Treatment of plums from diseases and pests, including how to treat it in spring, how and when to spray

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Plums are often attacked by pests and fungal infections. It is difficult to grow a decent crop of these popular fruits without the use of plant protection products. We will help a novice gardener to understand the abundance of drugs, teach them how to use them correctly.


  • Disease Treatment Plums
    • Eradicating spring or late fall
    • Preventive and therapeutic
      • Moniliosis (fruit rot)
      • Kleasterosporiosis
      • Rust
      • Coccomycosis
      • Scab
  • Treatments for pest control in the spring and summer
    • Plum aphid
    • Plum moth
    • Plum sawfly
    • Plum gall mite
  • Terms of plum processing taking into account climatic features of the regions
    • Table: treatment scheme for plum from diseases and pests
  • Plum spraying preparations
    • Table 1: Which preparations can treat plums?
    • Table 2: some folk remedies for treatments (safe during flowering)

Disease Treatment Plums

Plums, like most fruit plants, are most often susceptible to fungal diseases. The basis of the fight against them are preventive measures aimed at the prevention of diseases, including treatment.

For these purposes, a large number of drugs have been created, united by a common name - fungicides. Within this group there is a subgroup called biofungicides, which are safe to use because they do not contain hazardous chemicals. True, such drugs are ineffective in case of fungal infection, but are used mainly for prevention. Details of the preparations will be described below in the corresponding section.

Eradicating spring or late fall

So-called treatment of plants with shock doses of potent pesticides. As a rule, they have a wide spectrum of effects and are effective against the vast majority of diseases and pests. They are carried out once a year, usually in early spring, less often - in late autumn. In especially advanced cases, two treatments are carried out - in the spring and in the fall. An important condition is that the plant should be at rest.

Pesticides are a group of plant protection products combining fungicides, insecticides (pest control drugs) and acaricides (anti-mite drugs).

Preventive and therapeutic

During the growing season, depending on the presence of specific diseases or the risk of infection, plums are sprayed with fungicides and (or) folk remedies. Briefly consider the signs of underlying diseases and their corresponding treatments.

Moniliosis (fruit rot)

In spring, the disease affects flowers, young shoots and leaves, which fade and look as if burnt (at this stage the disease is called a monilial burn). In summer, the fruits are affected, causing their rot, followed by drying out. Since chemical preparations should be used with caution at this time, agents with short the waiting period (this is the period after which the fruits processed by the drug are allowed to be used in food), for example, Horus, Skor, Gamair.

Moniliasis plum fruit

Affected by moniliosis, plum fruits rot and dry out


The second name of the disease is hole spotting. It begins to appear in late spring - early summer by the formation of red-brown spots on the leaves small size (1-2 mm), which rather quickly, in one to two weeks, increase to 3-5 mm, then dry out. The shrunken part of the spots gets enough sleep, forming holes in the leaves (holes). With a significant extent of damage, in August there is a massive fall of leaves (the so-called summer leaf fall).

Plum leaves affected by claustosporiosis

Holes form on the leaves affected by claustosporiosis

Preventive treatments are carried out with copper-containing preparations (copper chloride, Bordeaux liquid, Abiga-Peak, etc.) in two doses:

  1. The first treatment is before flowering.
  2. The second - after flowering.

If in the previous season a significant spotting lesion was observed, then it is advisable to carry out the third treatment two weeks after the second.

If signs of the disease are detected during the period of growth and ripening of the fruits, then the tree can be treated with fungicides with a short waiting period or biological products. In the case of a minor lesion, it is better to postpone the treatment until the end of the harvest, when stronger drugs can be used.


The gardener usually notices visible signs of this disease by mid-summer - round rusty spots appear on the leaves, which can cover the entire surface, which will lead to decay. Control and prophylaxis measures are the same as those for kleasterosporiosis.

Plum rust

Rust is manifested by the formation of round brown red spots on the leaves


You can watch the onset of this disease in the early summer days. At this time, the leaves of the plum infected with coccomycosis are covered with small red-brown spots, a whitish coating appears on the reverse side, formed by spores of the fungus. Then the leaves quickly turn yellow and fall. The development and growth of fruits stops, they become watery and also fall. Prevention and treatment of the disease are the same as in cases with rust and claustosporiosis.

Coccomycosis on the plum

The leaves of the plum infected with coccomycosis are covered with small red-brown spots, then turn yellow and fall off


The disease is most common in the southern regions. The fungus affects both leaves and fruits. When infected in the first half of the growing season, almost black, sharply defined, large (8-12 mm) spots are formed, which, when infected later, are much smaller (2-3 mm). With the growth of the fruits, the affected part cracks.

