the painting, you need to pay attention to the choice of tool. The smooth surface of the painted ceiling depends on this.

Application tool

  • Roller;
  • Brush;
  • Electric spray gun.

For painting the ceiling use a brush, roller or electric spray gun To paint the ceiling using a brush, roller or electric krasnopult

ceilings Paint depends on the choice of method of applying the paint and its quality. An important aspect is the qualification of the master who performs the finishing work.

How to paint the ceiling: perfect surface finish technology

ceiling painting consists of several stages jobs. The first stage is very important, the next stage and even the whole success of the finishing works depend on it.

After a thorough preparation of the surface, the choice of paint and tools, you can proceed to the painting stage After thorough preparation of the surface, selection of paint and tools, you can proceed with the painting phase

Step-by-step preparation of the ceiling:

  • Surface leveling. The process will be the same for any ceiling, whether it is concrete or from dvp. It is necessary to clean the old finish. When detecting defects, you need to use the methods of puttying and plastering. If the defect is very large, a mounting foam is used to eliminate it.
  • Maximum alignment. Depending on the condition of the ceiling plane, the puttying agent is applied in one or more stages. When applying several layers it is important to monitor the quality drying of each.
  • Application of the last layer of putty. Satenypes are used for this. It is applied with the help of sandpaper, which helps to bring the surface to the maximum level. The last layer should be well dried, apply a primer and wait for it to dry.

After careful preparation of the surface of the choice of paint and tools, you can proceed to the painting stage.

Step staining:

  • The correct painting direction is from the corner to the center, best of all from the window opening.
  • With smooth movements apply the paint without pressing the tool too much - this can lead to the formation of stains.
  • Strip the paint in parallel, leaving no gaps between them.

In painting a lot depends on the tool used. With practice, the painting process becomes more successful.

It is important to know that often one layer of paint can hardly be dispensed with. For the most beautiful effect, experts advise applying a few layers. A prerequisite is the drying of each layer before applying the next one.

Each layer is better applied with new tools to avoid the risk of mixing colors and other troubles.

Is it possible to paint the ceiling on the old paint

Those who hope to tint the old paint are waiting for disappointment. Professionals advise to apply paint only on the prepared surface. Otherwise, the old paint, which exfoliates, will not give a new quality to cover the surface. Especially to issue defects will be white.

Professionals advise applying the paint only on the prepared surface Professionals advise to apply the paint only to the prepared surface

The process of cleaning the ceiling from the old paint will be easier if the old surface lacks fungus, mold, and the plaster remains in good condition.

Preparation of the surface for painting will consist in cleaning it from the old finish.

Cleaning steps:

  • Use a steel spatula to clean the surface, removing it from thick layers of old paint.
  • Use the brush to start priming the surface.
  • Puttying unevenness, pre-letting dry the primer coat.

Usually the putty dries within 6 hours. After this, it must be treated with a special trowel, then an additional coat of primer should be applied to the ceiling.

We paint the ceiling with our own hands: advice of professionals

It's possible to paint the ceiling with enamel by our own hands. Before painting it is necessary to study consecutive instructions for painting, as well as professional advice to those who decided to finish themselves.

When self-painting the ceiling, it is important to pay attention to the puttying of the surface If you are painting the ceiling yourself, it's important to pay attention to the surface finish

Tips and tricks:

  • You need to paint quickly.
  • When painting several levels for each, you need to use your tools.
  • Use a plastic barrier that protects the walls from splashes.
  • Adhesive spider web and paint tape are useful for accurate painting of surface joints.
  • Allow the paint to dry evenly in a dark place without drafts.

For independent painting of the ceiling, it is important to pay attention to the puttying of the surface.

It is important to know why a poorly prepared surface can spoil everything, and at what stage the painted ceiling can give out a marriage after painting. The paint will lie unevenly, spots and pits appear on it, you can also notice that bubbles appeared on the surface. It will be difficult to correct the situation. To avoid this, you need to take care to create the most flat surface.

The paint should be applied according to the wet edge rule. Layers of paints should be applied strictly after the complete drying of the previous layer. For a qualitative result, you can paint the ceiling with "Snezkoy" - it's a paint that has won the trust of quality and reasonable price.

How to properly paint the ceiling( video)

The decision to paint the ceiling of the apartment is an economical and qualitative way of finishing. The quality of the design depends on many factors: the quality of the chosen paint, its characteristics and characteristics, the kind of paint tools and the professionalism of the dye. In the painting of the ceiling, two main stages are distinguished: surface preparation and application of paint. Each stage requires a responsible approach, strict compliance with the rules of puttying, priming and painting. After high-quality work, the painted ceiling will look beautiful and stylish, you can put on it a decorative pattern that will give originality and charm.

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