Corridor design

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The corridor is, so-called, an "intermediate" place in each apartment. It unlike a drawing room or a bedroom has the specific features. The most obvious and significant of which is the short-term stay in this territory. Here, a person does not spend much time.


  1. Corridor clearance
  2. Corridor design
  3. Corridor design with stone
  4. Other decorative elements
  5. Photo of corridor design

The narrow purpose of this place dictates special decorations. Before you start the design of the corridor, you should pay much attention. An example, the most important point is the dimensions of this room. It is they who set the general style, the general direction. The rather uncomfortable layout of Khrushchev forces many to abandon their ideas and wishes, which simply can not accommodate, in such a small space. This is the reason that by any means people are trying to increase space, even visually.

Ways of registering the corridor

The three most popular methods of design are considered to be the best means for solving this problem. At each of them, use a certain material for the walls, which serves as the basis for the entire design.

You can follow the example and create the design with:

  1. Wallpapers
  2. Stone
  3. Other decorative elements

Decorating the corridor with wallpaper

When it comes to wallpaper in the corridor, people involuntarily start to think about which pattern to choose. But it is important for you to know and other complexity, because the drawing is not always as important as the material. Therefore, under the influence of beautiful patterns, incredible abstraction and not repeated landscapes, we should not forget that today there are different materials, so focus on them. Please note that it is highly desirable to use a type that does not require special care, which is not susceptible to dust absorption and which can be wiped off dirt.

Sometimes very demanding hosts can use a selection of photos of the corridor, on which the wall is divided into two parts. Bottom is washable wallpaper or plastic upholstery, the upper half are wallpapers that are more prone to contamination.

Designing a corridor with a stone

Quite often in this room the most durable material is used - stone. Many may think that it is not applicable in this case. But such an opinion will not be correct. After all, today there are more than 50 types of this material, among which there is also a decorative one. It should be used in the process of registering the corridor. It has an excellent visual effect, is not subject to external influences, serves as a basis for many styles. Only he is the most universal material.

Other decorative elements

Not so long ago, and quite an amazing type of design. It is considered the most modern idea for decorating walls in the corridor. Its essence lies in the fact that the walls do not have wallpaper as such, instead of them, photographs are used. And here there are several variations.

A simpler and more common option is when you use photos of celebrities or some historical figures( known politicians, musicians, scientists) for walls. Those who like unconventional ideas, an individual approach to everything - will like to use their personal photos of different times. It can be both portraits and family photos from the rest. Here, only you can make your own personal decision as to which images to use.

In addition to our advice, you can also use your own idea of ​​decorating a corridor, which can only partially border on the proposed options. Be sure that your wishes and dreams can be quite real, it is important only to make maximum efforts - and all you will succeed!

Photo of the corridor design

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