Scum on the sink


For spring prophylaxis, fungicides Skor, Chorus, Strobi and some others are used. In the summer, during the period of growth and ripening of fruits, folk remedies are often used to combat scab, for example, a solution of potassium permanganate or mustard (for more details below).

Treatments for pest control in the spring and summer

The preventative eradicating treatments described above against diseases are also effective against pests. For the prevention and control of pests during the growing season, various insecticides and acaricides are used, including biological ones. We briefly introduce the gardener to the main representatives of harmful insects and ticks that infect plums, as well as protective treatments against them.

Plum aphid

These are small insects that massively settle on the underside of the leaves and tips of young shoots, the juice of which they feed.

Plum aphid

Plum aphids settle on the underside of the leaves and feed on their juice

The fight against aphids is carried out both with the help of insecticides, and with the use of various folk remedies. During spring treatments, such drugs as Karbofos, Decis, Aktara, BI-58 are effective. In summer, it is worth giving preference to bioinsecticides (Fitoverm, Iskra-Bio) and folk remedies. It can be infusions and solutions

  • soap or green soap;
  • tobacco
  • onion peel;
  • celandine;
  • horse sorrel, etc.

Plum moth

Small worms (larvae) crawl out from the plum moths laid by the butterflies on the surface of the fruit of the eggs. They immediately penetrate the juicy pulp, which they feed on, rendering the fruit unusable. The presence of a pest can be recognized by the presence of gum droplets on the surface of the fruit.

Plum moth larva

People call the plum moth larvae simply worms

In advanced cases, the damage can reach 100% of the crop. Spring preventive treatments are carried out with chemical insecticides (Karbofos, Inta-Vir). Two such treatments will be needed - after flowering has ended and after 1-2 weeks. At this time, the struggle is aimed at the destruction of the moths of butterflies. Another chemical spray in the first half of July will destroy second-generation caterpillars. The last spraying is carried out at the beginning of fruit ripening (end of July - beginning of August). In this case, biological preparations are used (Fitoverm, Iskra-Bio, BI-58, Aktara) or folk remedies.

Plum sawfly

The flight of this harmful insect is observed in the pink cone phase (before flowering) and it is at this time that treatment with insecticides (Decis, Aktara, Bi-58) will be effective. When the air temperature reaches +15 ° C and above, the females lay their eggs in the incisions of the buds. Larvae begin to appear at the time of formation of the ovaries, after which they immediately penetrate the inside of the fruit and begin to feed on the young nucleoli of the seeds and periosteal flesh. Processing must be done before this event, since later it will become useless. At this time, it is better to use Fitoverm, Spark Bio, colloidal sulfur.

The plum sawfly larva inside the fruit

The larvae of the plum sawfly begin to appear at the time of formation of the ovaries, after which they immediately they penetrate into the fruits and begin to feed on the young nucleoli of the seeds and periosteal flesh

Plum gall mite

The tick itself is not easy to see, because it has too small dimensions (0.15 mm). You can detect its presence by the formation at the base of one or two-year-old shoots of small growths called galls, in which ticks settle. In the process of feeding them with juice and pulp of leaves, reddish tubercles or columnar growths form on them, which are also easy to identify ticks. After the end of the plum blossom, when the air temperature reaches +15 ° C, the mites leave the galls and crawl into the scales of the kidneys and folds at the base of young shoots. This process lasts about two weeks (until the end of May-beginning of June) and at this time treatments with acaricides (Karbofos, BI-58, Fitoverm, colloidal sulfur) will be most effective.

Gall mite plum leaf

In the process of feeding gall mites with juice and pulp of leaves, reddish tubercles or columnar growths form on them

Terms of plum processing taking into account climatic features of the regions

The types of plum treatments are tied to certain development phases, their timing depends on the region of cultivation and varietal characteristics. Spring preventative treatments are mandatory, and summer and autumn are carried out if necessary in the presence of specific damaging factors.

