The best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region and the Moscow region: a selection with a description and photo

Zoned apple varieties in the suburbs better take root, weather weather disasters are easier, and, most importantly, bear fruit well. After all, the yield and quality of the fruits largely depend on compliance with agricultural technology, soil composition and the suitability of the selected cultivar for the climatic zone. For owners of large estates there are tall, harvesting apple trees with a powerful crown, and on 6 acres in the Moscow region it’s convenient to place a pair of undersized varieties and several columnar varieties - good, there are dozens of such cultivars varieties. In the Moscow Region, experts recommend growing frost-resistant apple trees with good immunity to fungal diseases - these are mainly apple trees intended for cultivation in the Central region of Russia.


  • What varieties of apples fruit well in summer cottages near Moscow
    • Ancient zoned, low and partially self-fertile
    • Immune - disease resistant (scab, moniliosis)
    • Video: apple varieties for the Moscow region
  • Popular varieties by ripening: summer, autumn, winter
    • Grushovka Moscow - summer
      • Video: apple tree Grushovka Moscow
    • Apple saved - ripens in late summer
      • Video: description of the variety Apple saved
    • Melba - mid-August cultivar with legendary taste
      • Video: Melba variety
    • Autumn striped (Shtrifel, Streifling) - a fruitful autumn classic
    • Zhigulevskoe - late dead apples
      • Video: Zhigulevskoe apple tree
    • Mackintosh is a Canadian cultivar that bears fruit annually
      • Video: Apple Mackintosh
    • Saffron pepin - delicious and fragrant, seasoned
    • Antonovka - a legend that is still modern
      • Video: apple tree Antonovka
    • Moscow Winter - large fruits on a winter-hardy tree
    • Lobo - the fruits are left to stand for up to 2.5 months
  • Column-shaped apple trees and self-fertile dwarfs for the Moscow region
    • Moscow necklace
    • Medoc
    • Miraculous
      • Video: the apple tree the Wonderful
    • Helena
      • Video: apple tree Elena
  • The sweetest varieties of apple trees
    • Arcadik
    • Lungwort
      • Video: apple tree Medunitsa
  • Belarusian varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region
    • Kovalenkovskoe
      • Video: apple tree Kovalenkovskoe
    • Belorussian sweet
    • Alesia
  • Triploid varieties of apple trees cultivated in the Moscow region
    • Илиilina
    • Jonagold
    • August
  • Table: comparative characteristics of the above varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

What varieties of apples fruit well in summer cottages near Moscow

Apple trees growing in gardens near Moscow are represented by cultivars with different characteristics.

Ancient zoned, low and partially self-fertile

According to local farmers, here are successfully growing:

  • Old Russian varieties such as Grushovka Moskovskaya, Antonovka, Anisovka are familiar representatives of the apple orchard and gardeners have heard a lot about them.
  • Modern undersized cultivars yield excellent harvest even in damp, cold summers.
  • Partially self-fertile apple trees are well suited for small garden plots, where there is no place for additional planting of different varieties of fruit of the same crop.
Harvesting apples

Summer apples are juicy, crunchy, but they are not stored, autumn apples are the best option for processing and baking, winter varieties are grown for long-term storage

Immune - disease resistant (scab, moniliosis)

And also local farmers prefer the most winter-hardy apple trees, with high resistance to scab and moniliosis. Fruits of different varieties differ in taste, they come in different shapes and colors, with dense skin - more often winter varieties, with soft easily eaten - this applies to autumn cultivars. The pulp of the fruits is also different: in some it is friable, dry, but fragrant, with tart notes, in others - juicy, fine-grained, with a sugary-sweet aftertaste, or, conversely, sour, like Antonovka or Bely filling. In the suburbs, you can grow different cultivars, but it is best to choose zoned, adapted to temperature extremes and high humidity. It is about such varieties that we will talk in more detail.

