Do-it-yourself solar battery: how to make it at home, a panel for the home, home-made from improvised means

Electricity is an indispensable part of our lives. But at the same time it is an expensive pleasure that harms the environment. To receive uninterrupted lighting, heat and the operation of all electrical appliances, the whole world uses solar panels. It is quite easy to assemble the structure, you can independently cope with the task.


  • The principle of the do-it-yourself solar module
  • DIY installation of solar panels: design work
  • Selection and soldering of solar cells
  • DIY solar panel assembly
  • The way to make a solar battery at home
  • DIY solar panels from improvised means
  • DIY assembly of solar panels (video)

The principle of the do-it-yourself solar module

Many begin to install solar panels on their homes, which make it possible to receive electricity absolutely free. Simply make a solar module yourself, spending a small amount on materials. But first you need to understand how the panel of improvised materials works.

Solar circuit:

  • Collector;
  • Battery;
  • Inverter.

The collector is a designer of small parts. The operation of the device is to convert solar energy into a stream of electrons of positive and negative charge. High-voltage current is not typical for typical parts.

The norm is the formation of one element - 0.5 watts. The solar collector should craft a current of 18 watts. This energy is enough to charge a 12 W battery. For large charges, a large area of ​​the module will be required.

With the help of a self-made solar module, it is possible to produce energy for its further use in domestic conditions

Batteries for solar panels for home or garden provide the necessary amount of electrical energy. The charge of one module is not enough. But a lot depends on the devices that operate on the power of the solar panel.

The number of batteries will need to be increased over time. Along with this, it is necessary to acquire collectors. For one system, you can take more than 10 batteries.

Batteries and inverters will need to be bought at a specialist store or in the market. But the solar battery itself can be built from improvised materials.

The principle of operation of the inverter is to convert the extracted current into electrical energy. When buying a device, you must consider the characteristics of the element. The power of the device should be at least 4kW.

You can make a safe and practical wind generator yourself. What you need to find out in the following material:

DIY installation of solar panels: design work

The frame for solar panels can be made independently from improvised materials, which will help save money. But you can buy a ready-made version. For self-manufacture, it is best to use duralumin. But you can specially prepare and other material that is covered with special protection.

First you need to calculate the size of the frame. It is necessary to take the required battery charge. Take this number as a basis and divide by 0.5 watts. It turns out you need the number of elements.

For a charging current of 3.6 A, 3 circuits will need to be connected in parallel. To do this, the number of necessary parts is multiplied by 3 chains. If you multiply this indicator by the price, then you can find out the cost of the panel.

Parts on the solar panel must be connected in parallel-series. It is worth observing an equal number of elements in each chain.

In fact, the calculation will be less, since the sun shines unevenly throughout the day. For a full charge, you need to connect several panels together. It will turn out 6 rows of elements.

Necessary tools for work:

  • Welding machine;
  • Rosin;
  • Mounting wire;
  • Silicone based sealant;
  • Double sided tape.
At least 2 people will be required to install solar panels

The number of tools may vary. To place all the elements on the frame, you need a module measuring 90x50 cm. If the finished frames have other sizes, then you can conduct other calculations.

Selection and soldering of solar cells

Geopanel should work at a temperature of 70-90 degrees. But controlling this indicator is not easy. That is why the frame will need to make holes for ventilation. Their diameter is approximately 10 mm. The elements for the battery will have to be soldered by yourself.

To purchase a set of elements for the plates you will need to spend a certain amount. But in the end, it will still come out cheaper than the options that Mariupol and other plants produce. These are silicon wafers that can convert solar energy into electricity. Polycrystalline silicon is used for their production.

Soldering parts includes the following steps:

  1. Conductors must be cut according to the blanks;
  2. Elements are installed in the right places;
  3. Solder and acid are applied to the contacts;
  4. Then the conductors are fixed;
  5. Then they begin to solder.

Before working, it is worth considering that it is not easy to turn over a welded structure. It is for this purpose that the elements are first soldered, and then the rows. At the extreme elements make the bus minus and plus. The output wiring is equipped with insulation. The outside of the frame is equipped with a terminal.

If there are difficulties when soldering, then you can process the contacts with zero sandpaper.

Next, you need to attach the panels to the base. Silicone sealant comes in handy here. Silicone connects all elements and wires to the base.

After connecting the elements, check their operability. To do this, use a tester. The optimal performance of the device is 17-19 watts. This event is carried out for several days and only after that they proceed to sealing.

To properly solder solar cells, you should first watch the training video

Sealant is applied to the frame and plexiglass is mounted. It takes time for the silicone to dry. Plexiglass is attached to the frame using self-tapping screws. All seams must also be filled with sealant.

DIY solar panel assembly

After soldering, we collect all the elements together. First you need to deal with inverters. They process current and change its voltage.

Types of inverters:

  1. System - additional energy source. When creating energy in combination with a central source of electricity, batteries are not required at all.
  2. Hybrid - Suitable as the main source, but you still should not refuse the central supply. Such inverters are capable of not only processing energy, but also accumulating it.
  3. Standalone - used without central power supply. It is mounted with the required number of batteries.

The amount of battery for the house will have to be calculated based on the required power. The number of panels and their installation height also play a role. The higher the solar panel is mounted, the better.

For household needs of the family 4 kW is needed.

The solar battery is connected to the battery using a diode. Such an event will not allow the battery to discharge overnight. To avoid overcharging and boiling devices, a charge controller is purchased.

Solar panels are especially useful where electricity is often cut off. How effective are you by reading our article:

The way to make a solar battery at home

To make a solar panel with your own hands at home, you need to stock up on the right materials. You will need a copper sheet, a plastic bottle without a neck, kitchen salt, warm water and 2 clamps. Of the tools, a tester, an electric stove and sandpaper are useful.

Sequential assembly of the solar battery:

  1. We cut off a piece of metal of a suitable size for placement on a spiral of an electric stove.
  2. On the stove, the copper heats up and turns black. After half an hour, you can remove the material.
  3. Copper should cool. The material will begin to shrink and the oxide will peel off.
  4. After cooling the copper, the material washes in warm water.
  5. Next begins the manufacture of a solar panel. Cut off another copper plate. Squeeze 2 parts and put in a bottle. Copper parts should not be in contact with each other.
  6. We fix the material with the help of clamps.
  7. We connect the wires to the pros and cons.
  8. We put salt water in a bottle. In this case, the liquid should not reach a few centimeters to copper.
The size of the solar battery must be selected depending on what it will be used for.

Such a simple design is able to work even without solar energy. But this is a fairly simple panel. It is suitable for charging a mobile phone, no more. You can check the functionality of the module using the tester.

The energy-saving home heating system is especially popular. Details on the site:

DIY solar panels from improvised means

Many carry out excellent solar modules from improvised means. For work, you can use cans. Moreover, the material of such bottles is necessarily aluminum.

How to make a solar battery out of beer cans:

  1. First you need to prepare the material. To do this, the banks are washed. The bottom should be punched to take away heat.
  2. The surface of the material should be degreased.
  3. Banks stick together.

For the frame of the solar module, you need a base, a wooden frame and plexiglass. The substrate is made of foil. This will enhance the reflective function of the base.

It is not recommended to use beer material for the solar module, as it was susceptible to high corrosion and poorly retains heat.

Using solar energy as a source of electricity carries environmental safety. The use of improvised means saves on the arrangement of the solar module. From this, everyone benefits.

DIY assembly of solar panels (video)

Everyone can make a solar battery. This does not require special skills and material. Homemade appliances are made from improvised means. But, if you make a serious panel, you will have to purchase batteries and inverters.

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