Table: treatment scheme for plum from diseases and pests

Type of processing Development phase Estimated dates for the regions
The middle lane, including the Moscow region Northwest Region Southern regions, including Crimea
Eradicating Before the start of sap flow March End of March - beginning of April End of February - beginning of March
Spring Preventive On the green cone End of March - beginning of April Second half of april March
Over the pink cone April First half of may End of March - beginning of April
After flowering May The end of May - the beginning of June End of April - beginning of May
Summer pest and disease control Fruit growth and ripening Depending on the presence of signs of damage
Autumn eradicating (carried out in case of significant damage by pests and diseases) Go to rest November October December

Plum spraying preparations

When choosing drugs for treating plums from diseases and pests, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use attached to them and strictly adhere to them. Particularly pay attention to the following points:

  • Duration of protective action.
  • The waiting period is the closer the ripening is, the less it should be.
  • Permissible number of treatments. Many drugs are addictive to fungi and pests (resistance) and after a certain number of treatments lose their effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate the means used to eliminate such a problem.
  • Active substance. Often, drugs under different names from different manufacturers are based on the same active substance.
  • The temperature at which the drug can be used.

Table 1: Which preparations can treat plums?

The name of the drug Active substance Object of Impact Duration of protective action, days The waiting period, days Permissible number of treatments per year Dosage per 10 liters of water, grams
Strong pesticides for rooting treatments
BOTTOM Ammonium salt + dinitroorthocresol Most known pests and fungal pathogens 20—30 1 time in 3 years 50
Nitrafen Nitrafen 1 200
Blue vitriol Copper sulphate The causative agents of fungal diseases 1–2 300—500
30 Plus Vaseline oil Ticks, aphids, thrips 20 1 500 ml
Chorus Cyprodinil Moniliosis, scab, powdery mildew 7—10 10—15 3 7
Topsin Thiophanate methyl 10—15 20 5 15
Coming soon Diphenoconazole Powdery mildew, scab, curly leaves, klyasterosporiosis, coccomycosis 5—7 7 4 2
Gates Kresoxim-methyl Scab, moniliosis, powdery mildew, soot fungus, mosaic 7–10 35 3
Topaz Penconazole Powdery mildew, rust, fruit rot 20 20 44 4
Abiga Peak Copper Chloride Moniliosis, powdery mildew, scab, spotting, rust, bacteriosis 40—50
Gamair Bacillus subtilis bacteria Scab, moniliosis, rust, klyasterosporiosis, coccomycosis 7 No wait required Repeatedly 10 tablets
Insecticides and acaricides
Decis Deltamethrin Many insects, including: aphids; weevil; bark beetle; leaflet; codling moth, etc. 15 20 1 2
Karbofos Malathion Ticks, aphids, leaf-eating insects 10 30 2 90
Aktara Thiamethoxam The vast majority of pests When spraying - 30, when watering under the root - 60 When spraying - 14-20, when watering under the root - 40-60 1–2 8
Bi-58 Dimethoate Any insects and ticks 20 20 2 10 ml (2 ampoules)
Inta Vir Cypermethrin Any insects except sucking and hard-shell 7—10 25 1 time in 2 years 1 tablet
Spark Bio Avertin N Ticks, aphids, leafworms 2 Repeatedly 60
Fitoverm Avermectin 3 2 20
Colloidal sulfur Sulfur Scab, powdery mildew, rust, ticks 10—15 5 30—80

Table 2: some folk remedies for treatments (safe during flowering)

Name The composition and method of preparation What is the remedy directed against
Boric acid Dilute 5 g of boric acid in 100 ml of hot water, add 1 h. l honey (jam) and 2 tbsp. l Sahara. Pour the mixture into a bowl and place ants on the route. Ants
Potassium permanganate 5 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in a bucket of water and used for spraying. It is possible to use during the ripening period. Scab
Mustard 40 g mustard powder is dissolved in five liters of water. They are used both for spraying and for watering trunks circles. Scab, klyasterosporiosis, plum sawfly larvae
Tobacco 2-3 kg of tobacco is poured with a bucket of hot water and insisted for 2 days Klesterosporiosis, aphids
Potato tops, celandine, tomato tops In one bucket of water, insist 2-4 kg of raw material for four hours and used for spraying Aphids, ticks
Wormwood 1 kg of dried grass is boiled for 15 minutes, cooled and poured with a bucket of water Moth, plum sawfly, leaf-eating caterpillars
Onion peel 300 g husk is insisted for 5 days in a bucket of water Aphid
Garlic Shredded cloves (400 g) insist 2 days in a bucket of water

When growing plums, it is advisable to pay special attention to spring preventive treatments, including eradicating ones. This is almost guaranteed to relieve the gardener of problems during the period of growth and ripening of fruits, and will provide environmentally friendly products.

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