The furniture, made independently, is able to cause real admiration. Now the person understands that the production of things necessary in everyday life by their own means is not only a significant saving of material resources and a creative process that is satisfying, but also an opportunity to obtain furniture that is unique in terms of external characteristics and design.
- Materials for furniture facades
- What tools may be required
- Features in the calculation of parameters
- Part sawing and assembly
- Finishing and finishing of facade elements
- Features of the facade production from the solid wood
- Furniture facades with your own hands. Video
Independently, with the presence of certain skills and tools, you can make anything, even high-quality furniture facades. This element can include everything that is characterized as the front of the furniture:
- end faces belonging to the drawers;
- located in front of the panel;
- doors and so on.
According to modern specialists, it is relatively easy to manufacture furniture facades by their own means, the result can be achieved as much as possible positive.
Important! To ensure a stylish and attractive appearance of an apartment or a country house, to raise its prestige, the material that will be used in the process of manufacturing a furniture facade is recommended to be chosen before work. It is necessary to carefully study its shortcomings and positive aspects.
Materials for furniture facades
It's no secret that any furniture without a high-quality, attractive and carefully thought-out façade will lose its basic aesthetics and functionality. For this reason, close attention is paid to the production of these structural elements. Masters constantly come up with more and more new materials, and a little later they use them for a wide production of furniture products.
At the moment the facades of furniture can be made of materials such as:
- expensive wood species;
- MDF;
- plastic;
- quality toned flowing;
- aluminum.
Each of the above materials has its own advantages and negative properties. The tree is very fast and easily able to lose its aesthetic appearance from direct sunlight, but is characterized by a long service life. Standard glass is characterized by its resistance to the conditions of the surrounding world, but at the same time it is very fragile. Many materials require mandatory preparation and processing, which is very difficult to provide in ordinary household conditions. For this reason, it is recommended to use wood when manufacturing high-quality furniture facades. The material is perfectly suited to different finishing methods.
What tools may be required
For self-manufacturing of high-quality modern furniture facades, the following equipment and tools will necessarily be required:
- A board, the thickness of which is 18 mm, which will be required to make the frame
- Plywood having a thickness of 6 mm, it is requiredin order to produce an important element - a panel. In some cases this material can be replaced by ordinary glass.
- Standard ruler.
- Roulette.
- Special pencil.
- Electric Powered Jigsaw.
- Joiner's glue.
- Quality saw blades.
- Brush for quality work with glue.
- Wetted rag.
Features in the calculation of parameters
Before starting work related to the independent manufacture of facades, it is recommended to perform the necessary calculations and measurements of the openings of the main cabinets, and based on them, to calculate the dimensions of the facade elements. For this purpose, a certain algorithm of actions is applied:
- If the facades are designed for ordinary doors of the cabinet, their height is necessarily observed in the parameter about 3 mm less than that of the opening.
- Indicators of the width of the racks and all planned crossbeams can be any, most importantly, that they are equal.
- The width of the front doors is 3 mm smaller than the opening. If the master has planned two doors, this parameter will be calculated as follows: the total width is divided by 2, and then the resulting number is simply subtracted 1.5 mm.
- In the process of constructing the beams located on the facades, the length is calculated as the difference between the width of the door and the doubled height of the racks. Then 20 mm is added to it.
- The total width of the panel is required to make more than the width of the crossbar by 20 mm.
- With regard to the height of an element such as a panel, it is defined as follows: the width of the future crossbeams is multiplied by two, after that the result is subtracted from the height of the door and 20 mm is added.
Part sawing and assembly process
After all the preliminary calculations, it is necessary to proceed to the process of sawing out the required elements that are intended for the facade. Initially, it is worth noting on the basis of the board or plastic parameters of all future rails and racks located on them. Then, by means of an electric jigsaw, two elements of the posts are cut.
For effective fastening of the panel in these elements, special grooves are cut by means of pre-prepared discs. The disk must be adjusted so that the depth is 10 mm and the width is 6 mm.
Important! Professionals recommend in the very beginning to carefully check the used disk on some unnecessary element, after that it is possible to apply the equipment already on the main blanks.
After the measurements, you need to saw special spikes on the crossbeams. This will allow them to be attached to the foundation in a single construction. Such thorns are made by using a conventional groove disc. All parts after cutting are subjected to thorough grinding.
Only after this you can approach the assembly of the furniture facade. The process must be carried out according to the following scheme:
- Racks are put on the pre-prepared panel and inserted into the executed cut.
- Special buttresses are attached from above and below, but it is necessary to ensure that the spikes on such crossbars are precisely placed in the drilled holes.
- Prepared elements must be assembled promptly. If one of the parts is not suitable for the groove, it is required by using a special emery cloth to bring its parameters to the required.
Finishing and finishing of facade elements
To give all the details aesthetic appearance, it is worthwhile to carry out its varnishing and painting. Such refinement should be made until all the elements become very tight. After that, it is required to smear the present spikes and cuts with qualitative glue and completely assemble the facade structure. If in the process of assembling the glue acts in places, it must be removed immediately. It is here that a slightly moistened rag is useful.
The assembled structure should remain in place for a while until the glue dries completely. As soon as the process is completed, all the places where the parts are connected, it is necessary to polish very qualitatively. If necessary, the finished facade can be painted, pasted with a special polymer film or varnished.
Features of the production of facades from the wood massif
The facades of the furniture design, made of a high-quality array, are very popular at the moment. The popularity of this material is based on long operating time, as well as on high environmental performance. The structural elements of the furniture have an attractive and outward appearance.
Important! It should be taken into account that an array of high-quality wood is a rather expensive basis, therefore it requires the most accurate attitude to itself in the process of work.
Despite sufficiently high requirements, the process of independent execution of facades from a high-quality wood massif is relatively simple. You just need to make the basic calculations according to the above scheme, note all the necessary parameters and then cut out the correct size of the cuts and the elements themselves. Immediately after this, the structural part is carefully treated with special antiseptic compounds and varnish, which significantly increases the strength and wear resistance.
Furniture made from natural high-quality materials, ideally looks in interiors, made in a classic design style. Objects of furniture from a quality array will look better in fairly large rooms.
If you want and the availability of certain skills and tools, furniture fronts can be done on their own. This process does not take away a lot of time and physical strength, and as a result it is possible to obtain in all parameters a unique and functional piece of furniture that will meet all the needs and desires. Such elements of furniture facades will be useful in a country house. Here you can realize all the ideas in the reality, while you can not be afraid to spoil the material. It is also an ideal opportunity to assemble a design that will match the overall design decision of the room.