An important condition for obtaining a fruit crop is compliance with growing technology. And the easiest way is to take care of a small tree, which is probably why Muscovites have recently chosen undersized varieties: many of them are self-fertile, to process, trim, adjust the yield on such cultivars much simpler. Although the harvest is small, but due to the small size of the tree, more than 10 apple trees can be planted on 6 hundred square meters of land, in addition, there are also other crops. Gardeners from the forums say that hybrid forms of the apple tree, obtained in the last 10–20 years, are immune to scab and others fungal diseases are an order of magnitude higher, they suffer less from return frosts, the taste of apples is excellent - they can be stored and to transport. Triploid varieties of apple trees - hybrids with a triple set of chromosomes are not uncommon in the gardens of compatriots of Central Russia. Such apple trees are more resistant to most diseases, tolerant to temperature changes, are characterized by large-fruited and high yields.

Different apples

Of course, the shape and size of apples matters, but more often the taste and aroma of fruits is more important

We have only 5 apple trees in the Moscow Region, apple trees are old and tall, huge trees. I was tormented with them terribly last year. There were a wild number of fruits. The carrion needs to be removed all the time and taken out somewhere, buried, because there are a lot of worms, processed as much as after working for juice, I distributed it, delivered it to all my friends, acquaintances, put it into storage by a puller, and stored, in general, nowhere. Do not plant many summers - apples are practically not stored, if you are not going to sell only. Another thing is that in all nurseries there is a terrible re-grading and there is no guarantee that you will get exactly the variety that you choose for yourself, so they plant more seedlings, the rest are then removed. Apple trees on a dwarf or semi-dwarf rootstock are also popular, it is easier to care for them. (to treat all sorts of diseases and pests), fewer fruits, but they often freeze and fail faster, than usual. I do not know new varieties, but from the old I would recommend Melba. Very tasty. I also loved Streifling (autumn striped) as a child, but only from a tree, it is like White Bulk, it is slightly soaked - cotton. Well, what about without Antonovka! Nowhere without it. Ranetki and the Chinese are still good, but now they are not so easy to find. For confidence in the variety, it is necessary that the apple tree in the nursery is dug up with you, because with any transportation the tags are easily torn off. So think before buying so many trees. Everything needs care, but is there enough time and energy for everything? My advice to you.


Video: apple varieties for the Moscow region

Popular varieties by ripening: summer, autumn, winter

At the summer cottage, experts recommend having at least 4-6 varieties of apples: a couple of summer, 1-2 autumn and at least 2-3 winter. This will allow apples to feast on for almost half a year: summer varieties are used immediately, they are not accepted to be stored, autumn varieties are ready for harvest in August - September, many cultivars can lie down for another 3-4 weeks, winter harvested in October - November - they are stored until January - February in fruit storage.

Dried fruits from apples

If there are no conditions for storing apples, you can cook dried fruits from surplus crops - both tasty and healthy

Grushovka Moscow - summer

The ancient Russian grade Grushovka Moskovskaya was marked by A.T. Bolotov back in the 18th century: an apple tree with a powerful crown, refers to summer cultivars, adapted for cultivation in the North-West and Moscow region. Toasted round-sided fruits with juicy snow-white pulp (weight 80–100 g) still delight gardeners. Unobtrusive sourness and a pleasant refreshing aftertaste - the highlight of Grushovka. It is a pity that the variety does not bear fruit every year and is often affected by fruit rot.

Grushovka Moscow

Grushovka Moskovskaya - the main candidate for the best variety for the Moscow region and the Leningrad region

Video: apple tree Grushovka Moscow

Apple saved - ripens in late summer

Modern Oryol cultivar breeders are classified as triploid varieties. Tall Apple Spas (up to 15 m high) easily adapts to the climate and soil, differs in high immunity, it is capable to bring annually up to 40-50 kg of apples from one tree (from 4-5th year growth). The fruits of the Savior ripen in the 3rd decade of August: large - weighing up to 200 g or more, with pronounced ribbing, are slightly tinted with a raspberry blush, the middle is juicy, odorous, solid.

