Do you like apples? Sweet with a slight sourness, fragrant, juicy, crunchy. And you dream to grow such an apple tree in your garden. Even having a small plot of land, it is not difficult to grow President apple trees. See for yourself!
History of the appearance of the columnar apple variety President
- Description
- Characteristic
- Growing Features
- Video. Planting and care of columnar apple varieties
- Pruning the President and its varieties
- Video: Cropping
- Apple Grade Reviews
History of the appearance of the columnar apple variety President
Variety of apple trees The President was bred in 1974 by the famous breeder V.V. Kichina by crossing two varieties: Abundant and Vazhak. The abundant variety is distinguished by high productivity, resistance to scab and good winter hardiness. Fruits are stored until November. The disadvantage of the variety is not the best taste of the fruit.
Vazhak apple trees are characterized by high resistance to frost and a small height of trees, up to 2.2 m. The fruits are juicy, fragrant, stored until January next year.
As a result of successful selection, a new variety emerged - the President, which is one of the best, elite varieties of apple trees in Russia. The variety was zoned in 2002. Currently, apple trees of this variety are successfully grown in central Russia (the regions of the Black Earth and Non-Black Earth regions), in particular Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tula, Kaluga, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Bryansk, Samara regions, as well as in the Southern Urals (Perm region).
- Tree dimensions. In size, the columnar apple-tree President belongs to semi-dwarf trees. The tallest ones reach a height of slightly more than two meters.
- The roots. The root system of seedlings is quite dense, which provides undemanding trees to the soil and contributes to easy survival during transplantation.
Crown. The crown is distinguished by a fairly dense foliage, but at the same time small-sized and compact. The width of the crown is from 20 cm to 40 cm. The branches of the tree extend from the trunk at an acute angle and grow along it, resembling a “column”. The trunk is covered with spears, at the ends of which are located gloves (flower buds). On thick, strong shoots there are leaves of dark green color, large, with a glossy surface.
- Fruit. Fruits are placed along the entire height of the trunk at a level of 30–40 cm from the surface of the earth. The fruit arrangement is uniform. Apples are large enough, weighing from 150 to 250 g, have a pale yellow color with a reddish “blush”. Fruits of pleasant sweet and sour taste with white, juicy, fragrant pulp. Ripening period is the end of August - the beginning of September.
An interesting feature of this variety is a large number of flower buds, which are laid not only on the branches, but also on the trunk. Due to this, the role of the lateral branches is insignificant, and the trunk carries the main load from the weight of the fruits. With strong, hard wood, the trunk does not bend under the weight of the crop. Annual seedlings bloom in the year of planting in open ground. And already on the 2ndone year after planting, the fruiting period begins. From a tree of 5 years of age, you can get about 5-8 kg of fruit.
The main advantage of the President’s apple tree is that with proper pruning, regular fertilizing of the soil, and sufficient watering from one tree, you can get from 10 to 16 kg of apples.
However, with such obvious advantages, this variety has one drawback. With an average fruiting period of up to 15 years, after the 8th year of a tree’s life, yield is gradually reduced.
Another feature of the President apple tree is the compactness of the root system. This makes it possible to plant trees at a fairly close distance from each other (usually 90 cm between rows and 60 cm between trees), which is important in the conditions of a small plot.
By planting the President apple tree along the hedge, you can simultaneously get an interesting decoration of the yard and a rich harvest of apples
Growing Features
- For planting trees, it is advisable to choose an open, well-lit space. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of blowing the apple orchard with strong wind and drafts. In winter, tree trunks must be wrapped in burlap or foam rubber to protect against severe frosts and rodents.
- Planting seedlings in the ground is preferable in the fall, at the end of September, so that the seedling has time to strengthen the root system before the onset of winter cold. If necessary, planting is allowed in spring, in early April, before buds open.
- The root system of the apple tree is located shallow in the surface layer of the earth, therefore, it needs abundant regular watering and loosening of the soil. However, when choosing a place for planting seedlings, it should be borne in mind that the permissible depth of groundwater from the earth's surface is 1.5 m.
- To get a good harvest, during the flowering period of the apple tree, it is necessary to regulate the number of peduncles. On one-year seedlings, all buds must be removed. Next year, if the tree has taken root well, leave only two bouquets of flowers in each floral link. In the same way, the ovaries on the trunk are removed. It should be borne in mind that the number of apples will be approximately half that of the ovaries.
- President apple varieties are resistant to scab and fungal diseases. But young trees may be affected by pests. Types of pests and ways to control them are given in the table:
Ttable: pests affecting the colon-shaped apple tree
Pests | Signs | Ways to fight | Preventative measures |
Flower beetle | 1. Insects eat the kidneys, then the contents of the buds, where they lay their eggs. 2. The larvae glue the petals, as a result of which they dry out and turn brown. 3. A month later, young beetles appear that gnaw through the buds and spread throughout the site. |
1. At the stage of kidney formation, spraying with a solution of Fufanon (10 ml per bucket of water). 2. The next treatment is carried out at the stage of a pink bud (1 Inta-Ts-M tablet per 10 l). |
Harvesting autumn leaves around the trunk. |
Medianitsa | 1. Larvae feed on the juice of buds, buds and leaves. 2. Pests fasten the affected parts with a sticky mass, which prevents the plant from growing. 3. The fruits are deformed. 4. With a strong defeat of the tinnitus in the apple tree, yield decreases. |
At the stage of budding, the use of one of the insecticides: Mitak (20 ml per 10 l), Fas or Sumi-alpha (5 g per 10 l). | |
Moth | 1. Butterflies lay eggs on the ovaries and leaf plates, after 2-3 weeks caterpillars appear that penetrate the ovaries and feed on their contents, as a result of which they fall. 2. Moth can reduce the yield of the tree by half. |
20 days after the flowers fell, treatment with Mitak (30–40 ml), Biorin (10 ml), Kinmix (2.5 ml), Intavir (1 tablet), Sumi-alpha (5 ha per 10 l of water). | 1. Digging in the autumn around the trunk. 2. Destruction of plant debris. |
Aphid | 1. As a result of the activity of aphids, the shoots are bent, the leaves curl and turn yellow. 2. The affected tree lags in growth and loses its winter hardiness. |
Before flowering, treatment of the tree with Kinmix solution, after 15-20 days, the use of the drug Intavir. | Fighting ants in the area that contribute to the spread of aphids. |
For guaranteed abundant fruiting, apple trees need to be fed.
