It’s nice to dig potatoes when you find tubers the size of a palm in the ground. And when you cook them, they only crumble to the best of their ability. These two positive qualities of the Bellarosa variety are already able to interest many gardeners. So why not get to know this foreigner better?
History of Potato Bellarosa
- Video: how Europlant works
Grade description
- Video: potato harvest in heat and drought, a comparison of varieties, including Bellarosa
Growing Features
- Video: intensive potato care in the garden
- Harvest
- Bellosa Potato Reviews
History of Potato Bellarosa
The variety with the romantic name Bellarosa appeared in Lower Saxony, the city of Luneburg (Germany). The originator and creator is Europlant (EUROPLANT). Since 1993, she has been developing new varieties, hybrids of potatoes and selling it around the world. Representative offices operate in 70 countries.
Video: how Europlant works
Bellarosa was officially brought to Russia in 2004. It was then that EUROPLANT experts submitted an application to the State Commission for Variety Testing of the Russian Federation. The variety was tested and in 2006 was included in the State Register of selection achievements as zoned for the Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka, North-West and Ural regions.
Russians have a tradition - to change foreign words in their own understandable way. She also touched Bellarosa, the names have already taken root: Belarossa, Bela Rosa and Bella Rosa. This fact is only proof of sympathy for the variety.
Grade description
Bella rosa from Italian translates as "Beautiful rose." Perhaps the authors gave this name to potatoes for the red-violet corollas that cover the bushes during flowering. And the skin of the tubers is red, velvety. The pulp inside is yellow, not very digested, not watery. Bellarose tubers are oval, smooth, not covered with scab ulcers. The variety has resistance to this unpleasant disease.
Bellarose tubers are red, oval, smooth
Potatoes are very productive, grown on an industrial scale. The tubers are heavy, some 800 g and above, the average weight is 117–207 g. The maximum yield is 385 kg / ha, the average is 169–326 kg / ha. By this indicator, Bellaroz surpasses the famous Nevsky by 34–155 kg / ha. In this case, the variety is precocious, and its harvest can be harvested twice! The first time - 45 days after emergence, the second - after 55 days. During the first digging, the bushes are carefully dug up, large tubers are collected, and small ones are left to grow further.
In the southern regions, they manage to grow Bellarosa twice, planted in March-April and early June. However, there is a minus: the second crop is harvested at the end of summer - autumn, and this potato is unstable to late blight, which develops in wet and cool weather. According to the observations of potato growers, the variety remains productive in the heat and drought, grows well on sandy and loamy soils. When other varieties dry and produce peas, Bellarosa, on the contrary, shows good results.
Video: potato harvest in heat and drought, a comparison of varieties, including Bellarosa
Among the advantages is also excellent keeping quality, the tubers retain their presentation until the next harvest. The variety is resistant to viral diseases, but susceptible to fungal. In addition to late blight, it can be affected by rhizoctonia. Those who grow this variety have to consider the tendency of the bushes to grow in breadth. When digging, you can pierce a tuber that has grown to the side, or not to notice and leave it in the ground. When cooking, slight fading of the pulp is sometimes observed.
Growing Features
Bellrose potato seed tubers are recommended to be preheated and germinated. To do this, a month before planting, transfer the tubers from the cellar or basement to a warm (+ 18... +22 ° C) and bright room. To prevent fungal diseases, wash them if you haven’t done so since the fall, adding copper sulfate (50 g per 10 l of water) to the water, dry and place in the light in 1-2 layers. Once a week, turn the tubers on the other side and spray with clean, preferably thawed or rain, water.
So that the sprouts do not stretch, are strong, grow tubers in the light
Crop rotation is important for Bellarosa; it cannot be planted on a field where potatoes or any other nightshade crop have already grown. Best predecessors: cabbage, bean and pumpkin. Fertilize the earth, bringing in 1 m²: 2 buckets of humus (you can use manure in the fall) and 0.5 l of wood ash. If not enough organics, then pour in a hole in a handful. With its complete absence, buy special mixtures for potatoes or universal for any vegetables. They are produced under the brands: Forte, Agros, Fertika, Hera.
Start landing when the earth warms up to +8 ° C. Do holes at a distance of 30 cm from each other, row spacing - 70 cm, but you can plant and more spacious. The better the bushes are lit, warmed up and aired, the larger the tubers will grow on them. Planting depth - 8-10 cm. To protect against the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm, and grub, treat the potatoes laid in the wells with a solution of Tabu.