Apple saved

Although Apple Spas is considered partially self-fertile, they say that this apple tree bears good fruit in single cultivation

Apple Spas - the last six fruits with a total weight of 220 grams fell, unable to bear their own weight. The mass of the largest fruits is 400 grams, and the taste is decent.

Victor Bratkin t = 6541 & start = 60

Video: description of the variety Apple saved

Melba - mid-August cultivar with legendary taste

The Canadian Melba variety appeared at the end of the 19th century, the old name is Melba, but in official sources this apple tree is called Melba. This medium-sized cultivar (up to 4 m), ripening in late August, belongs to the group of self-fertile varieties, but to increase productivity this apple tree is planted next to other varieties. Fruits are trapezoidal, slightly flattened down, weigh no more than 150 g, the skin is dense but not coarse, the flesh is sweet, with a sweet aftertaste. Gardeners note that Melba flowers are very fragrant. But it is also noted that the harvest of this apple tree can be stored from 3 weeks to a month, but when overripe, the fruits crumble.


Melba juicy flavorful pulp is good for charlotte

Video: Melba variety

Autumn striped (Shtrifel, Streifling) - a fruitful autumn classic

Shtrifel is a classic of autumn varieties, found everywhere in our country. The variety is quite successfully cultivated in regions with a harsh climate, in the middle lane, farmers of the southern regions also speak flatteringly about this apple tree. Autumn striped - a Dutchman who came to Russia in the XVIII century from the Baltic countries appreciates this apple tree for its excellent productivity, unsurpassed taste and aroma of bright red striped apples with pulp filled with pleasant cinnamon notes and slightly tart sweetness (weight 120–160 g), they love Shtrifel for excellent transportability the crop.

Autumn striped

Autumn striped or Shtrifel - an autumn apple with worthy taste

Streifling is a reliable grade, very good, but I don’t know a huge tree, folk. Author S. AND. Isaev, he gravitated towards preserves, i.e. with the lowest possible acid content. In parents, the bellefleur is Chinese and the folder, according to the description, is slightly sour - sweet, with an average resistance to scab, which is also good. In general, all are quite worthy varieties.


Zhigulevskoe - late dead apples

This cultivar is appreciated for the early maturity and good keeping quality of the fruit. Zhigulevskoye can often be found in industrial gardens - the variety was fond of yield and small size (from 3.5 to 5 m), so Zhigulevskoye is perfect for growing in small areas. Zhigulevsky's apples are large, round-sided, with a concave base, weigh up to 200 g, yellowish-green with a bright scarlet blush on an oily dense peel, the middle is sour-sweet.


Zhigulevskoe - an excellent variety for growing in a temperate climate of the Moscow region

Video: Zhigulevskoe apple tree

Mackintosh is a Canadian cultivar that bears fruit annually

A well-deserved Autumn Mackintosh variety originally from Canada. The cultivar benefits in that it bears fruit annually both in the southern climate and in Siberia and the North-West. And also many love this apple tree for excellent-tasting fruits (weight 100–180 g) - round, with burgundy skin, juicy, sugary flesh - you just want to eat them, even immature ones. The disadvantages of Mekintosh include the simultaneous ripening of the crop and low resistance to disease. The crop is harvested in September, the fruits can be stored up to 60 days.

Mackintosh (Mack)

Mackintosh has long been famous for its burgundy apples with a juicy crispy center

Video: Apple Mackintosh

Saffron pepin - delicious and fragrant, seasoned

Pepinka is an unsurpassed late autumn variety (it is marked as a winter variety in the State Register), cultivated in the vast expanses of the former CIS countries, in the Caucasus, in the middle zone of Russia, in Siberia and the Urals. The variety is famous for its relatively good immunity, it easily adapts to any climatic conditions, the crop can be safely transported over long distances and stored until February - March. Cons varieties: exactingness to soils and not annual fruiting. Fruits Pepinki small - 80-130 g, round, yellowish with a pinkish blush, juicy, odorous, on a long stalk.