- Organic fertilizers in the form of compost, chicken manure or manure, mineral fertilizers: potassium chloride, superphosphate, urea are used as top dressing.
- The first time fertilizers are applied when planting a tree. The removed soil should be mixed with rotted manure in a ratio of 1: 1, add fertilizer (in the amount indicated in the table) and lay on the bottom of the pit. Then spread the roots of the apple tree and gently fill the hole with earth. The root neck of the seedling should be 5-6 cm above the soil level.
- In the future, apple trees should be fed during the growing season and fruit ripening: in late May and twice during June – July. Foliar top dressing by spraying.
Ttable: types of fertilizers for feeding apple trees President
Types of feeding | |||
Type of fertilizer | Root | Foliar | |
when landing | during the growing season | ||
Quantity per 1 tree | |||
Compost or humus | 5-7kg | 10kg | — |
A solution of chicken manure or manure | — | 5-7kg | — |
Superphosphate | 100g | 120g | — |
Potassium chloride | 50–70g | 40g | — |
Urea | — | 20-30g per 10l of water | 10-15g per 10l of water |
Video. Planting and care of columnar apple varieties
“There are no trifles when caring for columns. In such a garden you can not skip watering, fertilizing or spraying, otherwise you risk being left without apples. It’s worth worsening the care, as the gloves begin to dry out on the columnar tree below, and after that they can’t be restored, the apple trees will have to be changed ahead of time ”
Pruning the President and its varieties
- Pruning apple trees is part of a garden care package. Proper pruning allows you to create favorable conditions for the development of the tree, the formation of its crown, preservation of productivity and protection from disease. There are forming, rejuvenating and sanitary pruning.
- Forming pruning it is advisable to produce in the spring, at the end of March - mid-April, before the buds open. For the apple variety, President, the compact columnar shape of the crown is natural, so they are practically not cut. Usually, the first pruning is performed on two-year-old seedlings. Leave the main shoot - the column. Lateral shoots are cut with a secateurs, leaving 2 growth buds on each shoot. The central shoot of a columnar apple tree cannot be cut, as this leads to branching of the tree.
- During spring pruning of older trees, 3-5 buds are left on the branches. This avoids the growth of a large number of unnecessary branches and, as a result, reduces yield. As well as increased humidity inside the crown can cause the development of a fungal disease of the apple tree.
- Anti-aging pruning apple trees are produced as needed on trees aged 5–7 years. To the point of growth, all deformed, curved shoots, strongly elongated, are cut off. Extra ovaries are removed.
- Sanitary pruning performed in the fall, after the leaves fall. With this pruning, diseased and dried branches, affected areas of the cortex are removed.
- At the end of pruning, all sections must be treated with drying oil, garden var or clay mash.
The advantages that you get when pruning a columnar apple tree: the formation of a more beautiful crown; strengthening young branches; replacing old branches with new ones; getting more solar Sveta
Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the columns, I learned how to use them skillfully.
The purpose of pruning and top dressing is to have an increase of 25–35 cm annually and to preserve fruit formations throughout the entire 2–5 year old wood. Then the column will give maximum productivity and will overtake any other ordinary quick-growing spurous varieties at any of their formation. Therefore, every spring I cut the columns individually, depending on the wintering and the safety of the seedlings on old wood, taking into account the criteria described above.
Video: Cropping
Apple Grade Reviews
For our zone, I have so far chosen 3 worthy varieties - Vasyugan, President and Dialog. A compromise of winter hardiness, maturity, early maturity and taste. From them come the most hasty, the most slender and fruitful columns (a little bit like candelabra).
In 2006, the President planted a column. Now the apple tree is about 2 meters high. Very nice column. This year the first crop was harvested - 8 apples, 7–9 cm in diameter, tasty. So far, very satisfied.
These apple trees did not deliver any particular trouble to me. The only thing to remember is that in early spring they need to be given good top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers, and with end of June to give only phosphorus and potash fertilizers for better fruiting and preparation for winter period. And small and strong plants with bulk apples give joy to all family members and guests of the garden. It makes sense to deal with such varieties of apple trees!
So the short excursion to the "biography" of President apple trees has ended. Now we know about the advantages and disadvantages of this variety, about the features of caring for trees, we have received new information for consideration. In my summer cottage I’m going to set up such an apple orchard. And I think I can do it. If you are ready to get acquainted with a new apple variety for you - join us! Good luck and a good harvest!
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