Brick wall painting on the balcony

Brick wall painting on the balcony

How to paint brick walls on a balcony is the question that worries many people living in an apartment. After

balcony - a full-fledged multi-purpose space of the living space, and if you know how to use it, it will not only serve as a place for the collection of unnecessary things, but also as a recreational area.

Even on a small balcony you can make quality repairs, arrange furniture, add decor elements and get almost one more room.

So, really warm and paint the walls, insert new double-glazed windows, bring the necessary lighting.

All these actions do not require a huge budget, but they will completely improve the look of the apartment.

There are a lot of options for decorating a balcony.

Today, designers unanimously declare that it's time to abandon the interior model, where the space of the loggia is completely ignored.

Some solutions are simple and do not take much time.

The easiest of them is to paint the balcony. Most often, the walls on the loggia are made of bricks, wood covers are much less common.

There is an opinion that a brick wall must necessarily be covered with wallpaper, but this is a myth. It will be much easier to paint it.



  • Summary of painting balcony
  • We select the right paint
  • Preparatory work before painting
  • direct painting process

Summary of painting balcony

There are two ways of painting the brick balcony: external and internal. Both methods are presented with completely different requirements.

Internal painting of the balcony allows to improve its thermal insulation, appearance, and also to hide various defects of brick walls.

In addition, painting is the least time consuming process.

It consists of several stages:

  • preparatory work aimed at leveling the walls;
  • surface primer;
  • paint finish.

Painting the walls on the balcony does not necessarily have to be done with a thorough primer or even plastering.

On the contrary, an interesting design solution will give the walls a vintage and unusual look.

Painted Wall

The paint finish will also come out cheaper than other finishing works.

However, it should be understood that the beauty of the loggia is completely dependent on the choice of paint, its color and features, texture, quality. Therefore, her choice should be given great attention. We select the right paint

color - it's not the main parameter to which you want to draw in the decoration of the balcony and the choice of colors. Which shade to choose? This is a secondary issue, everything depends entirely on the taste of the owners.

The main thing - to choose the right type of paint.

On the balcony is best to use water-based paint, which is often used for outdoor works. The fact is that this coating has the necessary structure and durability.

But oil paint to choose is not necessary - will not brick underneath receive air and give moisture, which is why in a short time can be seen on the walls of cracks and delamination.

Also need to know that despite the huge selection of manufacturing companies, the water-based paint has only white color.


To change the color, you need to add a special color - additive, which is mixed with the base paint. This approach allows you to get different shades with different intensity.

You can also choose acrylate paints, because they have high wear resistance, but are easy to care for. Their only negative is a rather high price.

Preparatory work before painting

to paint the walls, especially if the work is carried out with their own hands, it is extremely important to pay attention to the preparation of the surface.

The quality of the preparation of a brick wall depends on how straight the paint will go and how long it will last.

Therefore, at first it is important to carefully remove from the walls on the balcony all the dirt, dust, cobwebs.

After that, they start leveling the surfaces and rubbing the cracks. For this you can apply the putty.

After this, it is necessary to take the sandpaper and polish, wipe the entire surface, removing any roughness and irregularities. Seams between bricks must be puttied.

In general, doing preparatory work with your own hands, you need to carefully inspect the brick.

There are even walls, which need a minimum correction. And there are cases when it is necessary to use a primer on the balcony.

Reconstruction of the wall

Moreover, if there is mold on the brickwork, then it is impossible to cover it with paint. Painting is performed only after treatment with a solution with sufficient alkalinity.

A good way is to use paint with antibacterial composition. The primer should be chosen, knowing the type of coating, and the paint itself should be applied only to the dried wall.

Direct painting process

As already mentioned, paint is the main criterion for quality coating on the balcony. If the choice is successful, then paint the brick wall is not difficult.

Harmoniously matched color, among other things, is able to visually expand the space of the loggia, make it bright and noticeable.

It is also important to assess the climate that is maintained on the balcony.

For example, if there is no glazing in such an extension, then it is necessary to give a choice to the paint for brick facades, which is used for exterior walls.

Elastomeric coating is suitable here, although it is not easy to apply and has a high cost, but it will last for many years.

Its advantage is that it does not require such thorough preparation of the walls.

Brick coloring in red color

Its texture is so viscous that it covers minor cracks, and after drying it will protect the surfaces from moisture and temperature drop.

When the color and type of coating is selected, you need to stock up on tools. What's the best way?

There is no unequivocal answer, different masters advise to start from the viscosity of the paint and the area of ​​the walls. Most often for large areas use a roller, and to reach hard-to-reach places - a brush.

This method requires care and patience. It is easier to use a sprayer, if it is. The main thing is to apply the paint evenly.

What is the thickness of the coating?

In this case, you should proceed from the texture, but the second layer can not be applied all the time.

The fact is that if you overdo it with the amount of coverage, then it starts to flake off and will dry extremely long.

In order not to stain the ceiling and walls, it is necessary to glue the paint tape along the contour.

It is sold in any construction shop - such a useful tape will greatly simplify the process of painting the balcony and get rid of uneven lines.

This is necessary if the color of the ceiling and walls is different.

Also for convenience, you can use a special tray for paint. It will help to collect from the roller excess liquid and not spill the coating on the floor.

Painting must be done in one direction. For example, from top to bottom or horizontally. But, choosing one direction, it is better to stick to it, otherwise you can not avoid streaks and ugly lines.

Multicolored coloring

Using a nebulizer, such problems should not arise. The main thing is to monitor the intensity of the paint application.

In the photo you can see what a decent result of a responsible but interesting work can turn out.

You can also use various design solutions. For example, do not just cover the entire wall with one paint, but change the color of the seams. This will accentuate the clutch and make the balcony unusual.

Moreover, if the family has children, then they will appreciate multi-colored bricks.

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