Saffron Pepin

For the excellent taste of fruits and good keeping quality, Pepin saffron is loved by gardeners in almost every corner of our country

In Michurinsk, the fruits are harvested in the third decade of September. Full consumer ripeness of fruits occurs 2 months after harvesting - at the end of November. Fruits are aromatic, with a wine-tart flavor, differ in a blurry striped blush, weigh up to 100 g; stored until May, without losing their high taste. The current Pepin saffron strongly chopped, greatly affected by scab (both fruits and leaves), the crown is awkwardly spreading prone to thickening. But the main thing is that the fruits have lost the ability to store for a long time, already by the New Year the fruits decay from the middle and the goodness disappears completely. Although it used to lie well until May and the variety was late winter.

Chamomile13 t = 2517 & start = 30

Antonovka - a legend that is still modern

Antonovka is an outstanding variety; you rarely find a garden without this variety. There is nothing to confuse with the persistent aroma of Antonov apples in the autumn garden: sweetish in taste, with yellow melting even a slightly friable flesh Antonovka is already on the verge of overripening - it is so good for jam and in jam. And the unripe apples of this cultivar go perfectly for juice, for drying and in the filling of pies. This is an autumn variety, valued for high productivity, but not stored at all. And also to the disadvantages include the frequency of fruiting.


Antonovka is good both for pies, for jam, and for juice, Antonov’s apples are delicious and tasty, when they’ll already perespeyut - there’s no such edge

According to Polish and German sources, the birthplace of Antonovka is the territory of modern Belarus. In Russia, the first description of the variety - Antonovka, gives N. in 1848 AND. Krasnoglazov. He, apparently, is the author of the name - Antonovka. Moreover, initially the variety is given the name ‘Krasnoglazovka’, and then ‘Antonovka’. Over time, it took root, only the second, as the popular name of the variety is considered. And Krasoglazovka is only occasionally found in special literature, as a synonym for Antonovka.

Vital t = 2517 & start = 30

Video: apple tree Antonovka

Moscow Winter - large fruits on a winter-hardy tree

Judging by the name, it is already clear that the cultivar is designed specifically for the Moscow region and ripens closer to winter. The variety was created by S. AND. Isaev in the middle of the last century. It is noted that the Moscow winter copes with the scab quite well, is not afraid of return frosts, bears fruit annually. The apples are round, light green, with a soft raspberry blush, the flesh is white, sour, but tasty, with a tart flavor, the weight of the fruit ranges from 160 to 300 g. This apple tree is unpretentious in care, but is periodically affected by a bacterial burn.

Moscow winter

Moscow winter becomes tasty when it lies down

Moscow winter in the people since 2002. Before that it was tested. I have an apple tree since about 90. My apples have no subcutaneous points at all. Weight is also different. My weight is not higher than 150 gr. Moscow winter from 200 gr. and higher. They have points. It is stored well.

Santa Claus keywords = Moscow + winter

Lobo - the fruits are left to stand for up to 2.5 months

The fruits of Lobo are round-conic bright red, with a short stalk, their flesh is sweet, with a pleasant caramel note, they weigh up to 180-200 g. Harvest varieties are well suited for the preparation of juices, pastille, preserves, and the excess is well stored, especially in a dark, cool room - up to 2–2.5 months. An important advantage of Lobo is that the fruits ripen at the same time and practically do not crumble.


Lobo - winter variety with a shelf life of up to 2.5 months

Column-shaped apple trees and self-fertile dwarfs for the Moscow region

Low-growing cultivars are especially respected by summer residents of the Moscow Region: they do not take up much space and are famous for their high immunity to most fungal diseases of this culture.

Moscow necklace

Colon-shaped apple-tree Moscow necklace is a winter variety with one-dimensional round-sided apples (weight 100–120 g), the fruits are juicy, with a pleasant fragrant note, pinkish, brightly browned on one side. The cultivar is not picky about the soil, but responsive to watering.

