How to choose a sofa bed

The sofa is, perhaps, the main and special attribute of any living room, not only in our country assigned to it the main role, but throughout the world. On the exclusive role of the sofa in the modern interior and how to choose it correctly, we'll talk further.

Table of contents

  • Sofa
  • Sofa with "click-clack" mechanism
  • Sofa folding mechanism
  • Sofa-venetian
  • Sofa with euro-book mechanism
  • Mechanism "French folding bed"
  • Mechanism "American clamshell"
  • Accordion mechanism
  • How to choosesofa
  • How to choose the

cover The sofa can carry a variety of functions. Someone needs it to relieve it with relief after a hard day's work. Others also defined the role of a sleeping place for a sofa, and they arrange it every night before going to bed. And still others have chosen this subject of interior so much that it is difficult for them to stand up. It's understandable! After picking up the right and comfortable sofa, you can hardly deny yourself a pleasant "felting" on it. By the way, physicians have identified two normal human states - lying and moving. Therefore, the sofa not only carries a decorative character, but also contributes to the maintenance of human health and strength.


Since the time when the first sofa appeared, it took a long time, and this piece of furniture suffered a lot of changes. Moreover, this not only changed the external features, but also the design itself. A lot of samples can not only cope with their primary function, but took on the function of the main berth. And some also got special wheels for mobility. Now in the exhibition halls you can see the sofas, in which shelves, coffee tables, a place for sleeping accessories are built. And now you will not surprise anyone. Modern developers are trying to remove all unnecessary and unnecessary, so sometimes in the couch there are not only springs and armrests, but the frame itself. There is a huge range of this type of product on the market, so the manufacturer "climbs out of the skin", just to attract the attention of a potential buyer. Thus, various upholstery materials and the latest developments are used for the comfort of people.

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Very often, seeing our interest in a furniture store, sales consultants immediately fly and begin to praise their range "without flaws."But here the main thing is not to be mistaken, because a rash purchase can cost you not only big money, but also health. That's why today we will tell you how to choose the right sofa and what you need to consider when buying it.

  1. The first thing you need to decide for yourself is the design feature that you prefer. Let's be honest, some designs are completely inappropriate for being used on a daily basis. That is why, they are usually called "guest".
  2. The second is that you need to estimate the area of ​​the room where the sofa will stand. In this regard, you need to solve the issue with the furniture size. Because if you place a huge sofa in a small room and you will move through it every time to another part of the room, after a while you will regret your purchase.
  3. The third is, of course, the amount of money with which you are ready to say goodbye when buying new furniture.

Today, manufacturers are introducing several types of transforming sofas on the market:

  1. Folding. These include sofa-books and with the mechanism of "click-clack".
  2. Expandable. To such it is customary to include an accordion sofa, a French cot, an American cot.
  3. Roll-out, or retractable. This is an euro-book, a sofa-venice, with roll-out mechanisms.
  4. And the usual sofas.


sofa This is the oldest sofa mechanism that has been used by manufacturers for more than half a century.

Way of unfolding: the seat rises until the click is heard, only then you can lower the seat. At the time of omission, the sofa will decompose.

Advantages: The is quite a compact way, besides, in most there are special compartments for storage of sleeping accessories, and the price does not bite, perhaps, the most accessible kind of all.

Disadvantages: note the main drawback - this is that after the sleeper is laid out, the sofa needs to be moved some distance from the wall, otherwise it will impede the complete transformation. Yes, and the bed is not too wide - about 130 cm

Sofa with the mechanism of "click-clack"


Click-clack is usually called the analogue of the "book", however, a more advanced form. Because this type is allowed to take the sofa another position, called "relax."The back of this sofa is in the half-decomposed state, due to this, a person can dive on the sofa in a semi-sitting position, which, undoubtedly, promotes rest.

Method of unfolding: from the normal position, slightly tilt the back of the sofa, holding it by the seat, press lightly until you hear the second click, then you can lay the sofa in any of the desired positions.

Advantages: sofa can be expanded in 3 positions: lying, sitting, reclining. Quite compact size, there is a compartment for bedding, with decomposition it turns out almost a flat place for sleeping.

Disadvantages: from them you can select all those that are inherent in the sofa-book.



roll-out couch The folding mechanism is very durable and reliable due to the fact that this type is designed for frequent folding-folding.

Method of unfolding: find the strap hidden in the seat, pull it until it is fully extended.

Advantages: naturally, the reliability of this mechanism, compact dimensions, not only in a folded form, but also in the decomposed.

Disadvantages: will buy such a sofa bed, you will notice that the bed is quite low, in comparison with other types.



This type of mechanism is inherent mainly to corner sofas, and those that operate on the principle of a drawout platform. This mechanism allows this platform to hold firmly on the frame of the sofa, its movement is carried out with the help of rollers, which move along the guides located in the bottom in the box. Thanks to this, when the platform rolls out, a comfortable sofa easily transforms into a luxurious sleeper.

