Pear-chair with own hands

The pear chair is not just a convenient piece of furniture, but the very embodiment of freedom. Emerged from the 60s of the last century in Italy, it became a symbol of a new era, new design and new ideas. Today, the legendary pear chair can be made by anyone who owns the basic skills of working on a sewing machine.


Design features

The very first model of the chair was called Sacco, which in Italian means "bag".The unpretentious brevity in the name and design brought this find a frenzied success, which has not weakened for more than 70 years. Each person who wants to lie down in front of the TV or with a book in his hand wants to have a pear-bag, which means that practically all people on the planet! His charm lies not only in convenience, the pear chair instantly revitalizes the interior, giving it a touch of European freedom.

Any sewing manipulation begins with a pattern. The pattern of a pear chair is simple to disgrace, but you can not do without it, especially if you do it for the first time. Before starting to create a scheme, it is necessary to understand what the chair consists of?

The design of the seat-bag:

  • outer cover is a detachable part, which can be unfastened and washed;
  • inner bag;
  • filler;
  • clasps.

The principle of creation is very similar to sewing a pillow consisting of the main part stuffed with fluff and pillowcases that can be changed.


Materials for tailoring

Fasteners should be on the inner and outer covers, so that at any time you can change the "skin" or fill the filler.

The inner case is better to sew from a dense material, for example, a canvas or upholstery fabric for furniture. Better that the fabric was not only dense, but also slippery, so if you have old synthetic curtains in your closet, boldly let them in! For an external "pillowcase" any decorative fabric that fits into the interior will do.

An adult bag requires an equal amount of dense fabric for the inner cover and decorative fabric for the outer shell. So, with a roll width of 115-120 cm, 4.6 meters is needed. With a width of 135-150 cm, you need to buy 3.2 meters of fabric. Do not forget to purchase a zipper 2 56 cm each.

As a filler for a pear chair, polystyrene beads or plastic granules are used. For a large chair you need about 0.5 cubic meters of material.


Pattern will be made on a graph paper or lined paper for a pattern.

The baby pear chair is sewn according to the same principle, only the materials require much less. So, for a cover it is required 2,7 or 2,3 meters of a dense fabric depending on width of a roll. Zippers for a small chair should be 46 cm. The filler will need about 0.3 cubic meters.

Helpful hint: use a dense, non-woven fabric for the outer cover of the child seat. If possible, sew a cover from a thin dermatine so that it can be easily cleaned without removing it.


Course of work:

  1. Using the proposed scheme, make a pattern for the wedges of the chair on the graph paper. According to the scale, transfer the pattern from the diagram.
  2. To make a pattern of the upper part of the chair, fold the paper in half and mark the approximate middle of the fold line. Then draw a circle with a radius of 11.5 cm for a child seat and 14 cm for an adult. This can be done with a ruler and a pencil, attaching a pencil to the end of the ruler by rotating it around the center point.
  3. To create a pattern of the chair base, fold the paper in half, and, as described above, draw a circle with a diameter of 25.5 cm for a child seat and 30.5 cm for an adult. Expand the graph paper, indent 1.3 cm from the fold and draw a parallel line. Cut off the line. The smaller part of the circle will be the template for the base.
  4. Open 6 wedges for the inner and outer cover.
  5. Open the tops for covers.
  6. Open the bases for the covers.

Types of bags

How to sew an armchair

When the patterns are ready, you can sit down at the sewing machine.


  1. Start from the base of the chair by connecting the base parts to the sides. Make an indent from the edge of 1.3 cm and sweep the parts. Stitch 2,5 cm from the edges and smooth the seam.
  2. Attach the central part of the zipper to the seam line. For more convenience, they can be glued. Using a special leg on the sewing machine, attach a zipper, not reaching 5-6 mm to the teeth. Pull out the auxiliary thread.
  3. Connect the side wedges to the sides and stitch, remember to indent 1.3 cm. Connect all 6 wedges to make the blade. The first and last wedges do not stitch! All stitches are flattened on one side.
  4. Stitch all the stitches on the front side by indenting 1 cm. So you have to grab all the stitched seams from the underside and fix them so that there are no protrusions and bumps in the underlay. If this is not done, the filler will be clogged under the allowances, and the chair will be uncomfortable.
  5. Stitch the last seam, go along the top of the chair and make a small incision of 1.3 cm.
  6. Cut the cut out part for the upper part of the chair into 6 equal parts( how to cut the cake), connect the planned points with the seams connecting the wedges. Make sure that the front side of the upper element coincides with the wedges, and stitch indented 1.3 cm.
  7. Now you need to iron out the allowances on the side parts. Using the same principle, attach the lower element of the chair( base).To be more convenient, open the zipper a little.
  8. When it's done, through the slightly opened zipper, remove the cover and staple all the seams on the front side, stepping back 1 cm.
  9. The same is now necessary to do with the decorative fabric for the second cover.

It is necessary to fill the inner case with styrofoam balls only when the "skin" is ready. Insert the inner cover into the outer cover and only then fill it with balls. Close up the zippers and enjoy a well-deserved rest in a comfortable pear chair( photo).


Useful advices for

Because the styrofoam pellets are incredibly lightweight, you should not order them with kilograms if you buy the material via the Internet. So, a parcel weighing only 10 kg will occupy the area of ​​an average passenger car. In this case, you have to either look for a place to store such a quantity of expanded polystyrene, or sew seat-bags to all your friends.

Be careful when filling the inner cover with balls. Close the windows so that there is no draft or gusts of wind, otherwise all your filler will scatter around the room.

Make a bag chair with your own hands is easier than it may seem at first glance, and after the first practice you will master the basic principles. In the shops, such a pleasure is not cheap, so saving on the face. And if you do not know what to give to your friends for a housewarming party, you can not think of a better option!

And finally, we offer to get acquainted with an interesting video about how to make a pear-arm with your own hands from an old tent!

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