Moscow necklace

Moscow necklace - a columnar variety of apple trees with annual fruiting

The Moscow necklace was removed on September 18. At the time of removal M.O. a good sour-sweet taste, with juicy flesh, according to reports, the necklace has less stubbornness. I’ll see what conditions the variety will pick up when lying.

Alexey P.P. t = 6444 & start = 705


The green-fruit dwarf Medoc is capable of producing up to 15 kg of apples by the 2nd or 3rd year, as the originators of the variety promise. The cultivar is appreciated for its early maturity and resistance to disease. The fruits of the variety Medoc are slightly elongated, yellowish-green, juicy, with hard flesh, weigh up to 250 g, and are stored for 30–40 days. This is a late summer variety, but it is better to harvest in September.


The undersized Medok will delight you with an excellent harvest already in the 3rd year after planting


Experts say that Chudnoy will give the gardener an unprecedented harvest already in the 2nd year, and it will not require any special hassle - the variety is undemanding to maintain, drought tolerant, gives the crop every year. Fruits are large - up to 180–240 g, yellowish, with a blush, the pulp is juicy, dense.


Self-made dwarf Chudnoe - a promising hybrid of the latest generation

Wonderful (dwarf) - all covered with large green sweet (almost sour) apples. If they lie down, they become a little cottony. For such a tree, the fruits seem very large. This variety needs constant supports (at least for me) - as it did not try to form, the branches are long, thin - they fall apart, and when there are apples, back up at least every branch there. When the wind crumbles. Not for storage, for food. I liked the variety very much. In comparison with the column-shaped currency (on which there were only 3 apples), it does not go, although they were planted simultaneously.

with natalya

Video: the apple tree the Wonderful


The low-grade variety Elena (height up to 1.5 m) belongs to the early summer, begins to set fruits in the 2nd year, and already 3-4-year-old tree is able to give up to 60–70 kg of bright scarlet fruits with white half-palins (weight 100–140 d). Gardeners note that the taste of Elena’s apples will not leave indifferent even those who are a small fan of this cultures: sweet, almost sugary, juicy, melting flesh, not very dense, perfect for jams and pastilles.


The self-fertile variety Elena is distinguished by annual fruiting and high winter hardiness.

There is Elena - a very worthy variety, but to have a whole tree is probably not worth it. But what is better than Boxing is clear. For me, Elena lacks juiciness, but the children like it. I call this variety a variety of two Saturdays, one arrived - they hang, the other - no longer.

Autumn f = 30 & t = 7314 & start = 15

Video: apple tree Elena

The sweetest varieties of apple trees

Fragrant sweet varieties are the sales leaders and gardeners' favorites, those cultivars that contain more than 10-12% of sugars are among the sweetest.


Early-summer precocity with a powerful crown Arkadik (height from 2.5 to 6 m), zoned not only in the middle lane, but also in regions with a harsh climate. This is a cultivar with elongated pinkish fruits (weight 70–90 g), with slightly pronounced raspberry longitudinal strokes: the flesh is fine-grained, aromatic, rather juicy. Arkadik is a variety for fresh consumption, it is not very well stored, it crumbles when overripe.


Arkadik fruits are elongated, it is difficult to confuse them with other varieties


This variety cannot be found in the State Register, although the breeder Isaev gave it to amateur gardening in the 30s of the XIX century. And, contrary to the name, the variety was not named for the taste of honey, but in honor of the scientist’s wife - they say he lovingly called his wife Medunitsa. Although in reality the fruits of the cultivar are really sweet (sugar 14%), even unripe, with cinnamon notes, soft pink, with raspberry frequent strokes, weigh up to 150 g. Ripens harvest Medunitsa in August.


Medunitsa is recognized by gardeners as one of the best summer varieties

Lungwort is a sweet summer variety of apples. Hangs on a tree for a long time. The best apple to dry. It dries quickly, does not darken, because it is not sour. The taste of dried is excellent sweet and aroma.