Method of unfolding: to decompose this mechanism is not difficult, push the pull-out part on yourself, then up, lift the mattress.

Advantages: sleeper is flat and large, easy to disassemble.

The sofa with the mechanism "eurobook"

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Very popular sofa mechanism. It has a special strength and will last for quite some time.

Way of unfolding: pull the seat towards you, at the same time gently move the backrest from the standard position to the recumbent. Everything, the bed is spread out.

Advantages: sleeper is flat, such a mechanism is very reliable, easy to unfold, there are boxes for bedding, it is possible, in comparison with other mechanisms, to put such a sofa close to the wall.

Mechanism "French clamshell"


The support of such a sofa can serve as an armor, or a belt or metal mesh. Above such a support, a tent is usually pulled from a very strong fabric, it determines the elasticity and strength of such a sofa. But it's better when the support is made of an armor. But even in this case it is worth considering that the armor should be located across, and not along the sofa.

Way of unfolding: we remove all unnecessary elements: sidushki, armrests, decorative pillows. We pull up and on itself the mechanism of such sofa. Unfold, after that the sofa can be considered decomposed.

Advantages: comfortable sofa that does not take up much space.

Disadvantages: Unfortunately, as you do not try, you can not reach a flat bed, that's why for health, with daily use, this option is not exactly what you need. This sleeper is ideal for guests. And there is no room for pastel accessories.

Mechanism "American clamshell"

Sofa Sedaflex

Otherwise, this mechanism is called - sedaflex.

Way of unfolding: pulling up, then on yourself, unfolding, after that, we set the legs - the bed is ready.

Advantages: this mechanism is considered quite strong, ideal for constant use.

Accordion mechanism


This type is ideal for sleeping. Sleeper level, comfortable, wide, high - what else is needed for sweet sleep? Lay out extremely simply, the mechanism is in the form of an accordion.

Way of unfolding: lift the seat until you hear a click, push it completely - the bed is spread out.

Advantages: is very easy to decompose.

Cons: to decompose this view, you need to stock up some space.

How to choose a sofa


When you come to the store to choose your purchase, be sure to inspect the sofa upholstery material, evaluate the quality and principle of its frame, pay attention to the soft decorative elements.

The strength of the carcass is an important factor for the sofa to serve you faithfully. Sofas of economy class are often made of pine timber, and it is of poor quality, it can be seen with the naked eye;sofas of the average price range are made from the same bar, but already the category is much higher or sometimes high-quality plywood is used;expensive luxury sofas are often performed entirely from beech, with all its parts, even those that are invisible to the eye.

It is worthwhile if the sofa is made of laminated chipboard. Such material is not suitable for a good sofa, since it is extremely short-lived. It can only be used for the laundry compartment and nowhere else.

Important! If you really came up responsibly to choosing a sofa, then do not hesitate and ask the counselor for a hygiene certificate on this sofa, and find out what's inside it.

When you come to buy a sofa, pay attention to its facing. Today, manufacturers offer a variety of options.

How to choose a lining

Sofa bed: types and photos, which lining to choose.

1. If you take a folding sofa that will be in use all the time, then it should be made only of natural materials, this will avoid allergic skin manifestations. And the durability of such furniture will be an order of magnitude higher. Pay attention to the jacquard, shenil. SDC10729-1 shapen

2. If you buy a children's sofa, then consider only the upholstery made of cotton or linen. They are the safest and most environmentally friendly. A sofa made of cotton fabric will serve you for about 5 years. That is why, we recommend you to buy immediately replaceable covers of the same material. mebel21

3. Tapestry upholstery - a good option for children's sofas. Easy to clean, natural, not often spoiled. upholstery1

4. If you select a sofa in the living room or hall, then you need to look something not modest, but at the same time resistant to wear and tear. The upholstery of such a sofa should be with synthetics. It is easy to clean in case of contamination, and it will last for a long time. p1010705

5. Material flock perfect for the living room. It is easy to clean, does not burn out, is designed to pass a large number of people. This material is good to take when there are animals in the house. The second name of this material is anti-vandal cloth. 3566532514c907006e3179

6. Micro velor is another version of the upholstery. Does not absorb dust and contaminants in itself, circulates the air well through this material. shop-furniture-fabrics

7. Velor upholstery - good thermal insulation properties. This fabric is not whimsical in use, it is easy to wash. upholstery-furniture

8. Leather upholstery. Very durable material. Durable. Clean this upholstery is easy and pleasant. It's about natural skin, of course. If you decide to choose a sofa from the skin, then be sure to consider it. The skin should not be strongly stretched on the sofa, otherwise, it can wipe off and tear over time. Spots that are not of physical origin are quite normal. upholstery-furniture-artificial-leather

Thanks to our advice, you can easily choose a sofa. But focus not only on norms and rules, but also on personal feelings. Sitting on a cozy soft place, you should be nice, comfortable and cozy.

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