The methods of high agricultural technology will help get the maximum yield from Bellarosa:
- Irrigate plantings in dry weather once a week.
- Loosen the aisles after each watering and rain.
- Feed:
- The first time a week after emergence by nitrogen-containing fertilizer, for example, urea, ammonium nitrate or infusion of mullein, droppings, nettles.
- The second time in the period of budding is a complex fertilizer with potassium, phosphorus and microelements, for example, BioMaster universal vegetable concentrate. Wood ash is also suitable. Powder the earth with it and loosen it.
- Spud. For an early variety, it is enough to do this once, before flowering, immediately after the second feeding.
- Protect from pests. If Colorado beetles are found, spray with Actara or Karbofos, repeat the treatment after 7-10 days.
- Prevent disease, especially in rainy summers. When the tops grow to a height of 15–20 cm, spray with a fungicide solution (Skor, KhOM, Chorus).
Video: intensive potato care in the garden
A week before harvesting, the tops are recommended to be mowed and removed from the field. Such an event will be an additional measure of the prevention of late blight. Dig the bushes of Bellarosa, well departing from the base. Then there will be more chances to find all the tubers in the earth and not damage them. With the most fruitful bush, lay on the seeds the tubers the size of a chicken egg (35–55 g).
Only store whole potatoes for storage. Put them in airtight containers: nets, baskets, boxes. Before moving to a cellar or other storage, let the crop lie for a week in a dark and ventilated place, for example, under a canopy or in a barn. The tubers will dry out, their peel will harden, become more resistant to mechanical damage, and the risk of rot damage will decrease. Defective potatoes immediately send to the kitchen for cooking.
The purpose of the variety is table. The starch content is 12.6-15.7%. A delicious mashed potato is obtained from Bellarosa potatoes, it does not dissolve in soups, and is suitable for stewing with meat and other vegetables.
Bellosa Potato Reviews
I like the Belarossa variety. It gives a good harvest, well preserved. I like to have mashed potatoes with her, in general a good variety, I can advise everyone to try to plant.
There are varieties resistant to many adversities and such are the easiest to care for and grow: Adretta, Luck, Impala, Bellarosa, Kiwi, Rosar. These showed themselves from the rays of the side both in the hot Steppe and in the wet Polesie.
for many potato growers, Bellarosa is almost the standard of potato flavor
I really like the Bellarosa potato variety. In our market, it is very popular among buyers, the potato is not it boils very hard, not watery, keeps its shape if cooked in its uniform, but for frying it is better to choose some other grade. The taste of Bellarosa is sweetish, I advise everyone to plant such potatoes in their area. The variety is high-yielding, early, drought tolerant, high palatability, very high resistance to viruses. Beautiful presentation - pink peel, small eyes, smooth tubers.
Good yield gives "Bellarosa". This potato yields a delicious mashed potato.
The yield of Bela Rosa and Sante in a thin garden garden was no more than 300 centners per hectare, counted at a minimum, from 3 hundred parts 90 +5 buckets of one, and about the same other grade. There was no watering for two years without manure. The first managed to grow, but the second, Sante, fell under the burning rays and lost in the crop! At 11 a.m. on earth barefoot was impossible to resist. Plowing, prestige treatment, hilling, Zencor herbicide, one treatment from late blight and that's it! Everything depends on the variety and conditions.
Personally, I grow potatoes of two varieties: Bella Rosa, Typhoon. Bella Rosa this year showed simply amazing productivity. Seated 7 bags and collected 125, and only 1.5 bags of small ones. The variety is good, not very hard, it is stored very well until a new crop. I noticed that the hotter and drier the summer, the higher the yield. The variety is very afraid of late blight. Typhoon: from 1 bag he took 20. Shallow more than Bella Rosa. The taste is much inferior to Bella Rose, but there is no companion for the taste and color. Saved well too.
Potato varieties of early ripening such as Bella Rosa showed themselves very well in the last hot, hot year. (Germany), Dolphin (Belarus), Agave (Germany), Betina (Germany), Coletta (Germany), Solara (Germany), Tiras (Ukraine), Riddle (Ukraine). All these varieties grow well on sandy loamy soils.
Bellarosa is a very early and high-yielding variety with large tubers. Due to its plasticity, it grows well on soils of different structures, is not afraid of heat and drought. The variety can be a starting point for farmers who are just starting to run their potato business. And simple gardeners have long been chosen and grown this potato.
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