Video: apple tree Medunitsa

Belarusian varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

The climate of Belarus is close in its characteristics to the climatic conditions of the Moscow Region, hence the universal love of Moscow gardeners for Belarusian apple trees. Varieties created by breeders of Belarus are valued for their cold resistance, immunity and excellent yield.


The delightful late summer Kovalenkovsky is unpretentious, excellently growing on the land near Moscow - rarely affected by diseases, he is not afraid of return frosts, and the return of the variety exceeds 70–80 kg per tree (on 5-6th year). The fruit pulp is fine-grained, aromatic, without sourness, the fruits are massive - 160-200 g each, completely maroon-raspberry, the skin is dense, with a wax coating.


Kovalenkovskoe - a recognized Belarusian apple variety

The most controversial of my apple trees is Kovalenkovsky. It requires strong thinning, otherwise greenish apples do not really get a taste. The taste must be caught. The best indicator is the color of the flesh. White, but still juicy, that's it, then the aroma appears, weak, but there is. But in this state, the apple is not very long on the tree, although it hangs tightly, but it can also overripe, although the sweetness does not go away. It’s better to take it off and let it lie down a bit, for a long time it does not lie. On one tree there can be tasty and not so apples - the main drawback. In general, such tastes are for everybody. Sweetness without harmonious acid, few people like it. The red clone of Melba, in my opinion, is not even correct to compare with Kovalenkovsky. Although in winter hardiness, resistance to scab and disease, Kovalenkovskoy will give odds to many autumn apples.

Vasiliy f = 30 & t = 7314

Video: apple tree Kovalenkovskoe

Belorussian sweet

Winter quick variety Belarusian sweet with a low crown (up to 3-4 m) is appreciated for its great taste fruits and an enviable keeping quality - even at room temperature apples are stored for up to 1.5 months, and in the basement - until Martha. The apples of the cultivar are indeed sweet, with a rich fruity aroma, light-skinned, with a reddish, blurred blush, weigh 160-180 g.

Belorussian sweet

Gardeners say that even Belarusian sweet and late variety is still grass-grass in September, but you really want to eat it

I consider Belarusian sweet as a valuable variety for its original taste. According to other characteristics, he is also in order. The hand and reaches for this apple - the pulp is juicy, crunchy, fine-grained, the fruits are meager - I checked it myself.

Dim f = 30 & t = 7314


Like the previous varieties, Alesia is not bad stored, matures in late November, fell in love with the excellent taste and juiciness of the fruits. Cultivar apples weigh no more than 150 g, unripe - yellow-raspberry, when fully ripe - burgundy, with brownish spots at the stalk. The flesh is yellowish, spicy, sweet. Harvest rarely crumbles, well tolerates transportation.


Alesia is no longer valued for its taste, but for its high yield, good fruit stamina and winter hardiness.

Ales is also large. In the photo apples up to 300 gr. Acid is present in the taste, but they are not yet ripe. A variety of noble blood, this is evident by the thickness of the seedlings. Alesia is my main variety, ensuring my complete fruit safety until the month of June. (Storage conditions are the same: straw basement). Delay with the removal should be as late as possible, as Denis Pomaleiko advises, but all the same, until December is acid. From January, the apple becomes sweet, but not outstanding. In March - April, a little cotton, but still quite decent in taste. Alesia is valued more for the combination of useful properties than for taste.

Vasiliy f = 30 & t = 7314

Triploid varieties of apple trees cultivated in the Moscow region

According to experienced gardeners, the most effective is the cultivation of triploid varieties - their immunity and productivity can not be compared with indicators of long-known cultivars. The disadvantage of such apple trees is that this species is not so easy to find on sale, sometimes the price of seedlings of such varieties is quite high.


The Zhilinskoye summer variety rarely suffers from diseases and pests, the yield from one tree already in the 2nd year can exceed 10-15 kg. Fruits weigh up to 160 g - a spicy-fruity aroma, tender sourness with moderate sweetness (sugar up to 12%), whitish, fine-grained pulp - this is what Zhilinsky loves. The fruiting of the cultivar is regular, but shaking the fruits is not recommended - then they quickly deteriorate and are practically not stored (no more than a day).


