TV stand with own hands

TV is an indispensable attribute of any home. Modern models are mounted on a curb or hung on a wall - it all depends on the interior of the room. But the availability of special furniture is required in any case. Accompanying devices and equipment should be placed near the TV.And the collection of disks usually takes up a lot of space. A curbstone under the TV, made by own hands, perfectly will be entered in an interior as will become the owner of the house in full conformity with the taste.


tables forTV set made of wood


The following materials are used for making wooden pedestals:

1. The chipboard is the most popular material for making furniture. This is due to its properties such as:

  • large selection of shades;
  • ease of handling;
  • reasonable price.

2. MDF - fibreboard is also perfect for making tables for TV.It will cost more than chipboard, but will last longer. In addition, MDF has its advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • light weight;
  • homogeneous structure.


3. Natural wood is more difficult to process and has a rather high cost. The undeniable advantages of the material, its appearance make it possible to create beautiful, rich furniture. Wood differs:

  • resistance to environmental influences;
  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability.


Preparing for operation

First of all, it is determined with the place for the TV stand and its dimensions. The configuration of the product depends on the parameters of the TV and the technology for which it is intended. Its appearance should be combined with the situation of the room and correspond to its style.


Then a drawing of the TV cabinet is drawn up, which indicates the dimensions of the parts and their configuration.

Cabinet for TV_Venus_aux


Based on the schematic data, a detail is carried out with the number of elements and their parameters, for example:

  • cover, bottom and shelf - 3 pcs.(1600x400 mm);
  • racks - 4 pcs.(100x382 mm);
  • facades - 2 pcs.(136x458 mm);
  • sidewalls - 2 pcs.(142x400 mm);
  • middle rack - 1 pc.(142x382 mm);
  • Back Plate - 1 pc.(100x1600 mm), etc.

From the given sizes it is clear that as a result it will turn out a long curbstone under the TV, but all depends on the master's desire, the size of the equipment and the availability of free space in the room.


Under a small TV it is enough to make a small "stand" with a minimum of details.

Cupboard from chipboard

To make cabinet from chipboard you need:


  • Particleboard - usually use sheet thickness 16-18 mm;
  • 3-millimeter plywood;
  • edge of PVC;
  • confirmations;
  • screws;
  • plastic caps;
  • telescopic guides;
  • accessories;
  • putty;
  • Nitro color.

If the door is to be made transparent, then glass is purchased.


  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • marking tools.


  1. The paper is used to transfer all the dimensions of parts in accordance with the drawing and draw patterns.
  2. Pattern is superimposed on the particleboard and clamped.
  3. With the help of a jigsaw, the elements of the cabinet are neatly cut out.
  4. The edges of the parts are ground.


Cabinet for TV - Assembly

1. Connect the frame parts. In this case, several options are used:

  • holes are drilled, and the shelf sits on the dowels;
  • fastening of parts is done by means of screws or confirmations. Screw caps are recessed into the canvas and then masked with stickers;
  • collect the details on the furniture eccentric ties. But at the same time you need to have the skills of work - with inaccurate drilling and incorrect calculation of depth, the hole for fastening can turn out through.

2. The shelves and doors are installed.
3. The drawers are assembled according to the following scheme:

  • , the double width of the side walls of the "tray" and the width of the guides are subtracted from the inner width of the pedestal - thus the size of the rear and front wall is calculated;
  • design height arbitrary;
  • the depth of the drawer depends on the same parameter of the cabinet, minus the thickness of its walls;
  • the bottom of the structure is most often made of hardboard - the material is cut to the size of the box;
  • facade closes both sidewalls.


4. Fittings are fixed.

5. The feet are installed.

6. The surface of the structure is treated with sandpaper and putty in two layers.

7. Once the material has dried, the parts are sanded again.

8. The curbstone is painted with nitrocranol.

The resulting construction does not have to be painted - it can be covered with veneer or covered with a film.


We draw your attention to

When preparing the TV stand, you should pay attention to some points:

  • On the back of the product, holes for electric cords are necessarily made.
  • Large TVs are usually placed on low pedestals and vice versa - small models look better on higher stands. The optimal height of the structure is 50 cm from the floor.

  • With heavy equipment, instead of legs, it is better to make a chipboard support or simply to install the cabinet on a flat surface.


  • If the lid of the product is made in a thickened version, it will look more solid.
  • The stiffeners must be positioned at least every 400 mm of the pedestal.
  • In a small room, the ideal option is a corner cabinet for the TV - it takes very little space.


Glass cabinet for TV

A pedestal made of glass looks very elegant - not in vain such furniture becomes more and more popular.

There are two options for creating this design with your own hands:

  1. Buy a set of glass stand parts in a furniture warehouse. In the catalogs are offered a wide variety of TV stands with a photo, the price of such designs is quite affordable. Independent work will be to assemble the product. Plus this option - high-quality processing of glass and other elements of the cabinet. At home, it is difficult to achieve this result.
  2. To manufacture all the details of the glass stand alone.

When choosing the second option, some skills of working with glass will be required.

How to make a glass cabinet for a glass TV

How to work with a 100x40 cm rectangular structure:

1. Materials are purchased:

  • 4 studs with thread M-10 and ø 10 mm;
  • chrome plated pipe ø 50 mm;
  • 16 plastic rings - break points;
  • silicone sealant.

2. Determined with the size and configuration of the product and draws a diagram of it.

3. All parts from glass with a thickness of 0.5 to 1 cm( depending on the upcoming load on the cube) are ordered in the workshop.

4. Four upper supports made of stainless steel or aluminum are made in the turning workshop.

5. With the help of a bulgary, the pipe is cut perpendicularly into segments:

  • 150 mm - 4 pcs.;
  • 550 mm - 4 pieces;
  • 50 mm - 4 pcs.

6. The edges of the parts are processed by the file.

7. Marked on the glass and degreased the places of gluing the upper supports.

8. Apply a layer of transparent silicone adhesive and using clamps the details are pressed against the glass.

9. After drying, the remnants of the mixture are removed.

10. In the second and third canvas for the stud holes are drilled. This is done with a drill and cylindrical diamond-coated crowns for glass. The holes should be drilled in accordance with a pre-prepared template.

11. The upper leaf of the cabinet with the supports is placed on a flat surface. In their threaded holes, the studs are screwed into, and then a piece of pipe( 150 mm) is put on.

12. Then the assembly goes in this order:

  • glass;
  • pipe - 550 mm;
  • glass;
  • pipe - 50 mm.

13. Between the glass and the pipes on both sides are necessarily installed nodes of the rupture.

14. The lower supports are screwed onto the studs and tightened, without any extra effort.


All the details of the design can not be found in stores, but ordered in the workshop.

This TV stand with a much lower price compared to the finished product will decorate the interior and will withstand a considerable load.

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