Repair in a small corridor

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Entrance hall and corridor - are the hallmark of housing. Even if they are of modest size, their repair always deserves special attention. It is no accident, the tenants who started the renovation in a small corridor in Khrushchev, transfer the inner partitions of the structure, in favor of increasing the area of ​​the hallway, sacrificing the living space of other rooms.


  1. Preliminary work
  2. Ceiling
  3. Walls
  4. Floors
  5. Photo of repairing a small corridor

But, it is not always possible to realize this. It remains only to plan repair correctly. The natural desire of everyone, to reconstruct the room so that it has acquired, a more spacious visual appearance as in the photo. All the details of the planned interior and their relationship with each other, it is important to carefully choose. Wishing to make repair in a small corridor of , you can offer some design secrets.

  1. Apply light colors in the design of walls and ceilings, unlike dark ones, they create the effect of increasing the volume.
  2. Replacing narrow doors with wider ones. Gives the room more natural light, increasing its space.
  3. Installing mirrors around the perimeter or at least on one side, contributes to a doubling of the space.
  4. If the corridor is long, it is reasonably divided into two zones by an arch, each then acquires a cozy appearance.
  5. Floors visually expand the space if the flooring pattern is at an angle to the walls.

Preliminary work

Old coverings are removed from walls, ceiling and floors. If necessary, the old electrical wiring is replaced with a new one, the doors are changed. All works related to drilling, chiselling, and chipping are performed. Surface preparation is in progress. All cracks and potholes shpaklyutsya, rubbed, aligned.


Does it begin to repair the corridor in a small apartment? The ceiling largely forms space. It is important that its color is light - at a low height of the room and dark - at a large height.

Modern installation of gypsum board or stretch ceiling is elegant, effective and beautiful. Only - expensive. It can be countered - plastic panels. They look ultramodern, not expensive and very easy to install. It is not excluded and ordinary painting, it is necessary to perfectly level the surface of the ceiling. For lighting, a diffused, uniform light is created, formed by several built-in lights. You can not hang a massive chandelier in the corridor.


Ways to finish the walls in the hallway set. Most of the repair work in the small corridor can be done by one's own hands. The fastest and most popular is wallpapering. Color for wallpaper in narrow rooms should be selected light tones. Golden, light pink, azure and similar colors increase the space. The wallpaper should not contain bright and saturated colors, have large patterns, vertical stripes, highlighted side borders.

Walls can be plastered with plastic panels, if the plastic was not used in the ceiling installation( so as not to get busted by PVC products in one room).You should pay attention to the decoration of the walls with decorative plaster. Inexpensive, you can create a large range of all kinds of textures, different quality and color.


As the material for flooring, with respect to the laminate and parquet, the most preferable is the ceramic tile. In appearance and performance, it is beyond competition to other types of finishes. Its high cost is compensated by the service life. There are unlimited possibilities to make repairs in a small corridor, see the photo in our article.

Photo of repairing a small corridor

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