The size of Zhilinsky immediately shows that this is a triploid variety


The variety was bred in America more than half a century ago, then spread to Europe, and closer to the 70s appeared in the USSR. Jonagold is a tall-growing tree, belongs to large-fruited cultivars (weight of apples 220-310 g) of winter ripening, is famous for its resistance to many diseases. Jonagold apples are bright scarlet, the pulp is yellow, not very hard, crunchy, spicy, quite sweet, the skin is dense, with a wax coating and dots. Harvest can be stored up to 2 months, but with low humidity, the fruits wrinkle.


Jonagold - apple classic, it is often raised for sale

Classic - Jonagold and his clones. From myself, I can notice that Jonagold has a rather weak frost resistance in the first component. In the literature they write about -25 in late autumn and early winter. BUT. I grow on special skeletal formers on clonal roots, and this, in my opinion, is the best variety in terms of characteristics. For reference, in early December I had T -28 and in mid-October -15 (according to my observations). The flight is still normal. The variety is early winter. Triploid prone to numerous mutations.

yri t = 6303 & start = 1485


The modern cultivar of Augustus belongs to the summer varieties - it is a highly productive cultivar with aromatic juicy fruits - large - up to 210 g, light raspberry at an early stage of ripening, later with a blurred burgundy blush, crisp flesh, with a strong aroma. Augusta is good to use for making juices and baby puree - they say that the pulp is sweet and does not darken for a long time. Keeping the crop all winter is not recommended.


Augusta is a large-fruited high-yielding apple variety for the climate of the middle zone

Table: comparative characteristics of the above varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

Grade name Pollination method Early maturity Productivity, c Frost resistance Scab Resistance
Self-infertile Partially
Self-fertile High
(on 3-4th g)
(on 6–8th g)
Grushovka Moscow + (pollinators Candy, Kitayka, Antonovka) + 120–210 +
Apple saved + (pollinators Mantet, Papiroka) + 290 + +
Melba + (pollinators Antonovka, Borovinka) + 120–180 +
Autumn striped (Shtrifel) + (pollinators Antonovka, Papiroka) + up to 380 +
Zhigulevskoe + (pollinators Candy, White filling) + 190 +
Mackintosh + (pollinators Candy, Pepin saffron, Grushovka Moscow) + 240
Saffron Pepin + (pollinators Antonovka, Slavyanka) + 140 +
Antonovka + (pollinators White filling, Papiroka, Candy) + up to 200 + +
Lobo + (pollinators Spartak, Pepin saffron, Antonovka) + 180–220 +
Moscow winter + + up to 300 + +
Moscow necklace + (pollinators Elena, Chudnoye, Papiroka) + 130 +
Medoc + + 100 +
Miraculous + + 120 + +
Helena + + 80–100 +
Arcadik + (pollinators White filling, Candy) + 210–300 +
Lungwort + (pollinators Anis Sverdlovsky, Papiroka) + 170–220
Kovalenkovskoe + (pollinators Grushovka Moscow, Papiroka) + up to 300 +
Belorussian sweet + (pollinators Elena, Spartak, Pepin saffron) + 320 + +
Alesia + (pollinators Melba, candy, Papiroka) + 200 +
Илиilina + (pollinators Antonovka, Slavyanka, Grushovka Moscow) + 260 + +
Jonagold + (pollinators Pepin saffron, Candy) + 250
August + (pollinators Kovalenkovskoe, Papiroka, Antonovka) + 200 + +

Near Moscow dachas will not be left without apple trees - local nurseries are ready to offer a choice of several dozen acclimatized varieties with different ripening period, undersized with a spreading crown, tall, colony-shaped, large-fruited and resistant to most pome diseases, small fruited. The choice of a gardener depends on his financial capabilities and the square meters on which the garden will grow.

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